Technical Information Document
312PTd.EXE; NetWare 3.12 Updates - TID2936137 (last modified 22NOV1999)
2936137 2936137
associated file

Click filename to download:
312ptd.exe; 168258 bytes; Date/Time: 03-18-1998/04:52PM


This file contains the operating system patches for NetWare 3.12.

Changes since 312PTc.EXE - Removed the NTBIOFIX.NLM


For detailed information on the fix information reference TIDs 2934544 & 2934545.



1. Extract the file on the SYS Volume.
2. At the server console prompt type "LOAD PATCH312".
3. At the prompt select "Copy OS Patches to Server".
4. At the prompt to Enter Patch Source Path type SYS:312PTC. (Or directory path where the file was extracted.)
5. Select EXIT when the file copy is finished.
6. DOWN and EXIT the server and restart.

When installing a patch kit using PATCH312.NLM, all files copied to the DOS partition will not retain the original file date and time. All files copied will obtain the current date and time. However, the "MODULES" console command will display the correct date and time as well as version of the modules.


Self-Extracting File Name:  312ptd.exe

Files Included       Size   Date         Time    Version   Checksum

    312PTD.TXT       6985   03-18-1998   04:51PM
  PATCH312.NLM      17699   02-05-1998   11:18AM
    LOADER.EXE      67440   08-21-1997   10:05AM
     LSWAP.EXE      55597   05-28-1996   01:51PM
     LSWAP.NLM      46534   05-28-1996   01:52PM
   IPXSOCK.NLM       3971   09-20-1995   03:24PM
  NLICLEAR.NLM       4434   04-06-1995   03:34PM
   RTRTIME.NLM       2018   02-12-1996   11:18AM
  SERVHOPS.NLM       1891   04-06-1994   01:39PM
  SYNCTIME.NLM       1948   05-03-1994   05:03PM
  ADROUTFX.NLM       1309   04-10-1995   11:14AM
  AUDITFIX.NLM       1046   04-17-1995   10:54AM
  BCKTTSFX.NLM       1218   07-15-1994   08:26AM
  BHANDFIX.NLM        972   10-18-1994   12:16AM
  CON0PBFX.NLM       1158   04-09-1996   10:43AM
   COPYFIX.NLM       1738   01-20-1998   01:40PM
  CTRSTKFX.NLM        972   12-21-1994   12:48AM
  DAICCFIX.NLM       1076   12-18-1995   03:04PM
  DESLOTFX.NLM       1114   04-10-1995   10:13AM
  DFILTRFX.NLM       1054   02-27-1995   10:53AM
   DHANDFX.NLM       3650   12-23-1994   12:04AM
  DIRSPCFX.NLM       1212   04-26-1994   09:06AM
  DOSFNDFX.NLM       4808   02-07-1997   08:49AM
  EAACCFIX.NLM        970   04-26-1994   09:06AM
  EAALLCFX.NLM       1627   04-04-1995   12:05AM
  EADATFIX.NLM       1181   04-26-1994   04:33PM
  EAFLTFIX.NLM       1309   12-21-1994   12:59AM
  EAREPLFX.NLM       1182   04-26-1994   09:00AM
  EASUBFIX.NLM        965   07-26-1994   07:44AM
  EAWRITFX.NLM       1036   12-02-1997   10:09AM
   EAWRNFX.NLM       5308   11-26-1997   10:46AM
   ELEVFIX.NLM       1717   04-26-1994   09:08AM
  EVNTRPFX.NLM       1008   01-18-1996   10:59PM
  GETNSPFX.NLM       1317   02-13-1996   08:30AM
  GLOCKFIX.NLM       1088   02-12-1996   11:20AM
    GNSFIX.NLM       1099   03-28-1994   08:47AM
  GTALLYFX.NLM       1490   10-18-1994   12:42AM
     HFFIX.NLM       1054   05-26-1994   11:46AM
  IOHANDFX.NLM       1070   05-26-1994   11:41AM
  IPXRCVFX.NLM        976   04-26-1994   09:04AM
  LSLUNBFX.NLM       1035   12-21-1994   01:19PM
  LSTECBFX.NLM       1302   07-26-1994   07:51AM
   MACNMFX.NLM       1086   08-12-1996   03:29PM
  MMACCFIX.NLM       1006   04-26-1994   08:54AM
  MMHANDFX.NLM       3123   02-13-1996   08:26AM
  MMMIRRFX.NLM       1075   03-19-1996   03:07PM
  NCPCHKFX.NLM       1147   04-05-1995   11:48AM
  NCPXTNFX.NLM       1638   11-21-1995   02:49PM
  NPAPATCH.NLM       2516   08-12-1996   01:50PM
  PBWANFIX.NLM       3028   04-19-1994   09:41AM
     PM312.NLM      14825   02-05-1996   11:19AM
  READQFIX.NLM       1612   08-10-1994   04:37PM
  REALMFIX.NLM       2920   02-12-1996   11:30AM
  REGOBJFX.NLM       1035   05-26-1994   01:06PM
  RENDIRFX.NLM       1134   09-05-1995   10:19AM
  RKIELFIX.NLM       1044   05-04-1994   02:38PM
  RTCHGFIX.NLM        984   12-18-1995   02:41PM
     SAPFX.NLM       1970   12-18-1995   01:50PM
  SEARCHFX.NLM       1145   04-28-1995   03:03PM
  SHRRAMFX.NLM       3432   01-08-1996   11:41AM
  SIGLOGFX.NLM       1159   12-21-1994   01:06PM
  SPXDDFIX.NLM       1148   01-23-1996   02:51PM
   SPXFIX2.NLM       1035   01-23-1996   02:52PM
  SPXNSFIX.NLM       1044   01-23-1996   02:55PM
  STDIRHFX.NLM       1115   09-23-1996   01:43PM
  SYNCMFIX.NLM       1025   04-26-1994   08:58AM
  TRBUFFIX.NLM       1059   05-26-1994   12:57AM
  UNLDIRFX.NLM       1971   12-21-1994   01:24PM
  UNLOADFX.NLM        992   12-18-1995   01:38PM
  VOLMTFIX.NLM       1027   08-10-1995   01:03PM
  WRLENFIX.NLM       1087   12-21-1994   01:23PM
  WSMSGFIX.NLM       1132   12-18-1995   01:20PM
  ZEROBFIX.NLM       1054   07-18-1996   07:44PM
Document Title: 312PTd.EXE; NetWare 3.12 Updates
Document ID: 2936137
Creation Date: 18MAR1998
Modified Date: 22NOV1999
Document Revision: 2
Novell Product Class: NetWare
Novell Product and Version: NetWare 3.12


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