SRC Technical Note


Jan 9, 1998

The Vesta-2 Software Description Language

Allan Heydon, Jim Horning, Roy Levin, Timothy Mann, and Yuan Yu

Systems Research Center
130 Lytton Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94301

Copyright 1997, 1998 Digital Equipment Corporation. All rights reserved.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Lexical Conventions
  3. Semantics
  4. Concrete Syntax
  5. Acknowledgments
  6. References

1. Introduction

This note describes the formal syntax and semantics of the Vesta-2 Software Description Language (SDL). We expect it will be used as a reference by Vesta-2 users. Although the description is meant to be complete and unambiguous, it is by no means a language tutorial or user guide.

Vesta-2 is a software configuration management system [1]. Developers use Vesta-2 to build and manage potentially large-scale software. In Vesta-2, the instructions for building a software artifact are written as an SDL program. Evaluating the program causes the software system to be constructed; the program's result value typically contains the derived files produced by the evaluation.

Vesta-1, the precursor of Vesta-2, saw extensive use at the Digital Systems Research Center [2, 3, 4, 5]. Vesta-2 adopts many of the same concepts as Vesta-1, but Vesta-2 features substantial design changes (including major changes to the syntax and semantics of the SDL itself) and a portable implementation. In the rest of this note, references to ``Vesta'' mean ``Vesta-2''.

The Vesta SDL is a functional language with lexical scoping. Its value space includes Booleans, integers, texts, lists (similar to LISP lists), sequences of name-value pairs called bindings, closures, and a unique error value.

The language is dynamically typed; that is, types are associated with run-time values instead of with static names and expressions. Even without static type checking, the language is strongly typed: an executing Vesta program cannot breach the language's type system. The expected types of parameters to language primitives are defined, and those types are checked when the primitives are evaluated. The language includes provisions for specifying the types of used-defined function arguments and local variables, but these type declarations are currently unchecked.

The language contains roughly 60 primitive functions. There is a single _run_tool primitive for invoking external tools like compilers and linkers as function calls. External tools can be invoked from Vesta without modification.

Conceptually, every software artifact built with Vesta is constructed from scratch, thereby guaranteeing that the resulting artifact is composed of consistent pieces. Vesta uses extensive caching to avoid unnecessary rebuilding. Vesta records software dependencies automatically. The techniques by which the implementation caches function calls and determines dependencies are described in the complete Vesta-2 paper [1].

2. Lexical Conventions

The language semantics presented in Section 3 introduces each language construct by giving its syntax and semantics. This section defines the meta-notation and terminals assumed by the presented syntax fragments. The complete language syntax is given in Section 4.

2.1 Meta-notation

Nonterminals of the grammar begin with an uppercase letter and are at least two characters in length. Except for the four terminals listed in Section 2.2 below, each of which denotes a class of tokens, the terminals of the grammar either begin with a lowercase letter, consist of a single character, or contain a non-alphabetic.

The grammar is written in a variant of BNF (Backus-Naur Form). The meta-characters of this notation are:

  ::=  |  [  ]  {  }  *  +  `  '

The meaning of the metacharacters is as follows:

  NT ::= Ex  NT rewrites to Ex
  Ex1 | Ex2  Ex1 or Ex2
  [ Ex ]     optional Ex
  { Ex }     meta-parentheses for grouping.
  Ex*        zero or more Ex's
  Ex*,       zero or more Ex's separated by commas, trailing comma optional
  Ex*;       zero or more Ex's separated by semicolons, trailing optional
  Ex+        one or more Ex's
  Ex+,       one or more Ex's separated by commas, trailing comma optional
  Ex+;       one or more Ex's separated by semicolons, trailing optional
  `c'        the literal character "c"

When used as terminals, square brackets, curly brackets, and vertical bar appear in single quotes to avoid ambiguity with the corresponding metacharacters (i.e., `[', `]', `{', `}', `|' ).

2.2 Terminals

The following names are used as terminals in the grammar. They denote classes of tokens, and are defined precisely in Section 4.2

A pathname delimiter. Either forward or backward slashes are allowed within pathnames, but not both.
A signed integer, expressed in either decimal or hexadecimal.
An identifier. Identifiers begin with a letter, period, or underscore, followed by letters, periods, underscores, or digits.
A text string. Texts are enclosed in double-quotes. They may contain escape sequences and spaces.

Comments and white space follow C++ conventions. A comment either begins with // and ends with the first subsequent newline or begins with /* and ends with */ (the latter form does not nest). Of course, these delimiters are only recognized outside text literals. White space delimits tokens but is otherwise ignored (except that the Space character, the ASCII character represented by the decimal number 32, is significant within text literals). The grammar prohibits white space other than the Space character within text literals.

The names of the built-in functions begin with an underscore character, and the identifier consisting of the single character "." plays a special role in the Vesta SDL. It is therefore recommended that Vesta programs avoid defining identifiers of these forms.

3. Semantics

The semantics of programs written in the Vesta SDL are described by a function Eval that maps a syntactic expression and a context to a value. That is, Eval(E, C) returns the value of the syntactic expression E in the context C. In addition to syntactic expressions (denoted by the non-terminal Expr in the grammar), the domain of Eval includes additional syntactic constructs. Some of these additional constructs are defined by the concrete grammar, while others are introduced as ``intermediate results'' during the evaluation process (the latter are noted where they are introduced). Each value returned by Eval is in the Vesta value space, described in the next section. The context parameter C to Eval is a value of type t_binding in the Vesta value space.

3.1 Value Space

Values are typed. The types and values of the language are:

  Type name     Values of the type
  t_bool        true, false
  t_int         integers
  t_text        arbitrary byte sequences
  t_nil         nil
  t_list_ne     non-empty sequences of arbitrary values
  t_binding_ne  non-empty sequences of pairs in which the first
		  member of each pair is a non-empty t_text, the
		  second is an arbitrary value, and the first
		  members of all the pairs are distinct
  t_closure     closures, each of which is a triple <e, f, b> where
		  e is a function body (i.e., a Block as per the grammar),
		  f is a list of pairs <t_i, e_i>, where t_i is a
		    t_text value (a formal parameter name) and e_i is either
		    the distinguished expression <emptyExpr> or is
		    an Expr (for a default parameter value)
		  b is a value of type t_binding (the context)
  t_err         err

The values true, false, nil and err are not to be confused with the language literals TRUE, FALSE, [], and ERR that denote those values.

Here are some supertypes, useful chiefly for defining the domain of primitive functions (the U(...) notation is type union):

  t_list        U(t_nil, t_list_ne)
  t_binding     U(t_nil, t_binding_ne)
  t_value       U(t_bool, t_int, t_text, t_list,
		  t_binding, t_closure, t_err)

The type t_bool contains the Boolean values true and false, denoted in the language by the literals TRUE and FALSE.

The type t_int contains integers over at least the range -2^31 .. 2^31-1; the exact range is implementation dependent.

The type t_text contains arbitrary sequences of 8-bit bytes. This type is used to represent text literals (quoted strings) in SDL programs as well as the contents of files introduced through the Files nonterminal of the grammar. Consequently, an implementation must reasonably support the representation of large values of this type (thousands of bytes or more), but is not required to support efficient operations on large text values.

The type t_nil contains a single value, nil, denoted in the language by empty square brackets.

The type t_list_ne contains non-empty sequences of values. The elements of a list need not be of the same type.

The type t_binding_ne contains non-empty sequences of pairs <t_i, v_i>, in which each t_i is a non-empty value of type t_text, each v_i is an arbitrary Vesta value (i.e., of type t_value), and the t_i are all distinct. Note that bindings are sequences: they are ordered. The domain of a binding is the set of names t_i at its top level. Bindings may be nested.

Bindings play an important role in the Vesta language. They are used to represent a variety of interesting objects. For example, flat bindings that map names to texts can be used to represent command-line switches and environment variables; bindings that contain nested bindings can be used to represent file systems; and bindings that map names to closures can be used to represent interfaces. Section 3.4.5 describes the primitive functions and operators for manipulating bindings, including three primitives for combining two bindings.

