Technical Information Document
DLL Loader for Netware 4.11 - TID2941522 (last modified 26AUG1998)
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loaddll1.exe; 111722 bytes; Date/Time: 08-26-1998/04:13PM


LOADERXT.NLM v0.02b allows the NetWare 4.11 kernel to accept
registration of loader extension modules. Loader extensions allow
non-NLM executable formats to load on NetWare, just as NLM modules
load. This loader registration capability is built into NetWare 5.

PELDR.NLM v1.00a is a loader extension for loading PE (Portable
Executable) modules on NetWare. These modules are better known
as NetWare DLLs.

PEDLL.DLL v1.00a is auto-loaded by PELDR.NLM.


Included in this file is the TOOLBOX.DLL example.

TOOLBOX.DLL (Demonstration DLL)
Version 2.00b (for NetWare 4 & 5)
Copyright (C) 1997,1998 Novell, Inc.
All Rights Reserved



TOOLBOX.DLL v2.00b is built from the same source as TOOLBOX.NLM v2.00, and was build as a demonstration of the robustness of the DLL loader (PELDR) for NetWare 4.11 and 5. The only code modification needed was a compiler specific pragma and a 64 bit integer data type; all other code worked as written.

TOOLBOX is a utility toolbox for NetWare 4 and 5 servers, providing various dos-like commands at the console.



Copy TOOLBOX.DLL into SYS:SYSTEM on the server.



Loading PELDR: (need only be done once after reboot)
     pmload LOADERXT (NetWare 4.11 only)
     load PELDR

Loading TOOLBOX.DLL: (After PELDR is loaded)
     load TOOLBOX.DLL

After loading TOOLBOX:

  General Help:
  A command listing is done with the command:

  For help on the commands provided by Toolbox, type:
     <CommandName> ? or /?



TOOLBOX is a collection of utilities that can be used at the server console, or executed from NCF files. All utilities, except where specified, allow operations on the local DOS partition, the local server's Volumes, and remote server's Volumes.

The utilities provided by Toolbox are:

auth - Manage authentication/connection information
beep - Ring the bell (no help available)
chdir (cd) - Set/View current directory or default path
copy (cp) - Copy utility
del (rm) - Delete utility
delay - Delay command
dir (ls) - Directory utility
echo - Echo a string to the console (no help available)
flag - Flag and attribute utility
map - Alias mapping
mkdir (md) - Make Directory utility
move (mv) - Move utility (alias for COPY /MS)
purge - Purge deleted files
rmdir (rd) - Remove Directory utility
shutdown - Shutdown and restart the server
startfile - Edit the Startup file (see help in newly created file)
    Startfile Only Commands:
    CDV4 - Allow the CD alias in NetWare 4.x. (See CD help)
    NONS - Disable long name space support
    NSV4 - Enable long name space on v4.x (with Support Pack 6)
tapplet - Start a Java applet
texp - Export (copy) Toolbox.DLL and all associated files
tjava - Start a Java application
tload - Load a NetWare module
tmodules - List loaded NetWare modules
trun - Execute an NCF file
tunload - Unload a NetWare module
toolbox - Toolbox main help
tools - Toolbox Command List (this screen)
type (cat) - Display file(s) on the screen
xtd,xtb,dtx - Hex, Decimal and Binary conversion

Authentication management utility - auth (v1.2)

USAGE: auth [BinderyServer | Tree [Username [Password]] [options]]
              SAVE | LOAD [filename]
        authset (alias)

             Server = Server name (can include wildcards if listing)
             Username = User object for authen. to Tree or Bindery server.
                          NDS users must be fully qualified from [Root]:
                          e.g. .bryan.devsup.provo.novell
             Password = Password for above user (Enter "" for no password)
                          or omit to be prompted.
             Options = preface option(s) with '-' or '/' (e.g. -bsa)
                          b - Entry specifies a Bindery connection
                          c - List connection table (all if no name specified)
                          d - delete one entry (if server/tree is specified)
                              or all entries (if not specified)
                          c - List connection table (all if no name specified)
                          m - Used only with LOAD which merges the current
                              entries with the ones being loaded.
                              Otherwise all current entries are removed.
                          o - logOut entry (or logout all if entry is omitted)

             filename = A file to save/load an authentication profile
                          The directory must already exist. Even though
                          the file is encrypted, it is suggested to place
                          it in SYS:SYSTEM for security purposes.

