Previous versions of the IDE.DSK driver used the DOS partition table parameters to define the drive geometry for NetWare. This method was reliable until host computer BIOSes implemented translation of the IDE drive geometry. Now, that the DOS parameters are unreliable, the IDE driver has been enhanced to read "Current Parameters" from the drive. The driver will use Current Parameters (CP) if the drive supports them. Some drives do not support CP. This driver will give the following error message if it detects BIOS translation and the drive does not support CP:
IDE-040: Drive xx does not support current parameters. Drive not registered with OS.
Potential Problems:
If the drive does not support CP, then the IDE driver cannot be certain what the actual used parameters are. If the user desires, the driver may be loaded with a "/c" parameter which will permit the driver to continue. However, Novell will not be responsible for any problems encountered when the driver is used in the /c mode.
When the IDE driver is loaded: load ide /c port=xx int=x, a message and a warning will appear:
IDE-045: Drive xx does not support current parameters.
**WARNING** Novell does not recommend using this drive in this configuration.
If the translating BIOS does not set the drives parameters to other than the native parameters, then even drives which do not support CP should work. The problem arises if the translating BIOS sets the drives parameters to other than native and the drive does not support CP. In that case, the IDE driver has no method of determining what the used parameters are and in such a case the potential for overlapping DOS and NetWare partitions exists. Overlapping partitions will lead to corruption, loss of data and/or inability to mount volumes.