SRC Technical Note


June 22, 1999

The Vesta Approach to
Software Configuration Management

Allan Heydon, Roy Levin, Timothy Mann, and Yuan Yu

Systems Research Center
130 Lytton Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94301

Copyright 1999 Compaq Computer Corporation. All rights reserved


Vesta is a system for software configuration management. It stores collections of source files, keeps track of which versions of which files go together, and automates the process of building a complete software artifact from its component pieces. Vesta's novel approach gives it three important properties not available in other systems. First, every build is repeatable, because its component sources and build tools are stored immutably and immortally, and its configuration description completely describes what components and tools are used and how they are put together. Second, every build is incremental, because results of previous builds are cached and reused. Third, every build is consistent, because all build dependencies are automatically captured and recorded, so that a cached result from a previous build is reused only when doing so is certain to be correct. In addition, Vesta's flexible language for writing configuration descriptions makes it easy to describe large software configurations in a modular fashion and to create variant configurations by customizing build parameters. This paper describes Vesta's advantages over traditional tools, how those benefits are achieved, and the system's overall performance.

1. Introduction

This paper describes Vesta, a software configuration management (SCM) system for managing and building software, from small systems to very large ones (tens of millions of lines of source code). Vesta addresses the following four core SCM problems:

Version management. Version management is the process of assigning names (typically sequential numbers) to a series of related source files and supporting retrieval of those files by name. Machine generated, or derived files, are also versioned by some SCM systems.

Source control. Source control is the process of controlling or regulating the production of new versions of source files. Operations commonly associated with source control include checkout and checkin, which respectively reserve a new version and supply the data for a previously reserved version. Source control may be coupled with concurrency control as well, so that checking out a particular version limits the ability of other users to check out related versions.

System modeling. A system model is both a static description of a system's configuration and a recipe for producing a software artifact. It names the (versions of) software components that are to be combined to produce larger components or entire systems, names the tools that are to be used to combine them, and specifies how the tools are to be applied. System models are also sometimes called configuration descriptions.

Building. Building is the process of evaluating a system model so as to construct a complete system according to the model's instructions. Building may also include other activities, such as running regression tests on the resulting artifact.

Version management, source control, system modeling, and building are four parts of the larger SCM problem. Considered broadly, SCM is often taken to include such areas as process management, software life-cycle management (e.g., bug tracking, testing), and even the specific tools used to develop and evolve software components. We hold the view that these aspects of SCM, although important to the overall software development process, are secondary to the core issues listed above. We have therefore focused the Vesta project on solving those core problems, constructing a solid base upon which we believe solutions to the other problems can be built.

Some form of SCM is almost always a necessary part of software development. SCM is useful whenever multiple source files, multiple developers, or multiple releases and/or target platforms are involved. Moreover, the larger the number of source files, developers, or releases, the larger the configuration management problem.

A good SCM system can greatly reduce these problems. Version management can ease the problem of managing multiple source files by keeping related versions of files together. Source control can help multiple developers work productively in parallel. Together, system modeling and building can help manage multiple releases by accurately selecting the right sources to use for each release and by automatically managing derived files.

However, several difficulties stand in the way of designing and implementing an SCM system that addresses these problems. First, handling large-scale software is difficult, because it usually involves large numbers of source files and developers. Unlike other SCM systems in use today, Vesta was specifically designed to handle very large projects---millions of lines of code and beyond. The rapid growth of today's software makes this an even more pressing problem. Second, with larger numbers of developers comes the need to support parallel development across sites that are often geographically separated, which introduces the problem of keeping replicated copies consistent. Finally, for building to be efficient, it must work incrementally, re-using the results of previous builds whenever possible. However, when multiple versions, multiple target platforms, and multiple releases are involved, sound incremental building is a non-trivial problem.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. We first consider the strengths and weaknesses of several widely-used SCM systems. Section 3 then describes the Vesta approach, focusing on the main ideas in the Vesta system and the benefits they provide. In Section 4, we then describe how those ideas are realized in practice, with an emphasis on the user's view of the system. Finally, we describe the performance of our Vesta prototype in Section 5, and in Section 6, we offer our conclusions from our experiences using the system.

2. Previous Approaches

In this section, we review related work by assessing several popular SCM systems. Some systems, like the Revision Control System (RCS) and the Concurrent Version System (CVS) address only version management and source control, while others like Make address only system modeling and building. We also consider ClearCASE, which provides a more integrated solution to the core SCM problems.