          - Authentication information is used by TOOLBOX utilities
            when authentication is required. If the AUTH table doesn't
            contain the auth info needed, it will be prompted for.
          - If Username has no password, specify ""
          - If password is omitted, it will be prompted for
          - If adding an entry that already exists, the original
            will be overwritten without warning.
          - If no file is specified with SAVE or LOAD, the default profile
            name is used: SYS:SYSTEM/TBOXAUTH.DAT
          - All AUTH table entries are automatically saved upon exiting
            TOOLBOX, and are restored upon loading TOOLBOX.
            This is done before any startup commands are executed so it
            can be overwritten with an AUTH LOAD command in the STARTFILE.
          - AUTH LOAD without the /m (merge) switch, will logout
            all current connections to prepare for the new table.

        NDS Connections:
            To specify an NDS connection you need only provide
            authentication information for the tree. TOOLBOX will
            automatically use those credentials when communication
            with a server in that tree is requested.

        Bindery Connections:
            Bindery connections are specified with the /b option.
            If the /b option is omitted, the entry is assumed to be a tree.

        Auth Examples:
          - AUTH mytree .bamund.devsup.novell (add a tree entry)
          - AUTH mysrvr supervisor /b (add a bindery server entry)
          - AUTH (list all entries in the auth table)
          - AUTH mytree (list a single entry)
          - AUTH my* (list all matching entries)
          - AUTH mytree /d (delete all 'mytree' entries)
          - AUTH /d (delete all auth entries)
          - AUTH /c (list the current active connections)
          - AUTH mytree /o (logout of mytree and all its servers)
          - AUTH /o (logout of all trees and servers)

BEEP Help:
USAGE: beep

        Rings the beell

CD Help:
Change/View Current Directory utility - chdir (v1.4)

USAGE: chdir [Path]
        cd (NetWare 5 only. See Known Issues below)

             Path = [servername/]VolOrDrive:[path]
                        = ..[/][...]
                        = may include spaces and wildcards

          - When set, "Path" will be prepended to all filespec and path
            arguments that do not include a colon
          - cd with no parameters will display the current path
          - Set the default path to LocalServer/SYS: by doing: cd ""
          - Any number of dots can be used to go back n - 1 directories
          - Wildcards (*) may be specified for directory completion
          - Supports LONG name space on NetWare 5 local server only.
          - Quotes are allowed but not required in the path for
            directories with spaces
          - AUTH information is used for all authen. (See AUTH)

        Known Issues:
          - CD is a reserved command on NetWare 4 (CDROM.NLM)
            so the CD alias is not active by default. If CDROM.NLM
            is not used, you may use CD on NetWare 4 by specifying
            in the startup file: CDV4 (See STARTFILE)

COPY Help:
Copy/Move utility - copy (v1.5)

USAGE: copy SourceSpec [DestPath] [options]
        move (same as: copy /ms)
        cp (same as: copy)
        mv (save as: move)

             SourceSpec = [servername/]VolOrDrive:["]path["]/filespec
             DestPath = [servername/]VolOrDrive:["]path["][/file]
             Options = preface option(s) with '-' or '/' (ie. -bsa)
                          a - do not copy DOS & NetWare Attributes
                          d - copy empty subDirectories
                          e - do not remove Empty dirs during a move
                          l - Log activity summary to the file:
                              TBOX$ACT.LOG in the destination directory
                          m - Move file/dirs (delete original after copy)
                          r - overwrite Read-only files (on NetWare partitions)
                          s - copy filespec in current dir and all subdirs
                          v - Verbose mode
                          q - Quiet mode

          - Works with DOS partition on local server
          - Keeps activity log for auditing purposes
          - Interrupt copy with Ctl-C
          - Supports Long name space copying between two local
            volumes on NetWare 5 only
          - Quotes are required in the path for directories with spaces
          - AUTH information is used for all authen. (See AUTH)

        Limitations/Known Issues:
          - No wildcards are allowed in destination filespec
          - Trustees and extended attributes are not copied
          - Files copied to the DOS partition will not preserve attributes
          - Overwrite Read-only files is not supported on any DOS Partitions
          - Max recursive depth for subdirectory copies is 15
          - DestPath may only be omitted if both are true below:
              * No username and password are specified
              * A current directory is set with CHDIR
          - Empty subdirs are always copied from the DOS partition. (See /e)
          - With Move, the /s switch is active only when Moving a directory.
            This conforms to the typical move specification.

