4.6. Services and Run-levels

With the run-level resource you can set the default run-level and specify in detail which system services you want to be started in which run-level.

The default property specifies the default run level of the system. Changes to the default run-level will take effect the next time you boot the system. After installation is completed, the system has run-level 5, which is Full multiuser with network and XDM. If you have configured a system with no X11, then it is recommended to reboot the system after the first stage using the reboot property in the general resource.

A service should run in using a space delimited list of the run-levels as shown in the following example. An alternative to specifying the exact run-levels is to change the status of the service by either enabling or disabling it using the service_status property.

Example 4-22. Run-level Configuration

   <services config:type="list" >   
     <service_start>3 5</service_start>  