The type t_closure contains closure values for the primitive operators and functions (defined in Section 3.4) as well as for user-defined functions.

The type t_err consists of the single distinguished value err, denoted in the language by the literal ERR, which is used to represent erroneous evaluations. Primitive functions return err when applied to values outside their natural domain. For most (but not all) primitives, the value err lies outside the natural domain and so is ``contagious''; that is, most primitives return err when given err for any input. The evaluation rules and the descriptions of primitive functions document these cases.

In most cases, err represents a definite error and the implementation should generate a suitable diagnostic for human consumption, in addition to merely propagating the err value through subsequent evaluation. Whether the evaluation terminates or continues in these cases is left to the implementation.

3.2 Type Declarations

The language includes a rudimentary mechanism for declaring the expected types of values computed during evaluation. The grammar defines a small sub-language of type expressions, which includes the ability to give names to types and to describe aggregate types (lists, bindings, functions) with varying degrees of detail. Type expressions may be attached to function arguments and results and to local variables, indicating the type of the expected value for these identifiers and expressions during evaluation.

The Vesta evaluator currently treats type names and type expressions as syntactically checked comments; it performs no other checking. Future implementations may type-check expressions at run-time and report an error if the value does not match the specified type (according to some as yet unspecified definition of what it means for a value to ``match'' a type specification).

The syntax fragments and semantic descriptions in subsequent sections omit any further reference to type expressions entirely.

3.3 Evaluation Rules

The evaluation of a Vesta program corresponds to the abstract evaluation:

  Eval( M([]) , C_initial)
where M is the closure corresponding to the contents of an immutable file (a system model) in the Vesta repository and C_initial is an initial context. M's model should have the syntactic form defined by the nonterminal Model described in Section 3.3.13 below. C_initial defines the names and associated values of the built-in primitive operators and functions described in Section 3.4 below.

The definition of Eval by cases follows. Unless E is handled by one of these cases, Eval(E, C) is err. As mentioned above, the domain of Eval includes the language generated by the concrete grammar as a proper subset. Thus, in some of the cases below, the expression E can arise only as an intermediate result of another case of Eval. These cases are explicitly noted.

The pseudo-code that defines the various cases of Eval and the primitive functions should be read like C++. That code assumes the following declaration for the representation of Vesta values:

  class val {
      operator int();
      // converts Vesta t_int or t_bool to C++ int

      // converts a C++ integer to a Vesta t_int

      int operator== (val);
      // compares two Vesta values, returning true (1)
      // if they have the same type and are equal, and
      // false (0) otherwise

Note that the operator== above is the one invoked by uses of ``=='' in the C++ pseudo-code. It is not to be confused with the primitive equality operator defined on various Vesta types in Section 3.4.

The pseudo-code also refers to the following constants:

  static val true;   // value of literal TRUE
  static val false;  // value of literal FALSE
  static val nil;    // value of expression []
  static val err;    // value of literal ERR

For convenience, the pseudo-code adopts the following notational conveniences:

In each of the following sections, we first present the relevant portions of the language syntax. We then present the evaluation rules that apply to those syntactic constructs. The complete language syntax is given in Section 4.

3.3.1 Expr


Expr       ::= if Expr then Expr else Expr | Expr1
Expr1      ::= Expr2 {  =>  Expr2 }*
Expr2      ::= Expr3 {  ||  Expr3 }*
Expr3      ::= Expr4 {  &&  Expr4 }*
Expr4      ::= Expr5 [ { == | != | < | > | <= | >= } Expr5 ]
Expr5      ::= Expr6 { AddOp Expr6 }*
AddOp      ::= +  |  ++  |  -
Expr6      ::= Expr7 { MulOp Expr7 }*
MulOp      ::= *
Expr7      ::= [ UnaryOp ] Expr8
UnaryOp    ::= -  |  !
Expr8      ::= Primary [ TypeQual ]
Primary    ::= ( Expr ) | Literal | Id | List
             | Binding | Select | Block | FuncCall

The grammar lists the operators in increasing order of precedence. The binary operators at each precedence level are left-associative.

Evaluation Rules:

// conditional expression
Eval( if Expr_1 then Expr_2 else Expr_3 , C) =
  val b = Eval( Expr_1 , C);
  if (_is_bool(b) == false) return err;
  if (b == true) return Eval( Expr_2 , C);
  else return Eval( Expr_3 , C);

As defined in Section 3.4.6, _is_bool(b) is true if b is a value of type t_bool and false otherwise.

// conditional implication
Eval( Expr_1 => Expr_2 , C) =
  val b = Eval( Expr_1 , C);
  if (_is_bool(b) == false) return err;
  if (b == false) return true;
  b = Eval( Expr_2 , C);
  if (_is_bool(b) == false) return err;
  return b;

// conditional OR
Eval( Expr_1 || Expr_2 , C) =
  val b = Eval( Expr_1 , C);
  if (_is_bool(b) == false) return err;
  if (b == true) return true;
  b = Eval( Expr_2 , C);
  if (_is_bool(b) == false) return err;
  return b;

// conditional AND
Eval( Expr_1 && Expr_2 , C) =
  val b = Eval( Expr_1 , C);
  if (_is_bool(b) == false) return err;
  if (b == false) return false;
  b = Eval( Expr_2 , C);
  if (_is_bool(b) == false) return err;
  return b;

// comparison
Eval( Expr_1 == Expr_2 , C) = operator==(Eval( Expr_1 , C), Eval( Expr_2 , C)) 
Eval( Expr_1 != Expr_2 , C) = operator!=(Eval( Expr_1 , C), Eval( Expr_2 , C)) 
Eval( Expr_1 <  Expr_2 , C) = operator< (Eval( Expr_1 , C), Eval( Expr_2 , C)) 
Eval( Expr_1 >  Expr_2 , C) = operator> (Eval( Expr_1 , C), Eval( Expr_2 , C)) 
Eval( Expr_1 <= Expr_2 , C) = operator<=(Eval( Expr_1 , C), Eval( Expr_2 , C)) 
Eval( Expr_1 >= Expr_2 , C) = operator>=(Eval( Expr_1 , C), Eval( Expr_2 , C))

// AddOp and MulOp
Eval( Expr_1 + Expr_2 ,  C) = operator+ (Eval( Expr_1 , C), Eval( Expr_2 , C))
Eval( Expr_1 ++ Expr_2 , C) = operator++(Eval( Expr_1 , C), Eval( Expr_2 , C))
Eval( Expr_1 - Expr_2 ,  C) = operator- (Eval( Expr_1 , C), Eval( Expr_2 , C))
Eval( Expr_1 * Expr_2 ,  C) = operator* (Eval( Expr_1 , C), Eval( Expr_2 , C))

// UnaryOp
Eval( ! Expr , C) = operator!(Eval( Expr , C)) 
Eval( - Expr , C) = operator-(Eval( Expr , C)) 

// parenthesization
Eval( ( Expr ) , C) = Eval( Expr , C)

There are seven remaining possibilities for a Primary: Literal, Id, List, Binding, Select, Block, and FuncCall. These are treated separately in subsequent sections.

3.3.2 Literal


Literal    ::= ERR | TRUE | FALSE | Text | Integer

Evaluation Rules:

Eval( ERR    , C) = err
Eval( TRUE   , C) = true
Eval( FALSE  , C) = false
Eval( Text   , C) = the corresponding t_text value, following the C++
                    interpretation for the Escape characters.
Eval( Integer, C) = the corresponding t_int value if it can be
                    represented by the implementation, otherwise `err'.

3.3.3 Id

Evaluation Rules:

Eval( Id , C) = _lookup(C, id),

As defined in Section 3.4.5, _lookup(b, nm) is the value associated with the non-empty name nm in the binding b, or err if nm is empty or is not in b's domain.