          - If the destination file exists,
            it will be overwritten without warning.

DEL Help:
Delete utility - del (v1.5)

USAGE: del FileSpec [options]

             FileSpec = [servername/]VolOrDrive:path[/filespec]
             Options = preface option(s) with '-' or '/' (ie. -bsa)
                          s - delete filespec in current and all subdirs and
                              remove any empty subdirectories when completed
                          e - will not remove Empty subdirs (used with /s)
                          q - Quiet mode
                          r - Do not delete Read-only files
                          v - Verbose mode
                          y - Suppress delete confirmation

          - Deletes the files specified with filespec
          - If a directory is specified with the /s option, it will be removed
            as well as all files and subdirs beneath it unless /e is used
          - Removes read-only files by default (use /r to preserve them)

          - Supports LONG name space on NetWare 5 local server only
          - Works with DOS partition on local server
          - Quotes are required in the path for directories with spaces
          - AUTH information is used for all authen. (See AUTH)

        Limitations/Known Issues:
          - Max recursive depth for /s option is 15
          - Cannot delete Read-only files from DOS Partitions

Delay/Pause the command prompt - delay (v1.1)

USAGE: delay [mseconds]

             mseconds = number of milliseconds to delay

          - To hold the command prompt from executing any other commands
            for a specified delay time
          - Useful in NCF files to pseudo-synchronize commands
          - If mseconds is not specified, delay the default of 1000ms (1 sec)

          - You cannot break out of delay once it has started
DIR Help:
Dir utility - dir (v1.5)

USAGE: dir [FileSpec] [options]

             FileSpec = [servername/]VolOrDrive:[path/filespec]
             Options = preface option(s) with '-' or '/' (ie. -bsa)
                          c - Continuous listing
                          d - list Directories only
                          n - list DOS Name space names
                          s - search Subdirectories for filespec
                          t - list Totals only
                          v - Verbose mode
                          w - Wide listing

          - If no filespec is specified, a directory of the
            path specified by Chdir is listed.
            Chdir path is set to the root of SYS: by default.
          - AUTH information is used for all authen. (See AUTH)
          - Supports LONG name space on NetWare 5 local server only
          - Quotes are required in the path for directories with spaces

          - Works with DOS partition on local server

        Limitations/Known Issues:
          - Will not report available space on the DOS partition
          - Max recursive depth for subdirectory listings is 15

ECHO Help:
USAGE: echo [["]string["]]
             string = Any string to echo to the console
                          Quotes are optional.

FLAG Help:
Flag utility - flag (v1.0)

USAGE: flag [[FileSpec] [[+|-]attribs] [/options]]

             FileSpec = [servername/]VolOrDrive:[path/filespec]
             Attribs = + sets (default), - clears
                          DOS Attributes
                          N - Normal (clear all attributes)
                          R - Read only
                          H - Hidden
                          Y - sYstem
                          A - Archive

                          NetWare Attributes
                          T - Transaction
                          P - immediate Purge
                          S - Sharable
                          D - Delete inhibit
                          C - Copy inhibit
                          E - rEname inhibit
                          O - don't cOmpress
                          I - Immediately compress
                          B - don't suBallocate

            Options = preface option(s) with '/' (ie. /sv)
                         c - Continuous listing
                         s - search Subdirectories for filespec
                         v - Verbose mode

         - Provides limited capabilities for setting file attributes
         - If no filespec is specified, a directory of the
           path specified by Chdir is listed.
           Chdir path is set to the root of SYS: by default.
         - AUTH information is used for all authen. (See AUTH)
         - Supports LONG name space on NetWare 5 local server only
         - Quotes are required in the path for directories with spaces
         - If a directory name is specified, all files in the directory
           will be listed/modified

