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DSNLINK DSNLINKC012 DSNlink V1.2 - V1.2C for OpenVMS ECO Summary
TITLE: DSNLINK DSNLINKC012 DSNlink V1.2 - V1.2C for OpenVMS ECO Summary
Modification Date:  26-OCT-1999

NOTE:  An OpenVMS saveset or PCSI installation file is stored
       on the Internet in a self-expanding compressed file.
       The name of the compressed file will be kit_name-dcx_vaxexe
       for OpenVMS VAX or kit_name-dcx_axpexe for OpenVMS Alpha.
       Once the file is copied to your system, it can be expanded
       by typing RUN compressed_file.  The resultant file will
       be the OpenVMS saveset or PCSI installation file which
       can be used to install the ECO.
Copyright (c) Compaq Computer Corporation 1988, 1999.  All rights reserved.

PRODUCT:    DSNlink for OpenVMS 

            OpenVMS AXP/Alpha

SOURCE:     Compaq Computer Corporation


     ECO Kit Name:  DSNLINKC012
     ECO Kits Superseded by This ECO Kit:  CSCPAT_9003
     ECO Kit Approximate Size:  2754 Blocks
     Kit Applies To:  DSNlink for OpenVMS V1.2
                      OpenVMS VAX V5.2, V5.2-1, V5.3, V5.3-1,
                                  V5.3-2, V5.4, V5.4-1, V5.4-2,
                                  V5.4-3, V5.5, V5.5-1, V5.5-2,
                                  V6.0, V6.1, V6.2
                      OpenVMS AXP/Alpha V1.0, V1.5, 1.5-1H1,
                                 V6.0, V6.1, V6.1-1H1, V6.1-1H2
                                  V6.2, V6.2-1H1, V6.2-1H2, V6.2-1H3 
     System/Cluster Reboot Necessary:  No
     Rolling Re-boot Supported:  Not Applicable
     Installation Rating:  INSTALL_3
                           3 - To be installed on all systems running
                               the listed versions of DSNlink which
                               are experiencing the problems described.

     Kit Dependencies:

       The following remedial kit(s) must be installed BEFORE
       installation of this kit:


       In order to receive all the corrections listed in this
       kit, the following remedial kits should also be installed:



An ECO kit exists for DSNlink V1.2 on OpenVMS VAX V5.2 through V6.2
and OpenVMS AXP/Alpha V1.0 through V6.2-1H3.  This kit addresses the 
following problems and includes all previous remedial kits: 

  o  It was possible for an ITS SHOW DATABASE/FULL command to cause the 
     ITS server on the host to lose synchronization with the ITS client 
     causing the eventual abort of the client. 

  o  Empty files named ".LOG" (no file name, just the .LOG file type) 
     were created whenever the DSNlink modem transport was started. 

  o  Duplicate_File_Copies might occur:

     +  Problem 1: Occasionally, a File Copy or Problem Submission job 
        successfully delivered the information more than once.  This kit 
        correctly detects and recovers from this situation.

     +  Problem 2: A file copy was repeated unnecessarily if the volume 
        cluster size of the sending and receiving disks was not the same. 
        When a file copy was requeued, the sender and receiver compared 
        allocated block sizes of the files. If the sizes did not agree, 
        the File Copy application assumed the file was bad or corrupted 
        and started the transfer again. 

  o  It was possible for a File Copy or Problem Submission job to get a 
     "Bad Parameter" error and then requeue.  Each attempt to transfer 
     the information resulted in this status until the job's requeue 
     limit was reached.

  o  When a DSN COPY job failed leaving a partially copied file, and if 
     the actual amount copied was a multiple of 32 blocks, the file header 
     of the file on the receiving side could get its end-of-file block 
     incorrectly set upon the next retry of the job. This caused the 
     job to restart from the very first block because another part of the 
     code detected the corruption and began recovery.

  o  If the ITS PRINT command was entered and the destination print queue 
     did not exist, ITS aborted with an access violation. 

  o  Versions of ITS clients prior to Version 1.2 could see a nonessential 
     character, such as an asterisk or a percent sign, preceding a database 
     description when a SHOW DATABASE XXX command was done. 