3.3.4 List


List       ::= `[' Expr*, `]'

Syntactic desugarings:

[ Expr_1, ..., Expr_n ]  desugars to  [ Expr_1 ] + [ Expr_2, ..., Expr_n ]

Here, `+' is the concatenation operator on lists.

Evaluation Rules:

Eval( []       , C) = nil
Eval( [ Expr ] , C) = _list1(Eval( Expr , C))

As defined in Section 3.4.4, _list1(val) evaluates to a list containing the single value val.

3.3.5 Binding


Binding    ::= `[' BindElem*, `]'
BindElem   ::= SelfNameB | NameBind
SelfNameB  ::= = Id
NameBind   ::= GenPath = Expr
GenPath    ::= GenArc { Delim GenArc }* [ Delim ]
GenArc     ::= Arc | $ Id | $ ( Expr ) | % Expr %
Arc        ::= Id | Integer | Text

Syntactic desugarings:

The following desugarings apply to BindElem's within a Binding:

= Id                         desugars to  Id = Id
GenArc Delim GenPath = Expr  desugars to  GenArc = [ GenPath = Expr ]
GenArc Delim = Id            desugars to  GenArc = [ = Id ]
Integer = Expr               desugars to  "Integer" = Expr
Text = Expr                  desugars to  $ ( Text ) = Expr
$ Id = Expr                  desugars to  $ ( Id ) = Expr
% Expr_1 % = Expr_2          desugars to  $ ( Expr_1 ) = Expr_2

The GenPath syntactic sugar allows bindings consisting of a single path to be written more succinctly. For example, the binding value:

  [ env_ovs = [ Cxx = [ switches = [ compile =
    [ debug = "-g3", optimize = "-O" ]]]]]

can instead be written:

  [ env_ovs/Cxx/switches/compile = 
    [ debug = "-g3", optimize = "-O" ]]

Evaluation Rules:

First, the rule for constructing a singleton binding:

Eval( [ Id = Expr ] , C) = _bind1(id, Eval( Expr , C)),

As defined in Section 3.4.5, _bind1(id, v) evaluates to a singleton binding that associates the non-empty name id with the value v.

The $(Expr) syntax allows the name introduced into a binding to be computed:

Eval( [ $ ( Expr_1 ) = Expr_2 ] , C) =
  _bind1(Eval(Expr_1, C), Eval( Expr_2 , C)),

When the field name is computed using the $ syntax, an empty string is illegal (see _bind1 below), and the expression must evaluate to a t_text.

The following rule handles the case where multiple BindElem's are given.

Eval( [ BindElem_1, ..., BindElem_n ] , C) =
  _append(Eval( [ BindElem_1 ] , C),
          Eval( [ BindElem_2, ..., BindElem_n ] , C)

As defined in Section 3.4.5, _append(b1, b2) evaluates to the concatenation of the bindings b1 and b2; it requires that their domains are disjoint.

3.3.6 Select


Select     ::= Primary Selector GenArc
Selector   ::= Delim | !
GenArc     ::= Arc | $ Id | $ ( Expr ) | % Expr %
Arc        ::= Id | Integer | Text

A Select expression denotes a selection from a binding, so the Primary must evaluate to a binding value.

Syntactic Desugarings:

Primary Selector Integer   desugars to  Primary Selector "Integer"
Primary Selector Text      desugars to  Primary Selector $ ( Text )
Primary Selector % Expr %  desugars to  Primary Selector $ ( Expr )

Evaluation Rules:

The Delim syntax selects a value out of a binding by name:

Eval( Primary Delim Id , C) =
  _lookup(Eval( Primary , C), id)

The $(Expr) syntax allows the selected name to be computed:

Eval( Primary Delim $ ( Expr ) , C) =
  _lookup(Eval( Primary , C), Eval( Expr , C))

The ! syntax tests if a name is in a binding's domain:

Eval( Primary ! Id , C) =
  _defined(Eval( Primary , C), id),

As defined in Section 3.4.5, _defined(b, nm) evaluates to true if nm is non-empty and in b's domain, and to false otherwise.

As above, the $(Expr) syntax can be used to compute the name:

Eval( Primary ! $ ( Expr ) , C) =
  _defined(Eval( Primary , C), Eval( Expr , C))

In both cases where the GenArc is a computed expression, the Expr must evaluate to a t_text.

3.3.7 Block


Block      ::= `{' Stmt*; Result; `}'
Stmt       ::= Assign | Iterate | FuncDef | TypeDef
Result     ::= { value | return } Expr

Syntactic Desugarings:

return Expr   desugars to   value Expr

That is, the keywords return and value are synonyms, provided for stylistic reasons. The return/value statement must appear at the end of a Block; there is no analog of the C/C++ return statement that terminates execution of the function in which it appears.

Evaluation Rules:

Since the Vesta SDL is functional, evaluation of a statement does not produce side-effects, but rather produces a binding. Evaluation of a block occurs by augmenting the context with the bindings produced by evaluating the Stmts, then evaluating the final Expr in the augmented context.

Eval( { value Expr } , C) = Eval( Expr , C)

Eval( { Stmt_1; ...; Stmt_n; value Expr } , C) =
  Eval( Expr , operator+(C, Eval( { Stmt_1; ...; Stmt_n } , C)))

Notice that this second rule introduces an argument to Eval in the ``extended'' language that is not generated by any non-terminal of the grammar.

3.3.8 Stmt

Evaluation Rules:

Evaluating a Stmt or sequence of Stmts produces a binding. Note that the binding resulting from the evaluation of a sequence of Stmts is simply the overlay (operator `+') of the bindings resulting from evaluating each Stmt in the sequence, and does not include the context C.

Eval( { } , C) = nil

Eval( { Stmt_1; Stmt_2 ...; Stmt_n } , C) =
  val b = Eval( Stmt_1 , C);
  return operator+(b, Eval( { Stmt_2; ...; Stmt_n } , operator+(C, b)))

These rules apply to constructs in the ``extended'' language. There are three possibilities for a Stmt: Assign, Iterate, and FuncDef. They are covered in the next three sections.

3.3.9 Assign

Since the Vesta SDL is functional, assignments do not produce side-effects. Instead, they introduce a new name into the evaluation context whose value is that of the given expression.


Assign     ::= Id [ TypeQual ] [ Op ] = Expr 
Op         ::= AddOp | MulOp
AddOp      ::= +  |  ++  |  -
MulOp      ::= *

Syntactic Desugarings:

Id Op = Expr   desugars to   Id = Id Op Expr

Evaluation Rules:

Eval( Id = Expr , C) = _bind1(id, Eval( Expr , C))

3.3.10 Iterate

The language includes expressions for iterating over both lists and bindings. There is also a _map primitive defined on lists (Section 3.4.4) and bindings (Section 3.4.5). _map is more efficient but less general than the language's Iterate construct.


Iterate    ::= foreach Control in Expr do IterBody
Control    ::= Id | `[' Id = Id `]'
IterBody   ::= Stmt | `{' Stmt+; `}'

The two Control forms are used to iterate over lists and bindings, respectively.

Evaluation Rules:

// iteration with single-statement body
Eval( foreach Control in Expr do Stmt , C) =
  Eval( foreach Control in Expr do { Stmt } , C)

The semantics of a loop are to conceptually unroll the loop n times, where n is the length of the list or binding being iterated over.

// iteration over a list
Eval( foreach Id in Expr do { Stmt_1; ...; Stmt_n } , C) =
  val l = Eval( Expr, C);
  if (_is_list(l) == false) return err;
  t_text id = Id; // identifier Id as a t_text
  val r = nil;
  for (; !(l == nil); l = _tail(l)) {
    val r1 = operator+(C, r);
    r1 = operator+(r1, _bind1(id, _head(l)));
    r = operator+(r, Eval( { Stmt_1; ...; Stmt_n } , r1));
  return r;

As defined in Section 3.4.6, _is_list(l) is true if l is of type t_list_ne or t_nil, and false otherwise.