       Limitations/Known Issues:
         - Max recursive depth for subdirectories is 15
         - Will not set attributes on DOS partitions
         - Will not set directory attributes

MAP Help:
Map utility - map (v1.0)

USAGE: map [Alias:[=[Server/]Vol|Drive:[path]] [options]]
             SAVE | LOAD [filename]

             Alias = Alias name used to refer to resource.
                          Can be up to 15 characters in length.
             Server = Server name
             Vol = Volume name or DOS drive letter
             Path = Directory Path or File (. for current dir.)
             Options = preface option(s) with '-' or '/' (e.g. -bsa)
                          c - Continuous listing
                          d - delete one entry (if alias is specified)
                              or all entries (if none specified)
                          m - Used only with LOAD which merges the current
                              entries with the ones being loaded.
                              Otherwise all current entries are removed.
                          s - Do not append a / to the end of the path.
                              This is used for aliases to files.

             filename = A file to save/load a map profile
                          The directory must already exist.

          - If adding an entry that already exists, the original
            will be overwritten without warning.
          - If no file is specified with SAVE or LOAD, the default profile
            name is used: SYS:SYSTEM/TBOXMAP.DAT
          - All MAP table entries are automatically saved upon exiting
            TOOLBOX, and are restored upon loading TOOLBOX.
            This is done before any startup commands are executed so it
            can be overwritten with a MAP LOAD command in the STARTFILE.
          - Supports LONG name space on NetWare 5 local server only
          - Quotes are required in the path for directories with spaces
          - Mappings are not verified for validity. This prevents
            connections from being established merely because a map
            entry exists to a server. TOOLBOX establishes connections
            only when operations are performed on that server.
          - The alias value automatically has a / appended to it
            unless the /s option is specified, allowing file aliases.

          - map mydir:=edward_ii/vol1:users/bamund
          - map silauto:=silicon/sys:system/autoexec.ncf /s
          - map mydir: /d

MD Help:
Make Directory utility - mkdir (v1.3)

USAGE: mkdir Directory

             Directory = [servername/]VolOrDrive:path

          - Will create all non-existant directories in the path
          - Supports LONG name space on NetWare 5 local server only
          - Quotes are accepted but not required in the path
            for directories with spaces.
          - AUTH information is used for all authen. (See AUTH)

MOVE Help:
        See COPY Help.

Purge utility - purge (v1.7)

USAGE: purge [Path] [options]

             Path = [servername/]Volume:[path[/filespec]]
             Options = preface option(s) with '-' or '/' (ie. -bsa)
                          a - purge files in directory and all subdirs
                          d=nn - don't purge files deleted less than nn days
                          q - Quiet mode
                          v - Verbose mode

          - Purges (permanently removes) all files in Path
          - If Path is omitted, all files in the current directory
            from Chdir are purged

          - AUTH information is used for all authen. (See AUTH)

        Limitations/Known Issues:
          - Max recursive depth for /a option is 15
          - Support only DOS name space names

RD Help:
Remove Directory utility - rmdir (v1.4)

USAGE: rmdir Directory

             Directory = [servername/]VolOrDrive:path

          - Supports LONG name space on NetWare 5 local server only
          - Quotes are accepted but not required in the path
            for directories with spaces.
          - AUTH information is used for all authen. (See AUTH)

          - Will only remove the directory if it is empty. See "DEL /S"

Down Server utility - ShutDown (v1.3)

USAGE: ShutDown [Server] [options]

             Server = Servername of server to down (local if none)
             Options = preface option(s) with '-' or '/' (ie. -bsa)
                          f - Force Server Down even if there are
                              open files
                          q - Do not prompt for confirmation.

