Re: Volumizer in CAVE?

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From: Michael G. Brown (
Date: 07/20/2000 11:42:25

It has also been done at Argonne National Laboratory for visualizing
relatavistic jets, but I don't have the contact information.


Kat Curry wrote:

> Has anyone out there successfully used Volumizer in a CAVE app? I
> had thought that I could use the Performer/Volumizer node, but its
> written in C++ and won't work with our cave libs. I had previously
> gone
> through the arduous process of writing a drawing routine which uses
> OpenGL to do the projection (back in the first version of
> Volumizer).
> I was thinking of porting the Performer/volumizer node to C, but I
> don't
> know if that would really work.
> Any suggestions?
> -kat

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