// iteration over a binding
Eval( foreach [ Id1 = Id2 ] in Expr do { Stmt_1; ...; Stmt_n } , C) =
  val b = Eval( Expr, C);
  if (_is_binding(b) == false) return err;
  t_text id1 = Id1; // identifier Id1 as a t_text
  t_text id2 = Id2; // identifier Id2 as a t_text
  val r = nil;
  for (; !(b == nil); b = _tail(b)) {
    val r1 = operator+(C, r);
    r1 = operator+(r1, _bind1(id1, _n(_head(b))));
    r1 = operator+(r1, _bind1(id2, _v(_head(b))));
    r = operator+(r, Eval( { Stmt_1; ...; Stmt_n } , r1));
  return r;

As defined in Section 3.4.6, _is_binding(b) is true if b is of type t_binding_ne or t_nil, and false otherwise.

Note that the iteration variables (that is, Id, Id1, and Id2 above) are not bound in the binding that results from evaluating the foreach statement. However, any assignments made in the loop body are included in the result binding.

Iteration statements are typically used to walk over or collect parts of a list or binding. For example, here is a function for reversing a list:

  reverse_list(l: list): list
    res: list = [];
    foreach elt in l do
      res = [elt] + res;
    return res;

Here is a function that counts the number of leaves of a binding:

  count_leaves(b: binding): int
    res: int = 0;
    foreach [ nm = val ] in b do
      res += if _is_binding(val) then count_leaves(val) else 1;
    return res;

3.3.11 FuncDef


The function definition syntax allows a suffix of the formal parameters to have associated default values.

FuncDef    ::= Id Formals+ [ TypeQual ] Block
Formals    ::= ( FormalArgs )
FormalArgs ::= { TypedId*,            		      	      // none defaulted
             | { TypedId = Expr }*,   		      	      // all defaulted
             | TypedId { , TypedId }* { , TypedId = Expr }+ } // some defaulted

Note that the syntax allows multiple Formals to follow the function name. As the rules below describe, the use of multiple Formals produces a sequence of curried functions, all but the first of which is anonymous.

Evaluation Rules:

Eval( Id Formals_1 ... Formals_n Block , C) =
  _bind1(id, Eval( e , C1)),
    e = LAMBDA Formals_1 ... LAMBDA Formals_n Block
    C1 = operator+(C, _bind1(id, Eval( e , C1)))

Notice the recursive definition of C1. This permits functions to be self-recursive, but not mutually recursive. Although this recursive definition looks a little odd, it can be implemented by the evaluator by introducing a cycle into the context C1. This is the only case where any Vesta value can contain a cycle (the language syntax and operators do not allow cyclic lists or bindings to be constructed), and the cycle is invisible to clients. There is no practical difficulty in constructing the cycle because, as we are about to see, the ``evaluation'' of a LAMBDA is purely syntactic.

Also note that this rule produces a LAMBDA construct in the ``extended'' language that is not generated by any non-terminal of the grammar. The following is the simple case of LAMBDA, where all actual parameters must be given in any application of the closure. The reason for the restriction on the use of "." as a formal parameter is treated below in the section on function calls.

Eval( LAMBDA (Id_1, ..., Id_m)
      LAMBDA Formals_2 ... LAMBDA Formals_n Block , C) =
  If any of the Id's is the identifier ".", return err; otherwise,
  return the t_closure value
    <LAMBDA Formals_2 ... LAMBDA Formals_n Block, f, C>, where:
       f is a list of pairs <id_i, <emptyExpr>> where:
         id_i is the t_text representation of Id_i, for i in [1..m]

In the typical case where only one set of Formals is specified (that is, n = 1), the first element of the resulting closure value is simply a Block.

Next is the general case of LAMBDA, in which ``default expressions'' are given for a suffix of the formal parameter list. Functions may be called with fewer actuals than formals if each formal corresponding to an omitted actual includes an expression specifying the default value to be computed. When the closure is applied, if an actual parameter is missing, its formal's expression is evaluated (in the context of the LAMBDA) and passed instead. The following FuncCall section defines this precisely.

Eval( LAMBDA (Id_1, ..., Id_k, Id_k+1 = Expr_k+1, ... Id_m = Expr_m)
      LAMBDA Formals_2 ... LAMBDA Formals_n Block , C) =
  If any of the Id's is the identifier ".", return err; otherwise,
  return the t_closure value
    <LAMBDA Formals_2 ... LAMBDA Formals_n Block, f, C>, where:
       f is a list of pairs <id_i, expr_i> where:
         id_i is the t_text representation of Id_i, for i in [1..m]
         expr_i is <emptyExpr>, for i in [1..k],
         expr_i is Expr_i, for i in [k+1..m]

3.3.12 FuncCall


FuncCall   ::= Primary Actuals
Actuals    ::= ( Expr*, )

Evaluation Rules:

The function call mechanism provides special treatment for the identifier consisting of a single period, called the current environment and pronounced ``dot''. Dot is typically assigned a binding that contains the tools, switches, and file system required for the rest of the build. The initial environment, C_initial, does not bind dot (that is, ``_defined(C_initial, ".") == false'').

When a function is called, the context in which its body executes may bind "." to a value established as follows:

Thus, the binding for ".", if any, is passed through the dynamic call chain until it is altered either explicitly by an Assign statement or implicitly by calling a function with an extra actual parameter. The pseudo-code below makes this precise.

Eval( Primary ( Expr_1, ..., Expr_n ) , C) =
  val cl = Eval( Primary , C);
  if (_is_closure(cl) == false) return err;

  // cl.e is the function body, cl.f are the formals, cl.b is the context
  int m = _length(cl.f);              // number of formals
  if (n > m + 1) return err;          // too many actuals
  val C1 = cl.b; 		      // t_binding
  val f = cl.f;  		      // t_list (of <t, e> pairs)

  // augment C1 to include formals bound to corresponding actuals
  int i;
  for (i = 1; i <= m; i++) {
    val form = _head(f);              // i-th formal (a <t, e> pair)
    val act;                          // value of corresponding actual
    if (i <= n)
      act = Eval( Expr_i , C);        // value for i-th actual
    else {
      if (form.e == <emptyExpr>)
        return err;                   // missing required actual
      act = Eval( form.e , cl.b);     // value for defaulted argument
    C1 = operator+(C1, _bind1(form.t, act));
    f = _tail(f);

  // bind "." in C1
  val dot;
  if (n <= m)
    dot = _lookup(C, ".");            // inherit value for "." from C
    dot = Eval( Expr_n , C);          // explicit value for last actual
  C1 = operator+(C1, _bind1(".", dot));

  /* C1 is now a suitable environment.  If the closure is a primitive
     function, then invoke it by a special mechanism internal to the
     evaluator and return the value it computes.  Otherwise, perform
     the following: */
  return Eval( cl.e , C1);      

Note: The comparison with <emptyExpr> has not been formalized, but it should be intuitively clear.

3.3.13 Model


Model      ::= Files Includes Block

Evaluation Rules:

The nonterminal Model is treated like the body of a function definition (i.e., like a FuncDef, but without the identifier naming the function and with an empty list of formal parameters). More precisely:

Eval( Files Includes Block , C) =
  Eval( LAMBDA () Block , _append(Eval( Files Includes , nil), C))

As this rule indicates, the Files and Includes constructs are evaluated in an empty context, and they augment the closure context in which the model's LAMBDA is evaluated. In practice, the context C will always be the initial context C_initial when this rule is applied (cf. Sections 3.3 and 3.3.15).

The Files nonterminal introduces values corresponding to the contents of ordinary files and directories. The Includes nonterminal introduces closure values corresponding to other Vesta SDL models.

The evaluation rules handle Files and Includes clauses by augmenting the context using the _append primitive, thereby ensuring that the names introduced by these clauses are all distinct, just as if the Files and Includes clauses of the Model were a single binding constructor. The Files and Includes clauses are evaluated independently:

Eval( Files Includes , C) =
  _append(Eval( Files , C), Eval( Includes , C))

The following two sections give the rules for evaluating Files and Includes clauses individually. It is worth noting that the evaluation context C is ignored in those rules.