                          LOCAL SERVER ONLY OPTIONS:
                          r - Restart the server after it is down
                          s - reSet server (NetWare 5 only)

          - ShutDown allows you to force the server DOWN, even if files
            are open, without having to be at the console to confirm it.
          - If the Force option is not specified and files are open,
            ShutDown will print an error and return to the prompt.
          - Restart (/r) is the default behavior on NetWare 5
          - Reset server reboots the machine (NetWare 5 only)

USAGE: Startfile
          - Edits the startup file which is executed when toolbox loads
          - Only certain commands are valid for the startup file,
            execute the TOOLS command for that list.
            If an invalid command is placed in the file,
            Toolbox will report the error upon startup.
          - Load TOOLBOX with the /NS switch to not execute the startup file
          - Comments for the startup file include: # ; REM
          - This documentation is also found in the startfile file itself.
          - The startfile name is: sys:system/tbox.cfg
          - Special Startfile only commands are:
                NONS - Disables long name space support
                CDV4 - Allows the CD command to be registered on 4.x
                       which is not registered by default so it doesn't
                       conflict with the CDROM NLM.
                NSV4 - Enables long name space support on 4.x. It is
                       disabled by default on 4.x because of CLIB bugs
                       but should be corrected in Support Pack 6.
          - Startfile documentation is placed in a newly created file.
            If you want the above docs in your startfile, remove it,
            and reload Toolbox.

T[exec]... Help:
Load/Unload/Execute Server Modules - (v1.0)

USAGE: TLoad [Server/vol:path/]Module [Parameters]
        TUnload [Server:]Module
        TModules [Server:][ModuleSpec]
        TRun [Server:]NCFFile [Parameters]
        TJava [-options] Class [Class Options]
        TApplet [-debug] [-J<runtime flag>] URL|File

             TLoad - Same parameters as the LOAD command
             TUnload - A loaded module
             TModules - A module name or module spec may be specified
             TRun - Any parameters for executing an NCF file
             TJava - For parameters see: java -help | java -nwhelp
             TApplet - For parameters see: help applet
                        -cp<path to append to classpath> (TJava only)
                            This option allows you to easily append
                            a path (or paths separated by ;)
                            to the existing classpath in ENVSET.
                            This should not be used with -classpath.

             - Texec commands use the current directory (set by CD)
               to provide path information for executing modules
               or Java applications/applets.
               Texec commands do NOT use the OS search paths.
             - TLoad allows you to load a server module from the
               current directory without the need to specify a path
               to the module. A full path may be specified if desired.
             - TUnload will unload a server module on a specified server,
               or the server in the current directory.
             - TModules will list modules on a specified server,
               or the server in the current directory.
             - TRun allows you to run an NCF file from the
               current directory without the need to specify a path
               to the file. A full path may be specified if desired.
             - TJava works the same as executing a Java application
               using the JAVA command, except that TJava automatically
               inserts the current directory into the classpath.
               One custom option: -cp<classpath> is available to
               easily append a path (or paths separated by ;) to the
               existing classpath variable in ENVSET. Basically
               this option is the same as specifying:
                 -classpath $CLASSPATH;<classpath>.
               The -cp option cannot be used with -classpath.
               Requires JAVA.NLM to be loaded.
             - TApplet works the same as executing a Java applet
               using the APPLET command, except that TApplet uses the
               current directory as the path to the HTML file, if
               a URL is not specified.
               Requires JAVA.NLM to be loaded.

             - TJava and TApplet do not work for remote servers

             - TLOAD:
                    cd vol1:mynlms
                    tload test
                    tload joeserver/sys:mynlms/test
             - TUNLOAD:
                    cd jimserver/sys:
                    tunload monitor
                    tunload joeserver:monitor
             - TRUN:
                    cd vol1:myncfs
                    trun doit
                    trun joeserver/sys:myncfs/test
             - TMODULES:
                    cd joeserver/sys:
                    tmodules mo*
                    tmodules joeserver:mo*
             - TJAVA:
                    cd sys:java/demos
                    tjava mydemo
                    tjava -cp<append to classpath> <classname>
                    tjava -classpath <a custom classpath> <classname>
             - TAPPLET:
                    cd sys:java/applets
                    tapplet myapplet

TEXP Help:
Toolbox Environment Export Utility - texp (v1.0)

USAGE: texp destDir

            DestDir = Directory to copy Toolbox.DLL and related files

          - Toolbox.DLL uses various files to store and retrieve
            necessary information such as Authentication, Map,
            and Startup data.

            This utility provides a quick way to copy all current
            files that toolbox needs for its current environment
            to a specified location, such as another Server.