2.1. RCS and CVS

RCS is a system for maintaining multiple versions of individual files [10, 11]. Its main strengths are that it is easy to use, well-understood, and well-documented. Its main disadvantages are two. First, it does not provide transparent access to individual file versions. That is, an explicit checkout step is required to access an older version of a file. Hence, to build an older version of a system, the developer must first explicitly check out the correct versions of each source file required by the build. Second, sources are versioned at the granularity of individual files. Although RCS provides tagging facilities for grouping related files, those facilities are awkward to use.

Like RCS, CVS is relatively easy to use and well-supported [4]. It also suffers RCS's problem of not allowing transparent access to file versions. However, unlike RCS, CVS allows related files to be grouped together into modules. CVS also includes an optimistic concurrency control methodology that allows multiple developers to work on the same file concurrently. However, allowing concurrent modifications is not without its costs, since conflicting edits must be detected and resolved. CVS's conflict detection is simple-minded (i.e., purely line based), so semantic conflicts between changes in disjoint lines may go undetected. When conflicts occur, they must be resolved manually, which can be a time-consuming process.

2.2. Make

Make is a widely-used tool for building software [2]. It is easy to use and the syntax of its system models (i.e., Makefiles) is simple, if somewhat cryptic. Moreover, Make can also be used for tasks other than building software, such as running regression tests.

However, there are several major problems with the Make approach to software construction. In this approach, dependencies between derived files and the inputs used to produce them must be specified explicitly by the user, and Make relies on timestamps to decide when it is safe to re-use a derived file in a subsequent build. A build based on incorrect dependency information or incorrect timestamps can produce an inconsistent result, in which parts of the resulting system incorrectly include stale derived files. Inconsistent builds can produce programs that fail to link or run, or that exhibit bizarre, unexplainable bugs. Developers often must resort to performing a scratch build to correct such problems.

Inconsistent builds are not uncommon in Make. Specifying dependencies explicitly is an inherently error-prone task. There are tools such as makedepend for generating certain kinds of dependencies automatically, but again, such tools must be run by hand, so they may not be run as often as necessary. Another problem is that some dependencies are inexpressible or too costly to express. For example, dependencies on the values of environment variables cannot be expressed in Make, and dependencies on the Makefile itself are too costly because they would result in a scratch build whenever the Makefile was changed. Make's use of timestamps is also problematic [3]. For example, when building a system from older sources, Make may incorrectly conclude that the system is up-to-date because the timestamps associated with the older file versions are in the past; again, a scratch build is often the developer's only recourse in such situations.

Finally, Make scales poorly. Make does its dependency analysis from the leaves of the ``build tree'', working its way up to the final result. Hence, the cost of an incremental build in Make is proportional to the total number of sources contributing to the build, not the number of sources that have changed. Moreover, although it is possible to structure a software system hierarchically by arranging for Make to invoke itself recursively on sub-components, doing so is awkward and performs poorly, so it is not frequently done in practice.

2.3. ClearCASE

Perhaps the biggest problem with the systems discussed so far is that they are not integrated. Building a particular version of a system requires two steps: checking out the correct versions of the sources, and then building them. As described previously, the first build of an older version must be performed from scratch, since Make does not have any knowledge about which versions it is building, so it cannot tell when it is safe to re-use a derived file from a different build.

ClearCASE is a commercial SCM system that integrates version management with building, and that addresses many of Make's shortcomings [1]. It is based on many of the ideas in the earlier DOMAIN Software Engineering Environment (DSEE) system [8, 7].

Unlike RCS and CVS, ClearCASE provides transparent access to older file versions. However, older versions are almost never accessed directly in practice. Instead, a ClearCASE view is used to transparently map an unversioned file name to a versioned one. The rules governing a view can be specified in a variety of ways, and they include provisions for always accessing the latest version of a file.

For building, ClearCASE provides its own version of Make called clearmake. The advantage to this approach is that developers do not have to learn a new system modeling language, and their existing Makefiles continue to work. Unlike Make, clearmake does automatic (although somewhat incomplete) dependency detection by monitoring and recording the files accessed during a build. It also manages derived files for potential later re-use.

