When saving files in Microsoft Word 97 (from Office 97), the following error message appears:
This is not a valid file name.
Try one or more of the following:
* check the path to make sure it was typed correctly
* select a file from the list of files and folders
This happens only under the following conditions:
The drive you save to is map rooted and the path contains a long directory name anywhere in the path, for example, MAP ROOT H:=DUS-CEN3/U04:/PersonalDirectory\LongDirectoryName
The error does not occur when:
- the map rooted path does not contain long names
- the directory you save to does not contain long names
File History:
The 1/27/99 build of mixmodfx.nlm (v1.04) allows a volume to be mounted if a subdirectory named PIPE is created on a NetWare volume.
The 2/19/99 build of mixmodfx.nlm addresses some issues that could cause the file server to abend.
The 3/31/99 build of mixmodfx.nlm (v1.05) fixes an issue where the server hangs.
The 7/09/99 build of mixmodfx.nlm (v1.07) fixes additional server hangs and now works with 4.11 SFT III.
The 9/15/99 build of mixmodfx.nlm (v1.08) improves performance of a specific file or directory search (NCP 87 3) in a directory with a large number of files.