          - IMPORTANT: In order for Toolbox to work properly, all exported
            files must be placed in SYS:SYSTEM on the destination server.
            Also be sure that TOOLBOX is not loaded on the destination
            server or the new Authentation and Map data files will be
            overwritten when Toolbox unloads. (See TUNLOAD)

USAGE: toolbox [?][/?]

        Displays the main toolbox help screen and copyright


USAGE: tools [?][/?]

        Displays the command list screen.


TYPE Help:
Type utility - type (v1.4)

USAGE: type FileSpec [options]

             FileSpec = [servername/]VolOrDrive:path/filespec
             Options = preface option(s) with '-' or '/' (ie. -bsa)
                          c - Continuous display

          - View the contents of text files on the screen

          - Accepts wildcards for viewing multiple files
          - Works with DOS partition on local server
          - Supports LONG name space on NetWare 5 local server only
          - Quotes are required in the path for directories with spaces
          - AUTH information is used for all authen. (See AUTH)

Hex, Decimal and Binary conversion

USAGE: XTD <hex number> (convert hex to decimal)
        XTB <hex number> (convert hex to binary)
        DTX <decimal num> (convert decimal to hex)


LOADERXT.NLM (Loader Extension Patch for NetWare 4.11)
Version 0.02b
Copyright (C) 1998 Novell, Inc.
All Rights Reserved

PELDR.NLM (DLL Loader Extension for NetWare 4 & 5)
Version 1.00a

PEDLL.DLL (DLL Loader Extension library)
Version 1.00a


I. Abstract
II. Installation Instructions
III. Usage
IV. Product Description
V. Enhancements/Bug Fixes
VI. Known Issues
VII. Frequently Asked Questions



LOADERXT.NLM v0.02b allows the NetWare 4.11 kernel to accept
registration of loader extension modules. Loader extensions allow
non-NLM executable formats to load on NetWare, just as NLM modules
load. This loader registration capability is built into NetWare 5.

PELDR.NLM v1.00a is a loader extension for loading PE (Portable
Executable) modules on NetWare. These modules are better known
as NetWare DLLs.

PEDLL.DLL v1.00a is auto-loaded by PELDR.NLM.

For questions on this beta product, please send email to:
and place the words "DLL Loader" somewhere in the subject.

The DLLSDK allows you to write NetWare DLLs using Microsoft VC 5,
and Borland C v5.02. See the web site at:


Copy the following into SYS:SYSTEM on the server:

Note: Loaderxt.nlm is a patch for NetWare 4.11 that requires
the patch manager (PK411) from Support Pack 5 or greater.



Loading the patch: (NetWare 4.11 only)
     pmload LOADERXT

Loading the DLL Loader extension:
     load PELDR

After loading these two modules, a NetWare DLL can
be loaded by specifying the DLL module name (with extension):
     load module.DLL

Unloading the patch:
     pmunload LOADERXT

Unloading the DLL Loader extension:
     unload PEDLL

     NOTE: We unload PEDLL and not PELDR



A loader extension allows NetWare to load nlm-NLM format
modules. In order for the loader extension to have to
ability to register with the OS loader, the kernel must
be made able to accept loader extensions.

This extensibility is built-in to NetWare 5, but doesn't
exist on NetWare 4.11. LOADERXT.NLM is an OS patch that
provides this functionality for NetWare 4.11.

The only loader extension available today is PELDR to
allow NetWare DLLs to be loaded. A NetWare DLL is built
from the same source code as an NLM, but can be built using
Microsoft and Borland compilers, allowing developers a
greater freedom of choice in development platforms.





General Issues:




Self-Extracting File Name:  loaddll1.exe

Files Included       Size   Date         Time    Version   Checksum

  LOADDLL1.TXT      35020   08-26-1998   04:09PM
  LOADERXT.NLM       6760   05-22-1998   02:57PM
     PEDLL.DLL      17408   07-20-1998   07:00AM
     PELDR.NLM      37840   07-20-1998   07:00AM
   TOOLBOX.DLL     110080   08-21-1998   06:03PM
Document Title: DLL Loader for Netware 4.11
Document ID: 2941522
Creation Date: 25AUG1998
Modified Date: 26AUG1998
Document Revision: 2
Novell Product Class: NetWare
Novell Product and Version: NetWare 4.11


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