d i g i t a l SRC Technical Note 1997-025a

Recursive object types in a logic of object-oriented programs

K. Rustan M. Leino

Note #1997-025a. October 27, 1997. Revised January 12, 1998.

This paper formalizes a small object-oriented programming notation. The notation features imperative commands where objects can be shared (aliased), and is rich enough to allow subtypes and recursive object types. The syntax, type checking rules, axiomatic semantics, and operational semantics of the notation are given. A soundness theorem, showing the consistency between the axiomatic and operational semantics is stated and proved. A simple corollary of the soundness theorem demonstrates the soundness of the type system. Because of the way types, fields, and methods are declared, no extra effort is required to handle recursive object types.

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