DOCUMENT:Q161956 19-NOV-1998 [mspress] TITLE :MS BOOKSHELF INTERNET DIRECTORY 1996/97 EDITION Corrections PRODUCT :Microsoft Press PROD/VER: OPER/SYS:WINDOWS KEYWORDS:kbdocerr ====================================================================== WINDOWS kbother kbdocerr ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The information in this article applies to: - Microsoft Bookshelf Internet Directory, 1996/97 Edition ISBN 1-55615-947-1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY ======= This article contains comments, corrections, and information on known errors related to the Microsoft Press book "Microsoft Bookshelf Internet Directory, 1996/97 Edition." The following topics are covered: - Book sections not present on CD-ROM - Run-time error 13: "Type mismatch" on startup - Run-time error 438: "Object does not support this property..." - Program conflicts with Mastering Visual Basic CD - Error: "SHARE.EXE Not Loaded" - Error: "Microsoft Internet Explorer (No Document)" - Web addresses don't automatically start browser - CD-ROM: Browse button doesn't work on "locate \MEDIA" error - Updates for this directory have been discontinued. MORE INFORMATION ================ In addition to a description of the book's problems, each entry in this document might also include sections labeled "Correction" and "Comments." Please note that the Correction section is worded for correcting the book and does not necessarily address the problem introduced by the book error. The Comments section contains specific information for working around the problem. Book Sections Not Present on CD-ROM ----------------------------------- The information in the following sections of the "Microsoft Bookshelf Internet Directory" book is not available on the "Microsoft Bookshelf Internet Directory" CD-ROM. - Agriculture and Gardening - Internet: Communities, People and Legends To date these sections have not been included on the Internet Directory updates. Microsoft Press is researching this issue and will update this report when more information becomes available. Run-time Error 13: "Type mismatch" on Startup --------------------------------------------- Symptoms: When you start Microsoft Bookshelf Internet Directory, you might receive the following error message: Run-time error 13: Type Mismatch More Information: This program will fail when the Regional Settings in the Control Panel is set to anything other than English (United States). Workaround: In Windows 95: 1. Click the Start button, then click Settings, and then click Control Panel. 2. Click Regional Settings. 3. In the drop-down box, select English (United States). 4. Click OK. In Windows 3.1: 1. In the Program Manager, open the Main folder. 2. Double-click Control Panel. 3. Double-click International. 4. In the Country drop-down box, select United States. 5. Click OK. NOTE: This change affects how time, date, currency, and certain other regional items are displayed. This change does not affect the language of Windows. Run-time Error 438: "Object does not support this property..." -------------------------------------------------------------- After installing "Microsoft Bookshelf Internet Directory," you might receive the following error message: Run-time error 438: Object does not support this property or method. More Information: This error relates to a Windows system file called VSVBX.VBX, which is a section of code used by many Windows programs. The Internet Directory setup program does not install its own version of VSVBX.VBX if there is a newer version already present on the system, and some versions of the VSVBX.VBX file are not compatible with the Internet Directory. Installing the older version of VSVBX.VBX manually from the Internet Directory CD-ROM is not recommended, because doing so might cause errors in another Windows program. To make sure that the Internet Directory is accessing the proper components, the program must be run directly from the CD-ROM. Workaround: One way to make sure that the Internet Directory is accessing the proper components is to run the program directly from the CD-ROM. To run the Internet Directory from the CD-ROM, perform the following steps. 1. Insert the Internet Directory CD into your CD-ROM drive. 