3.3.14 Files

A Files clause introduces names corresponding to files or directories in the Vesta repository. Generally, these files or directories are named by relative paths, which are interpreted relative to the location of the model containing the Files clause. Absolute paths are permitted, though they are expected to be rarely used.


Files      ::= FileClause*
FileClause ::= files FileItem*;
FileItem   ::= FileSpec | FileList
FileSpec   ::= [ Id = ] DelimPath
FileList   ::= Id = `[' FileSpec*, `]'

DelimPath  ::= [ Delim ] Path [ Delim ]
Path       ::= Arc { Delim Arc }*
Arc        ::= Id | Integer | Text

Each FileItem in a Files clause takes one of two forms: a FileSpec or a FileList. Each form introduces (binds) exactly one name. In the former case, the name corresponds to the contents of a single file or directory; in the latter case, the name corresponds to a binding consisting of perhaps many files or directories. In both cases, the identifier introduced into the Vesta naming context or the identifiers introduced into the binding can be specified explicitly or derived from an Arc in the Path.

For example, consider the following files clause:

    scripts = bin;
    c_files = [ utils.c, main.c ];
Suppose the directory containing this model also contains a directory named bin and files named utils.c and main.c. Then this files clause introduces the two names scripts and c_files into the context. The former is bound to a binding whose structure corresponds to the bin directory. The latter is bound to a binding that maps the names utils.c and main.c to the contents of those files, respectively. The file contents are values of type t_text.

Syntactic Desugaring:

When multiple FileItem's are given in a FileClause, the files keyword simply distributes over each of the FileItem's. That is:

  files FileItem_1; ...; FileItem_n;

desugars to:

  files FileItem_1;
  files FileItem_n;

When the initial Id is omitted from a FileSpec, it is inferred from the path. In particular:

  files [ Delim ] { Arc Delim }* Id [ Delim ];

desugars to:

  files Id = [ Delim ] { Arc Delim }* Id [ Delim ];

Notice that this second desugaring implies that if the final Arc of the Path is not an Id, the form

  files Id = DelimPath;
must be used.

Evaluation Rules:

Multiple FileClause's are evaluated independently:

Eval( FileClause_0 FileClause_1 ... FileClause_n , C) =
  _append(Eval( FileClause_0 , C), Eval( FileClause_1 ... FileClause_n , C))

That leaves only two cases to consider: FileSpec (in which the initial Id is specified) and FileList.

// FileSpec
Eval( files Arc = DelimPath , C) = _bind1(id, v)

The FileSpec evaluation rule above allows Arcs on the left hand side, whereas the grammar only allows Ids. Handling such ``extended'' files clauses is necessary to accommodate the FileList rule:

// FileList
Eval( files Id = [ FileSpec_1, ..., FileSpec_n ] , C) =
  _bind1(id, Eval( files FileSpec_1; ...; FileSpec_n , C))

Notice that the FileList form of the Files clause provides a convenient way to create a binding containing a list of FileSpecs. Without this construct, it would be necessary to name each file twice, once in the FileSpec and once in a subsequent binding constructor. Making a binding with FileList is semantically similar to constructing a file system directory, with the additional property that there is an enumeration order for the component files.

3.3.15 Includes

The Includes clause enables one Vesta SDL model to include others by reference; that is, it supports modular decomposition of Vesta SDL programs.


Includes   ::= IncClause*
IncClause  ::= IncIdReq | IncIdOpt

There are two major forms of the Includes clause: one where identifiers are required (IncIdReq), and one where they are optional (IncIdOpt). Both forms have two sub-forms in which either a single model or a list of models may be included.

First, consider the IncIdReq case. This form is typically used to include models in the same package as the importing model. Each IncItemR in the IncIdReq clause takes one of two forms: an IncSpecR or an IncListR. Each form binds exactly one name.

IncIdReq   ::= include IncItemR*;
IncItemR   ::= IncSpecR | IncListR
IncSpecR   ::= Id = DelimPath
IncListR   ::= Id = `[' IncSpecR*, `]'

DelimPath  ::= [ Delim ] Path [ Delim ]
Path       ::= Arc { Delim Arc }*
Arc        ::= Id | Integer | Text

In the IncSpecR case, the name is bound to the t_closure value that results from evaluation of the contents of a file according to the Model evaluation rules of Section 3.3.13. For example, consider the Include clause:

  include self = progs.ves;
This clause binds the name self to the closure corresponding to the local progs.ves model in the same directory as the model in which it appears.

In the IncList case, the name is bound to a binding of such values. For example:

  include sub =
    [ progs = src/progs.ves, tests = src/tests.ves ];
This clause binds the name sub to a binding containing the names progs and tests; these names within the binding are bound to the closures corresponding to the models named progs.ves and tests.ves in the package's src subdirectory. For example, the progs.ves model would be invoked by the expression ``sub/progs()''.

Because the Includes clause often mentions several files with names that share a common prefix, a syntactic form is provided to allow the prefix to be written once. This is the IncIdOpt form. It is used to import models from other packages. The semantics are defined so that many identifiers are optional; when omitted, they default to the name of the package from which the model is being imported. As in the IncIdReq case, IncIdOpt has forms for importing both single models and lists of multiple models.

IncIdOpt   ::= from DelimPath include IncItemO*;
IncItemO   ::= IncSpecO | IncListO
IncSpecO   ::= [ Id = ] Path [ Delim ]
IncListO   ::= Id = `[' IncSpecO*, `]'

Here are some examples of IncIdOpt imports:

  from /vesta/ include
    libs = [ srpc/2/build.ves, basics/5/build.ves ];
This example binds the name cache to the closure corresponding to version 12 of that package's build.ves model, and it binds the name libs to a binding containing the names srpc and basics, bound to versions 2 and 5 of those package's build.ves models. (As the evaluation rules below describe, the three occurrences of ``/build.ves'' in this example could actually have been omitted.)

Syntactic Desugaring:

When multiple IncItemR's are given in a IncIdReq, the include keyword distributes over each of the IncItemR's. That is:

  include IncSpec_1; ...; IncSpec_n;
desugars to:
  include IncSpec_1;
  include IncSpec_n;

Similarly, the from clause distributes over the individual inclusions of an IncIdOpt. In particular:

  from DelimPath include IncItemO_1; ...; IncItemO_n;
desugars to:
  from DelimPath include IncItemO_1;
  from DelimPath include IncItemO_n;

The use of from makes it optional to supply a name for the closure value being introduced; if the name is omitted, it is derived from the Path following the include keyword as follows:

  from DelimPath include
    [ Id = ] [ Delim ] Arc_1 { Delim Arc }* [ Delim ]

desugars to:

  include Id_1 =
    DelimPath Delim Arc_1 { Delim Arc }* [ Delim ]
where Id_1 is Id if it is present and is Arc_1 otherwise. When the initial ``Id ='' is omitted, Arc_1 must be an Id.


  from DelimPath include Id = [
    [ Id_1 = ] [ Delim ] Arc1_1 { Delim Arc }* [ Delim ],
    [ Id_n = ] [ Delim ] Arc1_n { Delim Arc }* [ Delim ] ]
desugars to:
  include Id = [
    Arc1_1 = DelimPath Delim Arc1_1 {Delim Arc }* [ Delim ],
    Arc1_n = DelimPath Delim Arc1_n {Delim Arc }* [ Delim ] ]
where Arc1_i is Id_i if it is present and is Arc1_i otherwise.

