d i g i t a l SRC Research Report 29

The Existence of Refinement Mappings.

Martin Abadi and Leslie Lamport.

August 14, 1988
42 pages

Refinement mappings are used to prove that a lower-level specification correctly implements a higher-level one. We consider specifications consisting of a state machine (which may be infinite-state) that specifies safety requirements, and an arbitrary supplementary property that specifies liveness requirements. A refinement mapping from a lower-level specification S_{1} to a higher-level one S_{2} is a mapping from S_{1}'s state space to S_{2}'s state space. It maps steps of S_{1}'s state machine to steps of S_{2}'s state machine and maps behaviors allowed by S_{1} to behaviors allowed by S_{2}. We show that, under reasonable assumptions about the specifications, if S_{1} implements S_{2}, then by adding auxiliary variables to S_{1} we can guarantee the existence of a refinement mapping. This provides a completeness result for a practical, hierarchical specification method.

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