From: Ulrich Pfeifer doesn't work with Touche PAd ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Double click on a builder to make it build two bridges unattended (non-stop). You're not having much fun when you're waiting for a builder to stop so you can click it again. This might be problematic if you're clicking frantically and accidentally click a builder twice or thrice, you might waste a lot of builds and get a bridge far too high. Perhaps holding down the mouse button on a builder would be a better way. Be able to select only Pingus travelling in a particular direction. One of the things in Lemmings I found most annoying was that in some levels you were expected to bash through an object with a mob of lemmings, half the time you ended up bashing in the wrong direction. This would also be useful for other actions, except digging and blocking. I suppose this could alter gameplay but I can't think of an example. Selecting neither direction preferentially would have uses too, if you really want to select that digger/faller/blocker but not anyone else. I think Lemmings does this by default anyway. This could be shown in the interface as two toggle buttons with a Pingu walking in the appropriate direction. Fast forward, of course. GIBS!! Take a leaf out of the Quake book. Amiga Lemmings had ~30 single pixel gibs each. In these times of monstrous contraptions like Pentium 133s, we should at least have 5 4x4 gibs per Pingu or so. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- One of the funniest things in Lemmings was The Armageddon Button. In my sick little mind, I have been imagining a Pingus equvalent where all the Pingus would countdown, balloon up and: a) Explode like normal, scattering Pingu chunks about b) Split down the middle and spill their guts amusingly (could be a way to reduce CPU usage if there are too many gib sprites to handle) c) Their heads pop off d) Spring a small leak, skyrocket into the air, and then burst like a firework. Maybe a nice touch would be on rare occasions counting down the very last Pingu, then... leaving it completely unharmed. (fade to black and start the game again) I'm expecting someone to complain that Pingus should be a gentle child-friendly game (I suppose there could be a horde of little kiddies with their new Corel My Little Linux distrubutions ready to be morally corrupted by humourous slapstick gore) so putting a Disturbing GFX/Wholesome GFX switch in the options might be necessary. Even if only to disude the makers of the Pingus TV program from sueing Ingo. What's the plan in that situation anyway? Does the GPL protect us or something? Do we just change the name? Does Ingo have friends in high places!? : )