SRC Technical Note


November 2000

Selected 2000 SRC Summer Intern Reports

Compiled by

Cathy Miller, MLIS

Systems Research Center
130 Lytton Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94301

Copyright 2000 Compaq Computer Corporation. All rights reserved 
This document features informal reports by interns who spent the summer of 2000 working with researchers at Compaq Systems Research Center (SRC). The interns were graduate students in computer science or electrial engineering Ph.D. programs. Each worked for about three months at SRC, collaborating on a project with members of the research staff. The primary goal of this technical note is to describe the summer research projects. However, the interns were encouraged to write their reports in whatever format or style they preferred, so that non-technical observations (such as background and impressions arising from their stay) could also be included. 

1  Cloudburst: a compressing, log-structured logical disk for flash memory
Gretta Bartels
2  Towards the Vantage Project: Camera calibration and structure recovery from a single image
Jonathan Deutscher
3  Annotation Inference Techniques
Michael Levin
4  Performance Evaluation of The Piranha Memory Hierarchy
Julien Sebot
5  Cooperative Backup System
Sameh Elnikety
6  Detecting and Correcting LAN Pathologies
Neil Spring
7  Link Compression in the Connectivity Server
Rajiv Wickremesinghe
8  A hardware compiler for data-streaming reconfigurable architectures
Grigorios Magklis
9  Related field analysis in the Swift compiler
Aneesh Aggarwal
10  Mining the Web for Site Structure
Chris Homan
11 Feedback-directed binary code specialization
Juan Navarro
12  Projects in Cryptography
Shailesh Vaya
13  Animating Proofs With Juno-xyt
Boris Dimitrov