There are several problems with ClearCASE. The problem with the view approach to version management is that the meaning of a name can change over time. In particular, the actions taken by someone else can cause one's own build to suddenly fail. This shortcoming is an impediment to effective parallel development. There are also problems with the clearmake builder. First , because clearmake is Make-based, it suffers from the same scalability problems as Make. Second, because its dependency detection is incomplete, clearmake can produce inconsistent builds. Third, clearmake's mechanism for allowing developers to re-use the derived files produced by others --- called winking in --- is based on heuristics that can fail to capitalize on valid re-use opportunities. Finally, anecdotal evidence suggests that the overheads introduced by clearmake are large, so some development organizations choose to use ordinary Make for improved performance, despite Make's shortcomings.

3. The Vesta Approach

As described earlier, Vesta's goals are to address the core SCM problems of version management, source control, system modeling, and building. It provides a firm technical base on which solutions to the other SCM problems can be built. Vesta is also explicitly designed to scale up to large code bases, which means it must also effectively support parallel development. Of course, it must be an open system that works with standard development tools. Finally, it must perform well and be easy to use.

The Vesta approach is based on the following foundations:

At this point, the reader may well be wondering what it is like to use Vesta in practice. How can any sources be edited if all sources are stored immutably? If system models must name the version of every source file, isn't the overhead of maintaining those references overwhelming? We address these questions and other practical aspects of using Vesta in Section 4 below.

We first point out that these foundations provide several valuable benefits:

Repeatable builds. The immutability and immortality of sources combined with the completeness of build descriptions together mean that every Vesta build is repeatable. That is, any build performed in the past can be exactly reproduced at any time in the future.

Incremental builds. Although the system models describe how to build a software system from scratch, the Vesta builder uses the site-wide cache of previous builds to avoid work, so good incremental build performance is the norm. The time required to perform an incremental build is generally proportional to the amount of work to be done, not to the size of the system being built.

Consistent builds. Because every build is conceptually performed from scratch, and because Vesta's automatic dependency detection means that a cached result is used only when it is correct to do so, all Vesta builds are guaranteed to produce consistent results. Hence, there is never any need to do ``nightly'' or scratch builds to correct for an errant build in which a stale derived file was used.

Parallel development. Several features of the Vesta system enable parallel development. For one, the Vesta repository supports version branching and partial replication across geographically distributed sites. But perhaps more important is the fact that a user must take explicit action to build with a newer version of someone else's code. Hence, it is impossible for one developer's action to break another's build. This feature allows developers to work productively in isolation.

The entire Vesta system was designed and implemented with an eye toward scalability. Our design goal was to support systems containing 20 million lines of code or more. This emphasis is visible in several respects. To organize the construction of large-scale software, system models can be arranged as a modular hierarchy. During a build, caching is done top-down rather than bottom up. Hence, cache hits often occur on larger units of work than individual tool invocations, such as the construction of an entire library or collection of libraries. This top-down caching avoids the scalability problem of incremental builds suffered by Make. Finally, because each user's checked out files are managed by the repository, the repository can arrange to make checkout and checkin almost instantaneous, thereby eliminating one of the burdens of working with large source trees.

4. A User's View of Vesta

The discussion so far has been fairly abstract. In this section, we provide a user's view of Vesta to make the ideas more concrete. We start by describing Vesta's components. We then consider Vesta's source control tools and their effects on the repository. Finally, we present some sample system models to give a sense for Vesta's system modeling language.

4.1. Vesta Components

Figure 1 shows the main components of the Vesta system.

[Figure of Vesta's system architecture]

Figure 1: Vesta's main components.

The bottom half of the figure shows the repository and function cache servers. One instance of each server is run at each site. The repository server manages the storage of both sources and derived files. It provides both a standard NFS interface to sources, and a remote procedure call (RPC) interface that is used by other Vesta tools. The function cache server stores the results of previous builds. Both servers use a normal file system for backing storage.

The top half of Figure 1 shows the Vesta components run on each client host. The main client programs are the repository tools and the evaluator. The repository tools provide checkout, checkin, and other source control operations. The evaluator is the Vesta builder. It reads user-written system models and a set of system-supplied models comprising the standard construction environment. Not shown in the figure are standard development tools such as text editors and the like, which can be used to access sources via the repository's NFS interface in the usual way.

