d i g i t a l SRC Research Report 89

Compositional Refinement of Interactive Systems

Manfred Broy

July 15, 1992
48 pages

We use functional specification techniques to describe systems and their components. We define the notions of property refinement and interaction refinement for interactive systems and their components. Interaction refinement allows changes to the syntactic interface (the number of channels and the sorts of messages on the channels) as well as the semantic interface (causality flow between messages and interaction granularity). We prove that these notions of refinement are compositional with respect to sequential and parallel composition, communication feedback, and recursive declarations of system components. These proofs demonstrate that refinements of networks can be accomplished in a modular way by refining their components. We generalize the notions of refinement to refining contexts. Finally, we define full abstraction for specifications and show compositionality with respect to this abstraction as well.

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