Evaluation Rules:

Multiple IncClause's are evaluated independently:

Eval( IncClause_0 IncClause_1 ... IncClause_n , C) =
  _append(Eval( IncClause_0 , C), Eval( IncClause_1 ... IncClause_n , C))

This leaves two fundamental forms of the Includes clause, whose semantics are defined as follows:

// IncSpecR
Eval( include Arc = DelimPath , C) =
  _bind1(id, Eval( model , C_initial))

The IncSpecR evaluation rule above allows Arcs on the left hand side, whereas the grammar only allows Ids. Handling such ``extended'' include clauses is necessary to accommodate the following IncListR rule:

// IncListR
Eval( include Id = [ IncSpecR_1, ..., IncSpecR_n ] , C) =
  _bind1(id, Eval( include IncSpecR_1; ...; IncSpecR_n , C))

3.3.16 Filename Interpretation

The evaluation rules for the Files and Includes clauses do not specify how a sequence of Arcs and Delims is converted into a file name in the underlying file system. While this is system-dependent, it is nevertheless intended to be intuitive. In particular,

3.4 Primitives

The primitive names and associated values described below are provided by the Vesta SDL interpreter in C_initial, the initial context. Most of these values are closures with empty contexts; that is, they are primitive functions.

In the descriptions that follow, the notation used for the function signatures follows C++, with the result type preceding the function name and each argument type preceding the corresponding argument name. Defaulting conventions also follow C++; if an argument name is followed by "= <value>", then omitting the corresponding actual argument is equivalent to supplying <value>.

Some of the function signatures use the C++ operator definition syntax, which should be understood as defining a function whose name is not an Id in the sense of the grammar above. Such operator names cannot be rebound. These operators are typically overloaded, as the descriptions below indicate. Uses of these built-in Vesta primitives within C++ code are denoted by the operator syntax.

The pseudo-code of this section assumes the definition of the Vesta value class given at the start of Section 3.3. Invocation of a Vesta operator primitive within the pseudo-code is denoted by the operator syntax. All other operators appearing in the pseudo-code denote the C++ operators.

In these descriptions, the argument types represent the natural domain; the result type is the natural range. In reality, all functions accept arguments of any type, producing err for arguments that lie outside the natural domain. For this reason, a function whose specified (natural) result is of type T has an actual result of type U(T, t_err).

Type-checking occurs when primitive functions are called, not before.

3.4.1 Functions on type t_bool

Recall that true and false are Vesta values, not C++ quantities.

operator==(t_bool b1, t_bool b2)
Returns true if b1 and b2 are the same, and false otherwise.
operator!=(t_bool b1, t_bool b2)
  operator!(operator==(b1, b2))
operator!(t_bool b) =
  int ib = b; // convert to C++ integer
  if (ib) return false; else return true;

3.4.2 Functions on type t_int

operator==(t_int i1, t_int i2)
Returns true if i1 and i2 are equal, and false otherwise.
operator!=(t_int i1, t_int i2) =
  operator!(operator==(i1, i2))
operator+(t_int i1, t_int i2)
Returns the integer sum i1 + i2 unless it lies outside the implementation-defined range, in which case err is returned.
operator-(t_int i1, t_int i2)
Returns the integer difference i1 - i2 unless it lies outside the implementation-defined range, in which case err is returned.
operator-(t_int i) =
  operator-(0, i)
operator*(t_int i1, t_int i2)
Returns the integer product i1 * i2 unless it lies outside the implementation-defined range, in which case err is returned.
_div(t_int i1, t_int i2)
Returns the integer quotient i1 / i2 (that is, the floor of the real quotient) unless it lies outside the implementation-defined range, in which case err is returned. (err is possible only if i2 is zero or if i2 is -1 and i1 is the largest implementation-defined negative number.)
_mod(t_int i1, t_int i2) =
  operator-(i1, operator*(_div(i1,i2), i2))
operator<(t_int i1, t_int i2) =
  int ii1 = i1, ii2 = i2; // convert to C++ integers
  if (ii1 < ii2) return true; else return false;
operator>(t_int i1, t_int i2) =
  operator<(i2, i1)
operator<=(t_int i1, t_int i2) =
  int ii1 = i1, ii2 = i2; // convert to C++ integers
  if (ii1 <= ii2) return true; else return false;
operator>=(t_int i1, t_int i2) =
  operator<=(i2, i1)
_min(t_int i1, t_int i2) =
{ if (operator<(i1, i2)) return i1; else return i2; }
_max(t_int i1, t_int i2) =
{ if (operator>(i1, i2)) return i1; else return i2; }

3.4.3 Functions on type t_text

The first byte of a t_text value has index 0.

operator==(t_text t1, t_text t2)
Returns true if t1 and t2 are identical byte sequences, and false otherwise.
operator!=(t_text t1, t_text t2) =
  operator!(operator==(t1, t2))
operator+(t_text t1, t_text t2)
Returns the byte sequence formed by appending the byte sequence t2 to the byte sequence t1 (concatenation).
_length(t_text t)
Returns the number of bytes in the byte sequence t.
_elem(t_text t, t_int i)
If 0 <= i < _length(t), returns a byte sequence of length 1 consisting of byte i of the byte sequence t. Otherwise, returns the empty byte sequence.
_sub(t_text t, t_int start = 0, t_int len = _length(t)) =
  int w = _length(t);
  int i = _min(_max(start, 0)), w);
  int j = _min(i + _max(len, 0), w);
  // 0 <= i <= j <= _length(t); extract [i..j)
  t_text r = "";
  for (; i < j; i++) r = operator+(r, _elem(t, i));
  return r;
Extracts from t and returns a byte sequence of length len beginning at byte start. Note the boundary cases defined by the pseudo-code; _sub produces err only if it is passed arguments of the wrong type.
_find(t_text t, t_text p, t_int start = 0) =
  int j = _length(t) - _length(p);
  if (j < 0) return -1;
  int i = _max(start, 0);
  if (i > j) return -1;
  for (; i <= j; i++) {
    int k = 0;
    while (k < _length(p) && _elem(t, i+k) == _elem(p, k)) k++;
    if (k == _length(p)) return i;
  return -1;
Finds the leftmost occurrence of p in t that begins at or after position start. Returns the index of the first byte of the occurrence, or -1 if none exists.
_findr(t_text t, t_text p, t_int start = 0) =
  int j = _length(t) - _length(p);
  if (j < 0) return -1;
  int i = _max(start, 0);
  if (i > j) return -1;
  for (; i <= j; j--) {
    int k = 0;
    while (k < _length(p) && _elem(t, j+k) == _elem(p, k)) k++;
    if (k == _length(p)) return j;
  return -1;
Finds the rightmost occurrence of p in t that begins at or after position start. Returns the index of the first byte of the occurrence, or -1 if none exists.

3.4.4 Functions on type t_list

operator==(t_list l1, t_list l2)
Returns true if l1 and l2 are lists of the same length containing (recursively) equal values, and false otherwise.
operator!=(t_list l1, t_list l2) =
  operator!(operator==(l1, l2))
_list1(t_value v)
Returns a list containing a single element whose value is v.
_head(t_list_ne l)
Returns the first element of l. Note that this element may be the value err.
_tail(t_list_ne l)
Returns the list consisting of all elements of l, in order, except the first.
_length(t_list l)
Returns the number of (top-level) values in the list l.
_elem(t_list l, t_int i)
Returns the i-th value in the list l, or err if no such value exists. The first value of a list has index 0.
operator+(t_list l1, t_list l2)
Returns the list formed by appending l2 to l1.
_sub(t_list l, t_int start = 0, t_int len = _length(l))
  int w = _length(l);
  int i = _min(_max(start, 0)), w);
  int j = _min(i + _max(len, 0), w);
  // 0 <= i <= j <= _length(l); extract [i..j)
  t_list r = [];
  for (; i < j; i++) r = operator+(r, _elem(l, i));
  return r;
Returns the sub-list of l of length len starting at element start. Note the boundary cases defined by the pseudo-code; _sub produces err only if it is passed arguments of the wrong type.
_map(t_closure f, t_list l) =
  t_list res = nil;
  for (; !(l == nil); l = _tail(l)) {
    t_value v = f(_head(l)); // apply the closure "f"
    if (res == err || v == err) res = err;
    else res = operator+(res, v);
  return res;
Returns the list that results from applying the closure f to each element of the list l, and concatenating the results in order. The closure f should take one value (of type t_value) as argument and return a value of any type. If f has the wrong signature or if any evaluation of f returns err, then _map returns err. However, f will be applied to every element of the list, even if one of its evaluations produces err.

