Re: Problems with planes

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Robert Grzeszczuk (rg)
Fri, 21 May 1999 10:02:42 -0700 (PDT)


Sorry, you still need to specify which indices to use for the polygon (e.g.,
0,1,2,3). The easist way to do it is with:

voIndexedFaceSet myFaceSet(4,3,4);

or you can set the indices explicitly with set/get methods in the example


On May 21, 9:48am, Robert Grzeszczuk wrote:
> Subject: Re: Problems with planes
> Ricardo,
> No need to polygonize. You can create your own polygons to be drawn.
> For example:
> float myPolygon[] =
> {
> 0, 0, 0,
> 0, 256, 0,
> 256, 256, 64,
> 256, 0, 64,
> };
> voVertexData *myVertexData = new voVertexData(4,3,myPolygon);
> voIndexedFaceSet *myFaceSet = new voIndexedFaceSet(myVertexData,4);

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