1) Make a backup copy of original utilities.
2) Flag the original utilities in SYS:PUBLIC as normal.
3) Copy the new utilites over the original versions.
4) Flag the new utilities to shareble readonly.
Patch History:
CAPTURE.EXE Netware 2.15c and above
01/28/91 49505
1) This EXE shipped with NetWare 2.2 and 3.11.
05/01/92 161487 v3.52
10/28/92 161103 V3.62
1) Contains NCP Packet Signing.
05/20/93 166743 v3.75
1) Contains new command line parameters:
To end a Capture:
NOTE: These switches replace the ENDCAP.EXE program.
07/26/94 167155 v3.75 (940726) PTF
1) When issuing a CAPTURE /SH to show spooling status of all ports, the
default device id would be left on device 2 (LPT3:) instead of being reset to
device 0 (LPT1:). This would cause any application that prints to a default
device to print to LPT3: instead of the default device LPT1:
2) When trying to use capture v3.75 with a form defined in Printdef using 12
characters in length, it display an error: form does not exist.
10/04/94 167155 v3.75 (941004) PTF
1) Fixes a problem where you can't use form number 0 after using a form
number other than 0. An error of "Form number or name expected." is shown.
NPRINT.EXE NetWare 2.15c and above
02/05/91 85157 v3.54
1) This EXE shipped with NetWare 2.2 and 3.11.
2) It fixes "file not found" when the first subdirectory in the path is 2
characters in length.
10/28/92 85425 v3.65
1) Contains NCP Packet Signing.
05/05/93 85549 v3.75
1) Shipping version for 3.12 NetWare.
PCONSOLE.EXE NetWare 2.15c and above
02/11/91 233687 v1.51
1) This EXE shipped with NetWare 2.2 and 3.11
2) Printers default to their common interrupt (instead of all to 7); the
specified interrupt is shown (instead of displaying the default); you no
longer have to assign the pserver to each queue; the "use interrupts" field is
disabled when the printer is remote.
10/25/91 233873 v1.52 (Version still shows v1.51)
1) Version 1.51 did not delete print server subdirectories when the print
server was deleted. Version 1.52 now deletes these subdirectories properly.
10/28/92 234069 v1.65
1) Contains NCP Packet Signing.
05/06/93 234829 v3.75
1) Fixed a number of minor bugs.
PRINTCON.EXE NetWare 2.15c and above
01/26/91 160823 v1.52
1) This EXE shipped with NetWare 2.2 and 3.11.
2) Defaults to byte stream instead of text.
10/28/92 161071 v1.62
1) Contains NCP Packet Signing.
05/24/93 188428 v3.75
1) Fixed a number of minor bugs.
PRINTDEF.EXE NetWare 2.15c and above
02/11/91 192283 v1.51
1) This EXE shipped with NetWare 2.2 and 3.11.
10/28/92 183445 v1.61
1) Contains NCP Packet Signing.
05/04/93 183269 v3.75
1) Fixed a number of minor bugs.
PSC.EXE NetWare 2.15c and above
01/31/91 22129 v1.00
1) This EXE shipped with NetWare 2.2 and 3.11.
05/24/93 22351 v3.75
1) Fixed a number of minor bugs.
PCONSOLE.HLP NetWare 2.15c and above
02/07/91 40820
1) This HLP shipped with NetWare 2.2 and 3.11.
05/05/93 40977 v3.75
1) Updated to match the current executable.
PRINTCON.HLP NetWare 2.15c and above
01/10/91 14223
1) This HLP shipped with NetWare 2.2 and 3.11.
05/10/93 14281 v3.75
1) Updated to match the current executable.
PRINTDEF.HLP NetWare 2.15c and above
02/11/91 34426
1) This HLP shipped with NetWare 2.2 and 3.11.
05/10/93 34557 v3.75
1) Updated to match the current executable.