d i g i t a l SRC Research Report 143

To Provide or To Bound: Sampling in Fully Dynamic Graph Algorithms

Monika R. Henzinger and Mikkel Thorup

Report #143, October 8, 1996
11 pages

In dynamic graph algorithms the following provide-or-bound problem has to be solved quickly: Given a set S containing a subset R and a way of generating random elements from S testing for membership in R, either (i) provide an element of R or (ii) give a (small) upper bound on the size of R that holds with high probability. We give an optimal algorithm for this problem.

This algorithm improves the time per operation for various dyamic graph algorithms by a factor of O(log n). For example, it improves the time per update for fully dynamic connectivity from O(log^3n) to O(log^2 n).

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