During a build, the evaluator will often be called on to run an external tool like a compiler or linker. To do so, the evaluator makes a remote procedure call to a runtool server process. As indicated by the dashed line in the figure, the runtool server may or may not be running on the same client host as the evaluator. Decoupling the runtool server from the evaluator allows tools to be invoked on different machine platforms (e.g, for cross development), or even for multiple clients to use the same runtool server running on a more powerful machine.

Before it contacts the runtool server to launch a tool, the evaluator calls the repository to create a special directory tree in which the tool will be run. The runtool server then launches the tool in an encapsulated environment that causes all of the tool's file references to go to this tree, where they are trapped and reported back to the evaluator. The evaluator records these references as dependencies.

During the build, the evaluator also contacts the function cache server to determine if each piece of the build it is about to execute has been performed before (either by the same person or someone else). If so (a cache hit), the function cache returns the correct result. If not (a cache miss), the evaluator performs the work and then calls the cache to create a new cache entry for possible re-use in the future.

Figure 1 omits several administrative tools. Among these is a tool called the weeder that is used to delete unwanted derived files from the repository and unwanted cache entries from the function cache. The weeder reads a description file that says which build versions should be kept; it then uses a mark-and-sweep garbage collection algorithm to identify all derived files and cache entries that are safe to delete. The description file uses a simple but powerful pattern language; such rules as ``keep builds of the last two versions'' are easily expressed.

Parameterizing the weeder with an explicit instruction file gives each organization the flexibility to keep the builds it considers important. Of course, deciding what to weed is simply a time-space tradeoff. Even if a useful build is accidentally left out of the weeder instructions and deleted, Vesta's repeatability guarantees that it can be reproduced, albeit more slowly, and re-cached.

4.2. Repository Operations

The Vesta repository is a general-purpose file system with special support for immutability. As mentioned earlier, it exports both an NFS interface (with some minor restrictions) and an RPC interface. The repository also manages a site-wide pool of derived files.

The repository's main job is to provide directory trees; the files themselves are stored in a normal Unix file system. In particular, the repository supports three kinds of directories: mutable, immutable, and appendable. The purposes of these three directory types will become apparent momentarily.

It is worth noting that the repository naming conventions we describe next are imposed not by the repository server, but by the much smaller client-side repository tools. This separation of concerns is important because it means that different source control paradigms (such as a more concurrent paradigm like that of CVS) could be implemented simply by rewriting the repository tools; changes to the repository proper would not be required.

[Figure showing Vesta's repository naming conventions]

Figure 2: Naming conventions assumed by the Vesta repository tools.

Figure 2 illustrates several aspects of the naming conventions engendered by our current repository tools:

As shown in Figure 3, the repository exports two NFS file systems, which are made visible to the client through two mount points, typically named /vesta and /vesta-work. The directory tree rooted at /vesta consists only of appendable and immutable directories, while the one rooted at /vesta-work is mutable. There is a mutable directory in /vesta-work for each user, and edits are performed in subtrees of those directories.

[Figure showing a sample checkout session directory]

Figure 3: The checkout session of the common/thread package.

In addition to version directories and branch directories, each package also contains a directory named checkout. This directory contains an appendable directory for each checkout session, each of which contains a separate, immutable snapshot of a package version each time the package is built. Hence, Vesta keeps a version of each package not only across checkout sessions, but during checkout sessions as well.

The typical development cycle is as follows.

The outer level consists of three steps: check out the package using vcheckout, modify it, and check it back in using vcheckin. The inner loop of the development cycle is the familiar edit-compile-test loop, but with an extra wrinkle. Recall that Vesta's repeatability guarantee requires that all builds are performed against immutable sources. Therefore, before invoking the vesta builder, an immutable copy of the user's current sources must first be made using a tool called vadvance3. We now describe these tools and their effect on the repository.

Figure 4 shows the effect of running the command vcheckout common/thread. In this figure and the next two, bold lines denote newly created elements. Assuming that the latest version of the common/thread package was version 3, this command would first create a special element called a stub named common/thread/4. The stub reserves a name under which the package will be checked back in; attempting to check out the package again will fail because a stub for version 4 already exists. Next, the new appendable directory common/thread/checkout/4 is created, and the latest version of the package is copied into that checkout directory as checkout version 0. Finally, a mutable copy of the package is made in the user's working directory under /vesta-work.

[Figure showing operation of vcheckout]

Figure 4: The effects of vcheckout common/thread.

Files in the working directory may then be freely edited. Before building them, the user invokes vadvance. As shown in Figure 5, vadvance simply creates an immutable snapshot of the working directory in the appropriate part of the package's checkout directory. Builds are then performed using these immutable sources.