2. Click Start, and then click Run. 3. Type "d:\mspid.exe" (without the quotes). Replace "d:" with the letter of your CD-ROM drive if necessary. NOTE: This workaround is not compatible with the Internet Directory downloadable updates. VideoSoft, the creator of VSVBX.VBX, is aware of this incompatibility. Microsoft Press is investigating this issue and will post further information when it becomes available. Program Conflicts with Mastering Visual Basic CD ------------------------------------------------ After installing the CD-ROM program for the "Microsoft Bookshelf Internet Directory" on a computer that also has Microsoft Visual Basic 4.0 installed, you might not be able to run the Mastering Visual Basic 4.0 CD-ROM. Uninstalling the Internet Directory does not correct the problem accessing the Mastering Visual Basic CD-ROM. The problem is caused by the common file Tlist.vbx, which is used by both the Microsoft Bookshelf Internet Directory and Mastering Visual Basic 4.0. The version installed by the Internet Directory is not compatible with Mastering Visual Basic 4.0. To correct this problem, please follow these steps: 1. Insert the Mastering Visual Basic CD into your CD-ROM drive. 2. Copy D:\Setup\Tlist.vbx to your Mastering Visual Basic executable folder. (Replace D:\ with the drive letter of your CD-ROM if necessary.) 3. Insert the Internet Directory CD into your CD-ROM drive. 4. Copy D:\App\Tlist.vbx to your Internet Directory executable folder. (Replace D:\ with the drive letter of your CD-ROM if necessary.) 5. Delete Tlist.vbx from your Windows\System folder. Both programs will now function correctly. Error: "SHARE.EXE Not Loaded" ----------------------------- Symptom: On systems running Microsoft Windows 3.0 or Windows 3.1, running the Microsoft Bookshelf Internet Directory sometimes causes the program to fail. The program returns the error message: Run-time error '3050' Couldn't lock file: SHARE.EXE not loaded More Information: On Microsoft Windows version 3.0 or 3.1, file sharing and locking is supported by a program called Share.exe. This program is loaded in MS-DOS before Windows is loaded, allowing Windows to manage file sharing effectively. The Microsoft Bookshelf Internet Directory expects this file to be loaded, and fails without it. Windows 95, Windows NT 3.51, and Windows NT 4.0 handle file sharing automatically without the need of Share.exe. Therefore this error does not occur on those systems. Workaround: Use the following steps to install Share.exe for Windows 3.x: 1. Find the file Share.exe on your computer. - With Windows loaded, click File. - Click Search. - Type Share.exe into the input box, and press RETURN. - You may have several copies, but one is typically located in the folder C:\Dos. 2. Make a backup copy of the file Autoexec.bat. - Exit to MS-DOS. - Change to the C drive if necessary. Type: C: - Then change to the root folder. Type: CD \ - Type COPY AUTOEXEC.BAT AUTOEXEC.BK1 3. Edit your Autoexec.bat file. - Type EDIT AUTOEXEC.BAT - Just above the line reading WIN, or at the bottom of the file if WIN is not present, type the following: C:\Dos\Share.exe If necessary, replace Dos with the name of the folder where Share.exe is located. - Save the file. - Exit EDIT. 4. Reboot your computer. Note any messages regarding Share.exe not loading. 5. Test the Bookshelf Internet Directory. Error: "Microsoft Internet Explorer (No Document)" -------------------------------------------------- The following error might occur when a Web link is clicked in the Internet Directory: Error: "Microsoft Internet Explorer (No Document)" This is most likely caused by having a Web browser other than Microsoft Internet Explorer set as the Windows default browser. If your browser is Netscape Navigator 2.0, you may be able to solve the problem by first installing Microsoft Internet Explorer 2.0, and then installing Netscape as your default browser. For more detailed troubleshooting information, please read the online help troubleshooting section: 1. Start the Internet Directory program. 2. Click the Help menu, and then click Contents. 3. Double-click the Troubleshooting and Product Support help section. 4. Double-click the Troubleshooting topic. Web Addresses Don't Automatically Start Browser ----------------------------------------------- The Internet Directory does not support automatic browser starting for Microsoft Internet Explorer version 1.6 for Windows 3.1x. There are other browsers that also do not support this feature. The following information is available in the Internet Directory online help. To view this and other troubleshooting information, click the Help menu, then click Contents, and then double-click Troubleshooting. Online Help: Troubleshooting ---------------------------- My Internet browser won't start automatically. For Microsoft Bookshelf Internet Directory 1996/97 to start your Internet browser and go to an Internet site