* Can currently set all actions on falling Pingus - eg blocker on falling! Maybe have a state mask for each action - eg ( pingu_action_can_set = PINGUS_STATE_FALLING && PINGUS_STATE_WATER) to mean that action can be set when falling or in water... * Blockers should allow other pingus to slip off them-currently they just fall and get stuck between the blockers two arms. * You should probably get rid of any references to Lemmings or Worms in the source and documents, just to be on the safe side of WIPO's evil influence. Now for the fun bit Wishlist items: * Update background with actions * Have the fan out of Lemmings 2 - it was fun blowing them about! * Make the deaths more exciting! Armageddon button! * Is it currently possible to scroll in a level? * Maybe have a mode where you directly control 1 pingu, sort of like a platform game, but sort of not.... Specific the direction of ClanLib