[Figure showing operation of vadvance]

Figure 5: The effects of vadvance.

Finally, once the user is satisfied with the state of the package, vcheckin is used to check the package back into the main line of the package version space. As shown in Figure 6, vcheckin replaces the previously created version stub by the latest sub-version of the checkout session, and deletes the user's working version of the package from /vesta-work.

[Figure showing operation of vcheckin]

Figure 6: The effects of vcheckin.

4.3. System Modeling Language

We now consider typical client system descriptions. A complete discussion of Vesta's system modeling language is well beyond the scope of this paper, but its complete syntax and semantics are defined in a separate paper [5]. Here, we will try to motivate and describe the language's main features.

Across different development organizations, there is a rather wide variation in build processes, including the size and scope of the systems being built, the structure and methodology of the organization, and the degree of parameterization required. Vesta therefore supports varied descriptions through a general-purpose language that supports abstraction. Abstraction permits the construction of extensions that adapt the language to each organization's development methodology. As a proof of concept, we have built one fairly comprehensive extension called the standard construction environment.

The system modeling language itself is a full-fledged functional programming language with a C-like syntax. The functional nature of the language is important, since each function call represents a unit of work appropriate for caching. The language uses strong, dynamic typing, which is to say that the run-time types of arguments to all built-in operations are checked for correctness. The language is methodology neutral. The main aspect of the language that is specialized for software construction is a primitive to run external tools like compilers and linkers in an encapsulated environment (i.e., to invoke the runtool server of Figure 1). The language also includes an import statement that encourages modular build descriptions and thereby supports hierarchical system modeling.

Figure 7 shows a sample model for building an application. By convention, the model responsible for building all the components of a package is named build.ves. The files clause binds the program variables h and c to the listed files in the package. The body of the model then binds the variable libs to a singleton list containing the standard C library, and returns the result of invoking the program function supplied by the standard environment. It is the program function that is responsible for compiling the necessary sources and linking the program.

  h = [ date.h ];
  c = [ date.c, calendar.c ];
  libs = < ./C/libc >;
  return ./C/program("cal", h, c, libs);

Figure 7: A build.ves system model for building a sample application.

Before a model like the one shown in Figure 7 can be invoked, the environment in which the build is performed must be created and bound to the special variable named ``.'' (dot). The variable ``.'' is special because it is passed as an implicit argument on all function calls. Hence, assignments or changes to ``.'' are visible in all descendant functions of the function call graph. This feature of Vesta's function call semantics makes it easy to define customizations that affect all relevant parts of a build.

The build environment embodies not only the complete set of functions, tools, libraries, and header files needed by the build, but also any requested build customizations. Such customizations are typically injected ``from the outside''; that is, a developer considers them as parameters of a particular build rather than inherent details of the system being built. It is thus appropriate to include them in the top-level (outermost) system model. Indeed, such models do little more than list parameter values and invoke the build procedure for a package or collection of packages. Such a model can therefore be readily constructed from a graphical ``control panel'' program in which the user specifies desired customizations. The control panel then writes a (highly stylized) control panel model4. By convention, control panel models are named .main.ves.

from /vesta/ import
  std_env = std_env/23/build.ves;
  calendar = build.ves;
  . = std_env()/env_build("DU4.0");
  // build customizations would go here...
  return calendar();

Figure 8: A .main.ves control panel model for establishing the build environment.

Figure 8 shows an example. The model begins with two imports. One import is of the non-local model common/std_env/23/build.ves (bound to the variable std_env), and the other is of the local model build.ves (bound to the variable calendar). The model body consists of two statements. The first invokes the env_build function returned by the std_env model, and binds the result to the special variable ``.''. The second statement then invokes and returns the result of the package's own build.ves model shown in Figure 7. This example shows that a model can be called like a function using the standard function call syntax.

The two examples shown so far also illustrate an important point about the appearance of version numbers in system models. Because sources are versioned at the granularity of packages, and because related sources reside in the same package, version numbers need be supplied only for cross-package imports. For example, in Figure 7, no version numbers are required because the referenced sources reside in the same package as the model from which they are referenced. The local import in Figure 8 requires no version specification for similar reasons. However, an explicit version number is required for the non-local import of the std_env package. The net result is that explicit version numbers are not required in system models as often as might be expected. To further reduce the effort required to maintain such version specifications, Vesta includes a vupdate tool that rewrites a model's non-local imports to refer to the latest versions of their respective packages.

from /vesta/ import
  wallet = wallet/12/build.ves;
  vendor = vendor/20/build.ves;
  broker = broker/7/build.ves;
  return wallet() ++ vendor() ++ broker();
Figure 9: An umbrella system model for building a collection of components and combining their results.

