Education Solutions Directory

Core Curriculum: Life and Job Skills Software

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TRO Learning, Inc.

PLATO® Learning System

Target Market: · Colleges and Universities · Job Training, Workplace · Middle School · High School

Instructional Solution: · Core Curriculum

The PLATO® Learning System is a comprehensive, computer-based instructional resource. With more than 2000 hours of instruction in academic skills in reading, math, writing, science and social studies and applied skills in reading, math, writing, life and job skills, technical skills and quality fundamental, PLATO is a proven tool to help students master the skills necessary to pursue academic and vocational objectives. With its powerful, flexible management system, extensive correlations to national, state and local assessments and skill sets and comprehensive assessment tools, the PLATO Learning System provides the premier resource for performance learning for young adults and adults.

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This page was last modified by a-cbarne on July 27, 1995.