Re: viewing...

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From: bert's account (
Date: 06/13/2000 11:04:39

Tom Impelluso wrote:
> Hello...
> I have installed the volumizer...
> But it may not be what I want.
> It appears to be a library to WRITE volume viewing code.
> I have a data set that is:
> x y z value
> and there are 128x128x128 lines of such data.
> I only wish to VIEW this... NOT write code to write viewers...
> Does the volumizer package that was installed on my machine...

Have you looked at the voglraw example!I think that is along
the lines of what you want although I had to rewrite the examples
to get it to do what I wanted! I was working with raw acoustic data
and wanted a specific format!

> a) have such a code..
> b) a manual page so I can figure out:
> 1) how to recast my data in a different format
> (I have no problem writing code to do that)
> 2) how to scale the opacity and color of the values
> Please...
> help if you can....
> thanks,
> tom

See Ya,

Lawrence Eugene Bertoldi Technical Consultant Silicon Graphics Silver Spring MD. email


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