Figure 9 shows a system model for building what we call an umbrella package. Such packages do not contain any sources or build anything directly. Instead, they import a collection of packages, build them, and then combine the results together into a single result. Umbrella packages illustrate how to structure build descriptions in a modular fashion. In this example, the umbrella package serves to record the information that versions 12, 20, and 7 of the wallet, vendor, and broker components go together to make one coherent version of the Millicent system.

The examples presented here do not really demonstrate the full power of the Vesta system modeling language, such as the wide variety of build customizations supported by the standard construction environment. The system models that make up the standard environment are rather complicated, but we believe that investment in them by a modeling language ``wizard'' is more than offset by the resulting simplicity in the far more numerous user models.

5. Performance

If Vesta's performance were significantly worse than that of alternative SCM systems, it would be of little practical interest. We have worked hard to make the system efficient. In fact, in this section we show that Vesta's overall performance on scratch builds is as good as Make's, and that Vesta's caching makes it significantly faster than Make on incremental builds.

To compare Vesta with Make, we ran tests on the hardware configuration shown in Figure 10. In both cases, the builder and tools were run on a 333MHz AlphaStation 500 5/333 client machine. Server processes (the repository and function cache in the case of Vesta, and the NFS server in the case of Make) were run on a 233MHz AlphaStation 400 4/233 server machine. In both cases, the server processes used the same AdvFS file system residing on a local disk, and the client and server machines communicated via a high-speed ATM network called AN2. All machines were running version 4.0D of Compaq's Tru64 Unix operating system.

[Figure showing our experimental setup]

Figure 10: The experimental setup for our performance measurements.

We measured builds of software systems of varying sizes. The characteristics of these systems are shown in Table 1. The columns of this table indicate the total number of lines of source code, the number of C/C++ source files to be compiled, the number of tool invocations necessary, and the number of packages across which the sources reside.

Lines Files Tool Runs Pkgs

Table 1: Characteristics of three build tests.

The Hello test is a simple ``hello world'' program consisting of a single 10-line source file. It requires two tool invocations: one to compile the file, and one to link it. This test is included mainly for purposes of providing a baseline measurement. The Evaluator test consists of building all of the Vesta libraries and the Vesta evaluator application. The sources for this test are contained in 10 library packages and the evaluator package itself. Finally, the Release test consists of building the entire Vesta release. In addition to building the evaluator, this includes building all the Vesta tools, servers, and documentation.

Table 2 shows the elapsed time (in seconds) required by Vesta and Make to perform each of the three test builds from scratch. These data show that scratch Vesta builds are somewhat faster than Make builds, but not appreciably so, since most of the time is spent compiling and linking.

Vesta Make
Table 2: The elapsed time in seconds required by Vesta and Make to build the three test cases of Table 1 from scratch.

To measure the time required to perform incremental builds, we modified one of the source files in each build test and rebuilt. In the case of the Release test, we modified the same evaluator source file as in the Evaluator test.

Vesta Make One Make All
Table 3: The elapsed time in seconds required by Vesta and Make to perform incremental builds of the three test cases of Table 1.

Table 3 shows the elapsed time (in seconds) to perform each incremental build. For Make builds, we report two values. The ``Make One'' column reports the time required to run Make in the single directory containing the modified source file. This is what developers typically do when working on a set of sources. However, if a source in another package was modified, the resulting build might be inconsistent. To get closer to a consistent build, the Make user would need to run Make in each of the other directories, or packages, contributing to the build. The ``Make All'' column reports the elapsed time required to run Make in all such packages. The extra time in the case of the Evaluator and Release tests is the time required by Make to determine that all the other packages were up to date. Note that Vesta provides even stronger consistency guarantees than the ``Make All'' approach, yet it is significantly faster, primarily due to top-down caching.

6. Conclusions

Due to space limitations, this paper omits discussion of many technical details. They are described more completely in a separate report [6]. However, we feel it is worth at least mentioning some of the main technical problems we have solved.

