Zippers: A Focus+Context Display of Web Pages

Marc H. Brown
DEC Systems Research Center
130 Lytton Ave.
Palo Alto, CA 94301

William E. Weihl
DEC Systems Research Center
130 Lytton Ave.
Palo Alto, CA 94301


This report describes zippers, an application of outline-processor technology to the display of Web pages. Zippers allow users to expand and contract selected sections of a document, thereby displaying simultaneously the contents of individual sections of a document as well as its overall structure. Zippers can be implemented either directly in a Web browser or by a proxy (and consequently used by any off-the-shelf Web browser); in either case, no changes to HTML source files are required.


As people rush to put information onto the World Wide Web, more and more structured documents are appearing. These documents include home pages with lots of hierarchically organized links, papers with many sections and subsections, and other lengthy documents such as books and manuals.

All Web browsers that we know of display each page as a continuous scroll. Unfortunately, it is easy to lose context when viewing a snippet of the whole, and it is hard to jump to arbitrary places in the page. These problems become more severe with longer pages.

Outline processors provide one well known technique for addressing these problems. Outline processors allow a user to expand and contract selected sections and subsections of a document, thus retaining the high-level structure of the document while also displaying individual sections. In addition, outline processors allow the user to rapidly jump within the document. This report describes the application of outline processor technology to the display of Web pages.


Our display of Web pages infers an outline structure from the heading tags (i.e., H1, H2, ..., H6) in the HTML source. We mark each heading with an icon called a zipper. Clicking on the zipper causes the section introduced by the heading to expand and contract. Re-expanding a section causes the state of all subsections to reappear as they were before the section was contracted. However, shift-clicking on a zipper icon causes the section and all of its subsections to expand or to contract.

The two sets of screen dumps below shows a Web page using Netscape (top) and using zippers (bottom). The zipper display is within the WebCard browser, an integrated system for handling e-mail messages, bboard articles, and Web pages [3].

The screen dumps below show the SRC home page. The page contains a level-1 heading (a graphic with the letters SRC followed by "Systems Research Center"), some text, and then four level-2 headings. The bottom-left screen dump is the default display with zippers: The single level-1 heading is automatically expanded, thereby causing the text it contains and any subheaders to be displayed. By default, subheaders are displayed contracted. In the bottom-right screen dump, we've expanded the second and third subheaders.

Figure Goes Here
Figure Goes Here Figure Goes Here
The screen dumps below show a large document, "A Beginner's Guide to HTML" by NCSA [1]. (We edited the page to add section numbers, in order to facilitate the description of zippers.) The Netscape display is 21 screens of information, scrolled to the spot just before section "3.1 The Minimal HTML Document." The zipper displays are scrolled to about the same location. In the bottom-left screen dump, we've expanded section "3 Creating HTML Documents" of the default zipper display. The contents of the section are displayed ("HTML documents \dots\ screen display."), and the three subsections are visible in their contracted form. In the bottom-right screen dump, we've expanded three more sections: "3.2 Basic Markup Tags," and then "3.2.2 Headings" (which only became visible after "3.2 Basic Markup Tags" was expanded), and finally "3.3 Linking to Other Documents."
Figure Goes Here
Figure Goes Here Figure Goes Here


Zippers work well on Web pages that use heading tags to indicate the logical structure of the page. Unfortunately, many authors use heading tags to produce particular formatting effects, such as font and pointsize changes, rather than indicate logical structure. On such pages, users simply turn off the zippers and the page is displayed conventionally.

We know of one Web site that has hand-coded zippers [7]. The drawback of hand coding zippers is that it requires server interaction to expand or contract, and an exponential number of files (or a complex script) to generate all states.

Authors of long pages frequently add a table of contents to the top of the page, with entries in the table linking to the various sections. Sometimes, each section appears on its own page, with "next," "previous," "up," and "top" links on each page. Unfortunately, it is easy for the viewer to lose the big picture because the table of contents is not visible while looking at the contents of a particular section.

An alternative to zippers for retaining the big picture while viewing the details is a multi-panel display, such as in SuperBook [2]. One panel displays the table of contents and the other panel displays sections in the document. Clicking on an entry in the table of contents causes the other panel to display the corresponding part of the document. The user can also open and close levels of the table of contents, but the body of a section is always displayed in the second panel. A multi-panel display such as Superbook could be implemented using Netscape's frames, by adding appropriate HTML markups and Java code to a source document.

Another related system is SoftQuad's Panorama Pro [6], which displays SGML documents using a two-panel viewer similar to that of SuperBook. Panorama Pro is also loosely integrated with the Web: The application can be configured as an external viewer of documents whose MIME type is SGML. Clicking on a URL in a document displayed by Panorama Pro will cause Netscape (or some other user-specified browser) to fetch and display the URL. Electronic Book Technologies' DynaText [4] is another impressive SGML viewer; it is integrated into Netscape as a plug-in. It's important to realize, however, that Panorama Pro and DynaText are not Web browsers.

Our decision to expand an outline view in place was inspired in part by Pad++ [5], a zooming graphical interface, and in part by the host of successful "context+focus" visualizations developed at Xerox PARC.

We are currently working on a proxy-based implementation of zippers that allows zipper-enhanced pages to be displayed in any Web browser. The idea is simple: A "zipper proxy" runs on the same machine as the user's browser and sits between the browser and the browser's normal proxy. The zipper proxy uses the normal proxy for fetching pages, and modifies the returned HTML to elide material and to include zipper icons. Each zipper icon is linked to a specially constructed URL that is intercepted by the zipper proxy and which allows the zipper proxy to return an appropriate view of the page.


Viewing a Web page using zippers has the nice property of allowing one to see details of parts of the page while maintaining the global context of the entire page. The larger the Web page -- or the smaller the vertical space available for the display -- the more benefit there is to this technique. Putting this technology into a browser or into a proxy seems preferable to hand-coding it into each document.


A Beginner's Guide to HTML

About Bellcore's SuperBook(R) Document Browser

Marc H. Brown.
Browsing the Web with a Mail/News Reader.
Proc. of the 8th ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, pages 197-198, November 1995.

EBT--Product Information

Pad++: Zoomable Graphical Interfaces

SoftQuad: Panorama PRO

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