

dcpidis - Disassemble a procedure and print sample counts for each instruction.


dcpidis is obsolete. Use dcpilist instead, which provides much more functionality, including the ability to print source code as well as estimated cycle costs per instruction and source line.


dcpidis -p procedure-name image-file [sample-files...]


-p procedure-name
Prints information for the specified procedure. Unlike dis, the current version of dcpidis can only print one procedure at a time, and therefore the -p flag is required. If multiple procedures in the image have the same name, you can just give the address of one of these procedures instead of an ambiguous name.


Dcpidis generates a disassembled listing for a named procedure that is extracted from a specified image file. The disassembly is annotated with samples that were collected by dcpid and then stored in the named sample files.

Instead of a procedure name, the -p flag also accepts an address. Therefore, if an image contains multiple procedures with the same name, you can give an address that falls within one of these procedures to disambiguate the procedure selection.

Samples that do not belong to the specified procedure are ignored. If no sample files are provided, a sample count of zero is assumed for each instruction. If multiple sample files contribute to the samples for the specified procedure, these samples are merged together in the output.

If the specified sample files contain samples for multiple events, then a column for the count of each kind of event is included in the disassembled listing.


dcpi(1), dcpiflow(1), dcpiprof(1), dcpilist(1), dcpiscan(1), dcpiepoch(1), dcpiflush(1), dcpicalc(1), dcpilabel(1), dcpi2ps(1), dcpicat(1), dcpiquit(1), dcpidiff(1), dcpitopstalls(1), dcpiwhatcg(1), dcpictl(1), dcpisource(1), dcpicc(1), dcpiversion(1), dcpiuninstall(1), dcpi2pix(1), dcpikdiff(1), dcpix(1), dcpisumxct(1), dcpistats(1), dcpid(1), dcpiformat(4), dcpiloader(5), dis(1).

For more information, see the DIGITAL Continuous Profiling Infrastructure project home page (http://www.research.digital.com/SRC/dcpi/ from outside DIGITAL).


Copyright 1996-97, Digital Equipment Corporation.


Sanjay Ghemawat, Monika Henzinger
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