skipstone-0.8.2rc3: description + notes

fw_skipstone 0.8.2rc3
           name:  Skipstone
        version:  0.8.2
       platform:  IRIX 6.5
           arch:  mips3 n32

       requires:  fw_glib
                  fw_mozilla 1.0rc3 or 1.0 <--- IMPORTANT ... **


# ---------------------------------------------------------------

  ** from the official Skipstone website:

  SkipStone is a Gtk+ Web Browser that embeds Mozilla's
  rendering component Gecko.  It aims to be light and fast
  with few dependencies.

  SkipStone is currently under heavy development, but its
  progressing quickly and coming along nicely. It provides
  a nice and simple configurable interface, bookmarks and
  all of the other mandantory browsing features.

  Downloading is handled by SkipDownload by default, a Gtk+
  frontend to the famous web downloading utility wget. However,
  if you prefer to use other download utilities / managers,
  this option is configurable.

  Mail and external url handlers are also handled by external
  applications which can be configured to the users choice,
  leaving SkipStone to do what it does best - browsing.

# ---------------------------------------------------------------

  ** sources for IRIX are available here:

Desktop Apps Team

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