  o  If a user without sufficient privileges to access the transaction log 
     file ran a DSNlink application, an error occurred when DSNlink tried 
     to close the log file when the user exited the application. A security 
     alarm was also tripped if security auditing was enabled for failed

  o  The DSNlink Transaction Log File Formatter utility, 
     DSN$FORMAT_TRANSACTION_LOG.COM, could enter a state in which it 
     looped indefinitely, displaying DCL errors.  

  o  The application server log files for incoming DSNlink X.25 
     connections had been written to the SYS$SYSTEM directory. This kit 
     has the files placed in the DSN$LOGS directory.

  o  DSNlink sites that use the DSNlink DECnet or DSNlink X.25 transport 
     did not receive the remote system's termination status reason if the 
     remote site aborted the connection. 

  o  The DSNlink Transaction Log File Formatter utility,
     DSN$FORMAT_TRANSACTION_LOG.COM, did not correctly clean up after 
     itself when it was aborted with a Ctrl/Y. 

  o  The deferred hangup time for DSNlink file copies across the DSNlink 
     modem transport has been increased to 1½ minutes. This generally will 
     improve the timeliness of responses to problem submissions.

  o  If an application link terminated for an incoming connection that 
     specified a deferred hangup time, and no other coexistent application 
     links were known to the line manager, then the line hangup deferral 
     occurred but the line manager did not recognize this state, causing
     the next outgoing connect attempt to select an alternate line. 
     Although this problem is only apparent on host nodes, it could be 
     forced to occur on nonhost nodes.

  o  When the SAVE/ALL command was done twice in DSN VTX, a VTX protocol 
     error could occur. 

  o  DSN COPY creates a new file version if it fails.  This problem was 
     a side effect of the problem corrected by ECO B16b.

  o  The server for the REGISTER application just aborted the connection 
     when it was done, instead of performing an orderly shutdown. This 
     caused an additional exchange of "unexpected termination" messages 
     to be initiated by the REGISTER client.  Although this exchange did 
     not cause any noticeable problems, this kit corrects this behavior.

  o  The protection on the DSN$COPY_DIRECTORY directory should have G:RE 
     protection, not G:RWE protection. This kit changes the protection on 
     this directory.

  o  If a user had the SET VERIFY state enabled and then entered a DSN VTX 
     command, part of the command file that invokes the VTX client was 

  o  The kit installation procedure built a startup file on DCN nodes that 
     incorrectly defined the DSN_COMMUNICATIONS_NODE symbol to DSN$CURNODE. 
     This ECO kit creates a new startup file containing this correction.

  o  Your DSN$STARTUP.COM is modified by this ECO kit to check for the 
     SYSLCK privilege.

  o  If 127 resource paths were defined for a DSNlink DECnet Gateway 
     connection to a single resource name, and none of these 127 paths 
     were available, the connection failed with an invalid index error 
     instead of a resource-not-available error. 

  o  It was possible for an incorrect highlighting map to be used when 
     applying the highlights to your ITS document under these conditions: 
     a document read from an ITS database was read a second time from 
     internal cache after reading intervening documents; the database 
     you had open was remotely served by your DSNlink Host from
     somewhere else (not coresident with the host); and you
     used keyword highlighting when reading the documents.

  o  Under circumstances similar to ECO B126, text lines returned from the 
     ITS server could be cached at inappropriate relative positions in the 
     cache list.

  o  Because the File Copy application does not permit files to be copied 
     from another node, the application contains a test for the presence 
     of a node name. If present, the error NODNAMNOTALLOW is issued. 
     However, the check did not always work, and this error was not issued 
     at times.  Instead, the file copy aborted with an unrelated error.

  o  Incoming DSNlink mail is handled by DSN$MAIL_xx subprocesses on your 
     system.  Those subprocesses could enter an infinite loop if they 
     received certain incorrectly formatted destination mail addresses. 

  o  An internal hash table initialization problem caused sporadic network 
     link failures, such as "unknown link" errors or "change cipher key" 
     requests.  These errors always resulted in premature link aborts or 
     prevented the establishment of new links. 

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