Repository. The repository is a general-purpose file system with support for Vesta-specific features, but making that file system visible via an NFS interface was non-trivial. Also, the repository includes a nice design for partial replication of sources across geographically distributed sites.

Caching. The main challenge in caching (parts of) builds is forming cache entries whose dependencies are as fine-grained as possible. For example, we do not want the compilation of a C file to appear dependent on every header file available in its environment, but only on those actually read when compiling it. This requires some non-trivial dynamic dependency analysis in the Vesta evaluator, as well as support for dynamic, fine-grained dependencies in the function cache. Also, to make incremental builds fast, the evaluator creates some special cache entries to get cheap high-level cache hits.

System Modeling Language. The main virtue of Vesta's system modeling language is that it supports flexible, modular build descriptions that can be highly parameterized. The main challenge was designing a general-purpose language amenable to efficient execution that supported a variety of methodologies and build customizations.

Overall, Vesta handles the core SCM problems of version control and building quite well. It provides repeatable, incremental, and consistent builds. It also supports parallel development through several features, such as branching, explicit versioning, and partial replication. Vesta's system modeling language is general enough to support different development organizations, and it encourages modular software descriptions. On small- to medium-sized scratch and incremental builds, Vesta performs better than Make, and provides much stronger consistency guarantees. Finally, we have found the system easy to use; once we switched over from building the system with Make to building it with Vesta, we never wanted to go back. The advantages provided by being able to exactly name and reproduce any past build are difficult to fully appreciate until they are available.

However, despite these successes, there are still some open questions. The first relates to scalability. Although Vesta was designed to scale to very large software, we have used it to build only medium-sized systems. An earlier Vesta prototype saw use by 25 programmers developing a 1.4 million line code base for over a year [9]. We designed the current system to overcome the scaling bottlenecks we observed at that time, but we have not yet used the current system to build anything much larger than itself. There is evidence that the system scales to a larger number of users: the Vesta prototype is currently in daily use by about 60 people in a Compaq engineering group. The code base they are developing is expected to exceed 700 thousand lines of code by the time it is complete.

Another question relates to ease of use. Our experiences have been positive, but as the developers of the system, we are obviously biased. The engineering group that is using Vesta has been able to adapt it to their application and development environment by writing a small number of ``wrapper scripts'' and a domain-specific control panel application. Overall, they have found Vesta to be a significant improvement over their previous version and build management tools.

Finally, for Vesta to be adopted by any organization, some technical and non-technical hurdles must be overcome. Users of other SCM systems need to convert their code bases and descriptions to Vesta, which may require specialized tools that understand their existing development methodology. Perhaps a more substantial problem is the need to overcome the psychological barrier created by Vesta's radically different approach to SCM. New users thus require training, not just in a different set of tools, but in a different way of thinking about the software development process.


1 Ultimately, of course, every build is dependent on the operating system on which it is performed. Build descriptions include a user-supplied name for the build platform, but Vesta does not check if the supplied name is accurate.

2 Of course, it is possible in principle to write tools that depend on aspects of the operating system that we do not encapsulate. However, we have not encountered any such dependencies in the standard construction tools we have used.

3 Since vadvance and vesta are usually run together, we provide a simple vmake script that runs them in sequence as a single command. vadvance can also be used independently as a means of checkpointing a user's current sources.

4 We have not implemented the control panel yet, so we presently write these models by hand.


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[4] Dick Grune, Brian Berliner, and Jeff Polk. cvs(1) manual page. Free Software Foundation.

[5] Allan Heydon, Jim Horning, Roy Levin, Tim Mann, and Yuan Yu. The Vesta-2 software description language. SRC Technical Note 1997-005c, Digital Equipment Corporation, Systems Research Center, June 1998.

[6] Allan Heydon, Roy Levin, Tim Mann, and Yuan Yu. The Vesta Software Configuration Management System. In preparation.

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[9] Roy Levin and Paul R. McJones. The Vesta approach to precise configuration of large software systems. SRC Research Report 105, Digital Equipment Corporation, Systems Research Center, June 1993.

[10] W. Tichy. Design, implementation, and evaluation of a revision control system. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Software Engineering, pages 58-67. IEEE Computer Society Press, 1982.

[11] W. Tichy. RCS --- A system for version control. Software --- Practice and Experience, 15(7):637-654, July 1985.