Re: Archive for Volumizer mailinglist

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Steve McGuigan (
Fri, 14 May 1999 09:28:40 -0700

I think that is a good idea. The mailing list has been archived, it
just isn't available to the public. I will see what it takes to do so
and report back.


Manfred Weiler wrote:
> I think it's not that funny doing mistakes other
> people did before you.
> That is why I'd like to know whether there is
> an archive for articles in this mailinglist
> (beside the Volmizer faq)
> where one can search for solutions to common problems.
> Manfred.

Steve McGuigan                               Email: 
Product Manager, Fahrenheit Extensions       Phone: (650) 933-6357 
Silicon Graphics, Inc.                       Fax:   (650) 964-8671

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