Instructions for testing updated L2TP drivers with NT5 Beta1: To install L2TP: ---------------- Right-click Network Neighborhood on desktop and select Properties Select Protocols tab Press Add button Select Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol and press OK Select Services tab Press Add button Select Dial-Up Server and press OK Select Dial-Up Server Select Properties Select TCP/IP tab Select "static pool" and enter the desired range Select Start->Programs->NT4AdminTools->UserManager Select menu User->NewUser Set username, e.g. "l2tptest" Set password and confirm, e.g. "x" Press Dial-In Check "Grant Dial-In permissions" Press OK Press Add To update the RASL2TP.SYS driver: --------------------------------- Download\developr\rfc\l2tp\rasl2tp.sys copy rasl2tp.sys to \system32\drivers directory reboot To initiate call ---------------- Select Start->Program->Accessories->Dial-Up Networking Press New button Type arbitrary entry name, e.g. "l2tp test" Check the "I know all" box and press Finish Set "Phone number" to the IP address of the server's LAN card. On NT, this can be found using the "ipconfig" command Set "Dial using" to "(VPN000-1)" Select Server tab If any net protocols besides IP are checked, uncheck them, then press OK Press Dial Enter PPP username and password, then press OK To set RASL2TP.SYS configuration options: ----------------------------------------- Start->Run, type "regedt32", press OK Select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE window Select branch SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class Select the key with ID beginning 4D36E972 Down-arrow thru adapters until right window shows Description of WAN Miniport(L2TP) Configuration options are set by adding/editing values under this key, e.g. to disable payload sequencing: Select from menu Edit->AddValue Type value of "PayloadReceiveWindow" and type of REG_DWORD, press OK Set data to 0 You must reboot to get the driver to re-initialize with the new settings Configuration Values -------------------- OutgoingRole (REG_DWORD) Set to 1 to dial out as LNS, i.e. send OCRP Set to 2 to dial out as LAC, i.e. send ICRP PayloadReceiveWindow (REG_DWORD) Set to 0 to disable payload sequencing or set to size of payload receive window sent in ICRP and OCRQ HostName (REG_SZ) Set to the string to send in Host Name AVP, default is "NONE". Password (REG_SZ) Set to the secret string shared between peers for tunnel authentication. Default is no tunnel authentication. Here are some others I won't bother describing for now: MaxSendTimeoutMs InitialSendTimeoutMs MaxRetransmits HelloMs MaxAckDelayMs MaxOutOfOrder ControlReceiveWindow PayloadSendWindow IgnoreFramingMismatch ExclusiveTunnels To enable RASL2TP.SYS kd debug tracing (if desired): ---------------------------------------------------- break in kd debugger ed rasl2tp!g_ulTraceLevel 10 (or 18 or 20 for more) NetMon parser: -------------- Sorry, I don't have a netmon parser for you at the moment.