3.4.5 Functions on type t_binding

operator==(t_binding b1, t_binding b2)
Returns true if b1 and b2 are bindings of the same length containing the same names (in order) bound to (recursively) equal values, and false otherwise.
operator!=(t_binding b1, t_binding b2) =
  operator!(operator==(b1, b2))
_bind1(t_text n, t_value v)
If n is empty, returns err. Otherwise, returns a binding with the single <name, value> pair <n, v>. Note that v may be any value, including err.
_head(t_binding_ne b)
Returns a binding with one <name, value> pair equal to the first element of b.
_tail(t_binding_ne b)
Returns the binding consisting of all elements of b, in order, except the first.
_length(t_binding b)
Returns the number of <name, value> pairs in b.
_elem(t_binding b, t_int i)
Returns a binding consisting solely of the i-th <name, value> pair in the binding b, or err if no such pair exists. The first pair of a binding has index 0.
_n(t_binding b)
If _length(b) = 1, returns the name part of the <name, value> pair that constitutes b. Otherwise, returns err.
_v(t_binding b)
If _length(b) differs from 1, returns err. Otherwise, let v be the value part of the <name, value> pair that constitutes b. This function returns v. (Note that a result value of err does not imply that _length(b) differs from 1, since v may be the value err.)
_defined(t_binding b, t_text name)
If name is empty, returns err. Otherwise, returns true if the binding b contains a pair <n, v> with n identical to name, and false otherwise.
_lookup(t_binding b, t_text name)
If name is empty, returns err. If name is defined in b, returns the value associated with it; otherwise, returns err. Note that the value associated with name may be of any type, including t_err, so a result of err does not necessarily imply that _defined(b, name) is false.
_append(t_binding b1, t_binding b2)
Returns a binding formed by appending b2 to b1, but only if all the names in b1 and b2 are distinct. Otherwise, returns err.
operator+(t_binding b1, t_binding b2) =
  val r = nil;
  for (; !(b1 == nil); b1 = _tail(b1)) {
    val n = _n(_head(b1));
    val v;
    if (_defined(b2, n) == true)
      v = _lookup(b2, n);
    else v = _v(_head(b1));
    r = _append(r, _bind1(n, v));
  for (; !(b2 == nil); b2 = _tail(b2)) {
    if (_defined(b1, _n(_head(b2)) == false)
      r = _append(r, _head(b2));
  return r;
Returns a binding formed by appending b2 to b1, giving precedence to b2 when both b1 and b2 contain <name, value> pairs with the same name.
operator++(t_binding b1, t_binding b2) =
  val r = nil;
  for (; !(b1 == nil); b1 = _tail(b1)) {
    val n = _n(_head(b1));
    val v;
    if (_defined(b2, n) == true) {
      val v2 = _lookup(b2, n);
      if (_is_binding(v2) == true) {
        v = _v(_head(b1);
        if (_is_binding(v) == true)
          v = operator++(v, v2);
        else v = v2;
      else v = v2;
    else v = _v(_head(b1));
    r = _append(r, _bind1(n, v));
  for (; !(b2 == nil); b2 = _tail(b2)) {
    if (_defined(r, _n(_head(b2)) == false)
      r = _append(r, _head(b2));
  return r;
Similar to operator+, but performs the operation recursively for each name n for which both _isbinding(_lookup(b1, n)) and _isbinding(_lookup(b2, n)) are true.
operator-(t_binding b1, t_binding b2) =
  val r = nil;
  for (; !(b1 = nil); b1 = _tail(b1)) {
    val n = _n(_head(b1));
    if (_defined(b2, n) == false)
      r = _append(r, _head(b1));
  return r;
Returns a binding formed by removing from b1 any pair <n, v> such that _defined(b2, n). The value v associated with n in b2 is irrelevant.
_sub(t_binding b, t_int start = 0, t_int len = _length(b))
  int w = _length(b);
  int i = _min(_max(start, 0)), w);
  int j = _min(i + _max(len, 0), w);
  // 0 <= i <= j <= _length(b); extract [i..j)
  t_binding r = [];
  for (; i < j; i++) r = _append(r, _elem(b, i));
  return r;
Returns the sub-binding of b of length len starting at element start. Note the boundary cases defined by the pseudo-code; _sub produces err only if it is passed arguments of the wrong type.
_map(t_closure f, t_binding b) =
  t_binding res = nil;
  for (; !(b == nil); b = _tail(l)) {
    t_binding b1 = f(_n(_head(b)), _v(_head(b))); // apply the closure "f"
    if (res == err || b1 == err) res = err;
    else res = _append(res, b1);
  return res;
Returns the binding that results from applying the closure f to each <name, value> pair of the binding b, and appending the resulting bindings together. The closure f should take the name (of type t_text) and value (of type t_value) as arguments, and return a value of type t_binding. If f has the wrong signature or if any evaluation of f returns err, then _map returns err. However, f will be applied to every pair of the binding, even if one of its evaluations produces err.

3.4.6 Type manipulation functions

_type_of(t_value v)
_type_of returns a text value corresponding to the type of the value v:
  value             text returned by _type_of
  -----             -------------------------
  true, false       "t_bool"
  integer           "t_int"
  byte sequence     "t_text"
  nil               "t_nil"
  err               "t_err"
  list              "t_list_ne" or "t_nil", as appropriate
  binding           "t_binding_ne" or "t_nil", as appropriate
  closures          "t_closure"
_same_type(t_value v1, t_value v2) =
   operator==(_type_of(v1), _type_of(v2))
_is_bool(t_value v)
Returns true if v is of type t_bool; returns false otherwise.
_is_int(t_value v)
Returns true if v is of type t_int; returns false otherwise.
_is_text(t_value v)
Returns true if v is of type t_text; returns false otherwise.
_is_err(t_value v)
Returns true if v is of type t_err; returns false otherwise.
_is_list(t_value v)
Returns true if v is of type t_list_ne or t_nil; returns false otherwise.
_is_binding(t_value v)
Returns true if v is of type t_binding_ne or t_nil; returns false otherwise.
_is_closure(t_value v)
Returns true if v is of type t_closure; returns false otherwise.

3.4.7 Tool invocation function

  platform: t_text,
  command:  t_list,
  stdin:    t_text = "",
  stdout_treatment: t_text = "report",
  stderr_treatment: t_text = "report",
  status_treatment: t_text = "report_nocache",
  signal_treatment: t_text = "report_nocache",
  fp_contents: t_bool = FALSE,
  wd: t_text = ".WD")

_run_tool is the mechanism by which external programs like compilers and linkers are executed from a Vesta SDL program. It provides functionality that is fairly platform-independent. The following description, however, is somewhat Unix-specific (for example, in its description of exit codes and signals).

The platform argument specifies the platform on which the tool is to be executed. _run_tool selects a specific machine for the given platform. The legal values for platform and the mechanism by which a machine of the appropriate platform is chosen are implementation dependent.

The tool to be executed is specified by the command argument. This argument is a t_list of t_text values. The first member of the list is the name of the tool (interpretation of the name is discussed below); the remaining members of the list are the arguments passed to the tool as its command line. The tool is executed on the specified platform in an environment with the following characteristics:

In the absence of errors, _run_tool returns a binding that contains the results of the command execution. This binding has type:

  type run_tool_result = binding [
    code   : int,
    signal : int,
    stdout_written : bool,
    stderr_written : bool,
    stdout : text,
    stderr : text,
    root   : binding

If r is of type run_tool_result, then:

Two fine points relating to the results of _run_tool:

  1. If the tool cannot be invoked---for example, because of errors in the parameters to _run_tool---the evaluator prints a suitable diagnostic and the _run_tool call returns err. However, errors that result during the execution of the tool are reported in a tool-specific fashion, with the exit status reported in r/code.