automatically when you click on the Internet address, your supported browser must be properly installed in Windows 95. (For a list of supported browsers, see the Supported Browsers section.) In addition, you must have access to the Internet via a network connection or an Internet Service Provider. Even if automatic launch does not work with your browser, you can still use Microsoft Bookshelf Internet Directory 1996/97 with the browser. Each time you click an Internet address in the Microsoft Bookshelf Internet Directory 1996/97, the address is copied automatically to the Windows Clipboard, from which you can conveniently paste it into the address window of your browser. If your browser is Netscape 2.0, you may be able to solve the problem by first installing Microsoft Internet Explorer 2.0, and then installing Netscape as your default browser. If the Internet address that doesn't work is an e-mail address, verify that you have a MAPI-compliant e-mail application installed on your Windows 95 computer. Supported Browsers ------------------ The Microsoft Bookshelf Internet Directory 1996/97 supports the following Internet browsers: - Microsoft Internet Explorer 2.0 - Netscape Navigator 2.0 In addition to these supported browsers, you can use Microsoft Bookshelf Internet Directory 1996/97 with virtually any Internet browser, such as NCSA Mosaic or Spry Mosaic. However, because not all browsers fully register themselves with Windows 95, direct launch of Internet addresses may not work with some browsers, and is not supported for any browser running on a Windows 3.1 computer. (A browser application is "registered" when it provides information about itself to Windows 95. Not all browsers provide this information to Windows 95.) In these situations, Microsoft Bookshelf Internet Directory 1996/97 copies Internet addresses to the Windows Clipboard, from which you can paste the Internet address into your browser. For more information, see the section, Going to an Internet Address. Microsoft Internet Explorer 2.0 is included on the Microsoft Bookshelf Internet Directory 1996/97 CD-ROM; to install it, insert the disc and run Setup. Microsoft Internet Explorer Beta 1.6 (for Windows 3.1) is included on the Microsoft Bookshelf Internet Directory 1996/97 CD-ROM in the \MSIE folder; to install it, read the instructions in Readme.txt, which is located on the Microsoft Bookshelf Internet Directory 1996/97 CD-ROM. CD-ROM: Browse button doesn't work on "locate \MEDIA" error ----------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY If the CD-ROM is missing when you start Internet Explorer, an error message will appear. This message will note that the data files cannot be found and ask for the location of the \MEDIA directory on the CD-ROM. The input box will offer this as a default: c:\probra~1\micros~2\intern~1\media The error message will also offer a Browse button. MORE INFORMATION Clicking the browse button will bring up a standard "Open File" dialog box. However, selecting the correct directory and clicking OK will have no effect. The dialog box will remain as a modal dialog until the user clicks "Cancel." This error message will continue to appear every time the user attempts to start Microsoft Bookshelf Internet Directory, whether or not the CD-ROM disc is in the drive. WORKAROUND In the input box asking for the location of the \Media directory, type the following: D:\MEDIA Replace D:\ with the correct drive letter of the CD-ROM if necessary. Microsoft Bookshelf Internet Directory will then launch without further error messages. Updates for this directory have been discontinued ------------------------------------------------- Updates for this directory have been discontinued. Microsoft Press is committed to providing informative and accurate books. All comments and corrections listed above are ready for inclusion in future printings of this book. If you have a later printing of this book, it may already contain most or all of the above corrections. KBCategory: kbother KBSubcategory: kbdocerr Additional Reference Words: mspress ms_press press bookbug ====================================================================== Keywords : kbdocerr Platform : WINDOWS ============================================================================= THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THE MICROSOFT KNOWLEDGE BASE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. MICROSOFT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES SO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY. Copyright Microsoft Corporation 1998.