Command syntax Access level Description
HELP Normal Will return basic info
INFO /<channame>/ Normal Will return basic channel information
REGISTER <channame> <founder> Server moderator Will register channel <channame> to user <founder>
UNREGISTER <channame> Channel founder Will unregister the channel (ChanServ will no longer monitor this channel)
CHANGEFOUNDER /<channame>/ <newfounder> Channel founder Will set channel's founder to the specified user
ADDSTATIC <channame> Server moderator Will add channel <channame> to static channel list
REMOVESTATIC <channame> Server moderator Will remove channel <channame> from static channel list
SPAMPROTECTION /<channame>/ <on|off> Channel founder If <on|off> is 'on', anti-spam protection will get enabled, if 'off', it will get disabled. Disabled by default.
SPAMPROTECTION /<channame>/ Normal Will tell if anti-spam protection for this channel is enabled or not.
SPAMSETTINGS /<channame>/ {settings} Channel founder With this command you can set certain modifiers for the anti-spam protection that is used with your channel. "settings" argument must contain 4 multipliers separated by space.
  • First modifier is an unsigned integer which defines the "penalty limit" - when penalty points reach this limit, user will get muted.
  • Second modifier is an unsigned integer which defines the length (in characters) of a "long message". Long messages are assigned extra penalty points when issued by the user.
  • The third modifier is unsigned float value telling how much penalty points should be assigned to normal messages issued by a user. Everytime user says something in the channel, he is assigned this value.
  • The fourth modifier is an unsigned float value telling how much extra penalty points should be assigned for long messages (defined by the second modifier).
  • The fifth modifier is an unsigned float value telling how much extra penalty points should be assigned for "doubled" messages, that is if user sends message that is same as his previous message, it will get assigned these extra penalty points.
Each second 1 penalty point is reduced from every user. If number of penalty points reaches 'penality limit' (defined by first modifier), user is automatically muted for 15 minutes. Note that extra penalty points (defined by 4th and 5th modifiers) are added on top of "normal points" (defined by 3rd modifier). For example if normal modifier is 1 and extra modifier for long messages is 0.5 and extra modifier for doubled messages is 0.5, user would get assigned 1.5 penalty points in case it sends too long message, and 2.0 in case the message is too long and same as previous message.

Also note that all float values should use dot (.) as a delimiter, although you can use whole numbers as well. This regex describes the exact format of settings string:
"^\d+ \d+ [0-9]*\.?[0-9]+ [0-9]*\.?[0-9]+ [0-9]*\.?[0-9]+$"
An example:
!spamsettings 5 200 1 0.5 0.5
OP /<channame>/ <username> Channel founder Adds <username> to channel's operator list
DEOP /<channame>/ <username> Channel founder Removes <username> from channel's operator list
TOPIC /<channame>/ {topic} Channel operator Sets the topic for channel <channame> (use no argument for topic to disable it)
CHANMSG /<channame>/ {message} Channel founder Prints the message in the channel via CHANNELMESSAGE command.
LOCK /<channame>/ <key> Channel operator Locks the channel with <key> (only users who supply the correct key can join the channel)
UNLOCK /<channame>/ Channel operator Will unlock previously locked channel
KICK /<channame>/ <username> [{reason}] Channel operator Will kick <username> from the channel (reason is optional parameter)
MUTE /<channame>/ <username> [<duration>] Channel operator Will mute <username> in the channel. Duration is in seconds. If no duration is specified, user is muted for indefinite time (i.e. until he is unmuted)
UNMUTE /<channame>/ <username> Channel operator Will unmute <username> in the channel.
MUTELIST /<channame>/ Channel operator Will list all usernames that are currently muted in this channel.
SHUTDOWN [{reason}] Server moderator Will shut down the bot displaying quit message (reason) via SAYEX command.