  2. Specifying "report_nocache" as the treatment for an output stream (stdout or stderr) or the exit status prevents the evaluator from making a cache entry from the call of _run_tool if any output is produced on the corresponding output stream or if the exit status is nonzero, respectively. In addition, none of the ancestor functions of the failing _run_tool call in the call graph are cached either. Since no cache entries are made, a subsequent re-interpretation of the model will produce the same output (on stdout or stderr). This can be useful for reproducing error messages from a compiler or other external tool that are displayed through the Vesta user interface.

By default, unique fingerprints are chosen for any derived files created by the tool execution, including derived files created for stdout/stderr when the value of the stdout_treatment/stderr_treatment parameter is "value". If the fp_contents parameter is TRUE, then the fingerprints computed for such files are based on the contents of the derived files themselves. The cost of fingerprinting a file's contents is non-trivial.

File System Encapsulation:

4. Concrete Syntax

4.1 Grammar


Model      ::= Files Includes Block

Files clauses:

Files      ::= FileClause*
FileClause ::= files FileItem*;
FileItem   ::= FileSpec | FileList
FileSpec   ::= [ Id = ] DelimPath
FileList   ::= Id = `[' FileSpec*, `]'

Include clauses:

Includes   ::= IncClause*
IncClause  ::= IncIdReq | IncIdOpt
IncIdReq   ::= include IncItemR*;
IncItemR   ::= IncSpecR | IncListR
IncSpecR   ::= Id = DelimPath
IncListR   ::= Id = `[' IncSpecR*, `]'
IncIdOpt   ::= from DelimPath include IncItemO*;
IncItemO   ::= IncSpecO | IncListO
IncSpecO   ::= [ Id = ] Path [ Delim ]
IncListO   ::= Id = `[' IncSpecO*, `]'

Paths and Arcs:

DelimPath  ::= [ Delim ] Path [ Delim ]
Path       ::= Arc { Delim Arc }*
Arc        ::= Id | Integer | Text

Blocks and Statements:

Block      ::= `{' Stmt*; Result; `}'
Stmt       ::= Assign | Iterate | FuncDef | TypeDef
Result     ::= { value | return } Expr

Assignment statements:

Assign     ::= TypedId [ Op ] = Expr 
Op         ::= AddOp | MulOp
AddOp      ::= +  |  ++  |  -
MulOp      ::= *

Iteration statements:

Iterate    ::= foreach Control in Expr do IterBody
Control    ::= TypedId | `[' TypedId = TypedId `]'
IterBody   ::= Stmt | `{' Stmt+; `}'

Function definitions:

FuncDef    ::= Id Formals+ [ TypeQual ] Block
Formals    ::= ( FormalArgs )
FormalArgs ::= { TypedId*,                                    // none defaulted
             | { TypedId = Expr }*,                           // all defaulted
             | TypedId { , TypedId }* { , TypedId = Expr }+ } // some defaulted


Expr       ::= if Expr then Expr else Expr | Expr1
Expr1      ::= Expr2 {  =>  Expr2 }*
Expr2      ::= Expr3 {  ||  Expr3 }*
Expr3      ::= Expr4 {  &&  Expr4 }*
Expr4      ::= Expr5 [ { == | != | < | > | <= | >= } Expr5 ]
Expr5      ::= Expr6 { AddOp Expr6 }*
Expr6      ::= Expr7 { MulOp Expr7 }*
Expr7      ::= [ UnaryOp ] Expr8
UnaryOp    ::= -  |  !
Expr8      ::= Primary [ TypeQual ]
Primary    ::= ( Expr ) | Literal | Id | List
             | Binding | Select | Block | FuncCall

Binary operators with equal precedence are left associative.


Literal    ::= ERR | TRUE | FALSE | Text | Integer


List       ::= `[' Expr*, `]'


Binding    ::= `[' BindElem*, `]'
BindElem   ::= SelfNameB | NameBind
SelfNameB ::= = Id
NameBind   ::= GenPath = Expr
GenPath    ::= GenArc { Delim GenArc }* [ Delim ]
GenArc     ::= Arc | $ Id | $ ( Expr ) | % Expr %

Binding selections:

Select     ::= Primary Selector GenArc
Selector   ::= Delim | !

Function calls:

FuncCall   ::= Primary Actuals
Actuals    ::= ( Expr*, )

Type definitions:

TypeDef    ::= type Id = Type
TypedId    ::= Id [ TypeQual ]
TypeQual   ::= : Type
Type       ::= any | bool | int | text
             | list [ `[' Type `]' ]
             | binding `[' TypeQual `]'
             | binding [ `[' TypedId*, `]' ]
             | function { ( TypedForm*, ) }* [ TypeQual ]
             | Id
TypedForm  ::= [ Id : ] Type

4.2 Tokens

Here the the BNF descriptions of the terminals Delim, Integer, Id, and Text. They are actually tokens of the language.

Delim      ::= /  |  \
Integer    ::= [ - ] Decimal+ | 0 { x | X } Hex+
Decimal    ::= Octal | 8 | 9
Octal      ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 
Hex        ::= Decimal | A | B | C | D | E | F | a | b | c | d | e | f

Id         ::= { Letter | IdPunc } { Letter | Decimal | IdPunc }*
Letter     ::= A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M
             | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
             | a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m
             | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z
IdPunc     ::= .  |  _

Text       ::= " TextChar* "
TextChar   ::= Decimal | Letter | Punc | Escape
Punc       ::= ~ | ` | ! | @ | # | $ | % | ^ | & | * | ( | )
             | _ | - | + | = | `{' | `[' | `}' | `]' | : | ;
             | `|' | ' | , | < | . | > | ? | / | Space
Escape     ::= \ { n | t | v | b | r | f | a | \  | " | Octals |  Hexes }
Octals     ::= Octal [ Octal [ Octal ] ]
Hexes      ::= { x | X } Hex [ Hex ]

As in C, the octal and hexadecimal escapes are tokenized by including the longest sequence of digits allowed by the above grammar.

Here are the language's other tokens and keywords:

  ;  :  ,  [  ]  (  )  {  }  =  +  ++  -  *
  ==  !=  <  >  <=  >=  !  /  =>  ||  &&  $

  binding do else ERR FALSE files foreach from
  function if in include list return then type
  TRUE value

4.3 Reserved Identifiers

Here are Vesta-2's reserved identifiers; they should not be redefined:

  _append _bind1 _defined _div _elem _find _findr
  _head _is_binding _is_bool _is_closure _is_err
  _is_int _is_list _is_text _length _list1 _lookup
  _map _max _min _mod _n _run_tool _same_type _sub
  _tail _type_of _v

5. Acknowledgments

Bill McKeeman encouraged us to revise the syntax of the language to make it more palatable to C programmers. Mark Lillibridge gave us many useful comments on an earlier draft of the paper.

6. References

[1] Allan Heydon, Roy Levin, Tim Mann, and Yuan Yu. The Vesta-2 Software Configuration Management System, Research Report, Digital Systems Research Center. In preparation.

[2] Roy Levin and Paul R. McJones. The Vesta Approach to Precise Configuration of Large Software Systems, Research Report 105, Digital Systems Research Center. June 1993. 39 pgs.

[3] Sheng-Yang Chiu and Roy Levin. The Vesta Repository: A File System Extension for Software Development, Research Report 106, Digital Systems Research Center. June 1993. 34 pgs.

[4] Christine B. Hanna and Roy Levin. The Vesta Language for Configuration Management, Research Report 107, Digital Systems Research Center. June 1993. 62 pgs.

[5] Mark R. Brown and John R. Ellis. Bridges: Tools to Extend the Vesta Configuration Management System, Research Report 108, Digital Systems Research Center. June 1993. 43 pgs.