Technical Information Document
NWAdmin Integration Snapin Update (v.3) - TID2911734 (last modified 09OCT1997)
2911734 2911734
associated file

Click filename to download:
ngwaup.exe; 1810533 bytes; Date/Time: 08-13-1996/07:48PM


This file is an update to the GroupWise Integration Module (Snapin) for NWAdmin. It provides support for Windows 95 and corrects a buffer problem with the way schema extensions were handled.


Note: To install this update to the NWAdmin GroupWise Integration Module (Snapin), you must first install version 2 if you have not done so previously. Version 2 is available in the file NGWADM.EXE. It is also necessary to know where the Snapin was installed to. The PUBLIC directory is the recommended default. To verify the path, look in the NWADMIN.INI file in your Windows directory for the section labeled [Snapin Object DLLs]. The line beginning with "GroupWise=" will list the path to the NGWADMIN.DLL.

1. Exit from NWADMIN.EXE if it is loaded.
2. Copy the following files to the directory where the GroupWise Snapin Ver. 2 was installed:
3. Copy the following file to the PUBLIC\NLS\ENGLISH directory:


In addition to adding support for Windows 95, this update
addresses a buffer problem that resulted in the message "An error occurred during an operation: -645 (0xFD7B)."

If an application, such as CallWare, extended the NDS schema after the GroupWise Snapin had done so, GroupWise was not able to read the new extension properly and would display an error indicating that the schema had not been extended for use with GroupWise. If an attempt was made to have GroupWise modify the schema again, the buffer error -645 would result.


Self-Extracting File Name:  ngwaup.exe

Files Included       Size   Date         Time    Version   Checksum

  BC450RTL.DLL     220672   08-29-1995   10:52AM
    BIDS45.DLL      60758   08-29-1995   10:52AM
  NGWADENG.DLL    2800749   07-23-1996   10:13AM
  NGWADMIN.DLL     622448   07-23-1996   10:13AM
   NGWADMR.DLL      64198   07-23-1996   10:13AM
    NGWAUP.TXT       3367   08-13-1996   07:44PM
  NGWCHECK.DLL     210794   07-23-1996   10:13AM
   NGWCTRL.DLL     147978   07-23-1996   10:13AM
    OWL252.DLL     484704   08-29-1995   10:52AM
Document Title: NWAdmin Integration Snapin Update (v.3)
Document ID: 2911734
Creation Date: 12AUG1996
Modified Date: 09OCT1997
Document Revision: 4
Novell Product Class: Groupware
Novell Product and Version: GroupWise
NetWare 4.1
intraNetWare 4.11


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