DOCUMENT:Q151924 12-MAY-1998 [mastering] TITLE :Windows 95 Starts Here: README.DOC Contents PRODUCT :Microsoft Mastering Series PROD/VER: OPER/SYS:WINDOWS KEYWORDS:kbmm kbreadme kbref ====================================================================== WINDOWS kbreadme kbref --------------------------------------------------------------------- The information in this article applies to: - Windows 95 Starts Here, version 1.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY ======= The following article is a copy of the complete text of the README.DOC file that comes with Windows 95 Starts Here, version 1.0. MORE INFORMATION ================ Microsoft Windows 95 Starts Here, Version 1.0 Copyright 1995 Course Technology, Inc. Certain portions of this product Copyright 1995 Microsoft Corporation ReadMe file September, 1995 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents 1. System Requirements 2. Installing 3. Hardware Problems 4. Running Microsoft Windows 95 Starts Here 5. Shortcuts 6. Uninstalling 7. Sending Suggestions and Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------- To read this file on screen, use the PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN keys on your keyboard. You can also print this file by choosing the Print command from the File menu. 1. System Requirements To use Microsoft Windows 95 Starts Here, you need: · Personal computer with a 486 or better processor · Microsoft Windows 95 operating system · 8 MB of memory (16 MB recommended) · Double-speed, or faster, CD-ROM drive · 6 MB harddisk space · VGA monitor capable of displaying 256 colors · Audio card · Speakers or headphones · Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device 2. Installing If your machine supports AutoPlay, as soon as you insert the CD into the CD-ROM drive, the product will give you an audio prompt asking if you wish to install Microsoft Windows 95 Starts Here. Answer yes and the product will be installed. If your machine does not support AutoPlay, do the following: 1. Insert the CD into the CD-ROM drive. 2. Click Start 3. Point to Settings 4. Click Control Panel 5. Double-click Add/Remove Programs 6. In the Add/Remove Programs dialog box, click the Install button. 7. On the next screen, click the Next button. 8. On the next screen, click the Finish button. 3. Hardware Problems Video display Microsoft Windows 95 Starts Here is designed to run at VGA (640 x 480) resolution or higher with 256 colors. Microsoft Windows 95 Starts Here will not run in 16-color mode. NOTE: To avoid problems when changing resolution settings, close Microsoft Windows 95 Starts Here, change the resolution settings, and then re-start the program. CD-ROM Problems Microsoft Windows 95 Starts Here requires a minimum of a double-speed CD-ROM drive to function properly. NOTE: Do not remove the Microsoft Windows 95 Starts Here compact disc from your CD-ROM drive while running Microsoft Windows 95 Starts Here. Removing the CD will cause errors, incorrect displays, or loss of functionality. If Microsoft Windows 95 Starts Here cannot find the data files it needs, you will see an error message prompting you to correct the problem. To find the source of the problem: · Check that the Microsoft Windows 95 Starts Here compact disc is correctly inserted into the CD-ROM drive. · Make sure that the drive is connected to your computer correctly and that it is functioning. If you have an external CD-ROM drive, make sure the power is turned on. 4. Running Microsoft Windows 95 Starts Here Here are some tips for trouble-free operation. Microsoft Windows 95 If you did a Custom installation of Windows 95 be sure you installed the following components: Paint, WordPad, Media Player, Desktop Wallpaper. Microsoft Plus! If you have installed Microsoft Plus! some of the custom icons and mouse pointers used in the Desktop Themes may not match some of the examples shown in Microsoft Windows 95 Starts Here which uses the standard icons and mouse pointers of Windows 95. Microsoft Access 2.0 Don't run Microsoft Access 2.0 while taking the course. If you run Microsoft Windows 95 Starts Here while Microsoft Access is running, you may notice that the mouse moves sluggishly during demonstrations. You may also notice a change in the display if your computer is set to 256 colors. Microsoft WordPad If WordPad is on your Start Menu or in the StartUp folder before you start the course, Microsoft Windows 95 Starts Here will remove it if you go through "Customizing the Start Menu" in Unit 3 of the course. Step By Step Topics that use WordPad If you accidentally click outside the WordPad window when you are supposed to be selecting text inside the window, you may not be able to complete the topic. If this happens, click the Contents button to return to the Contents screen, then press the GO BACK button. WordPad Closes Automatically When You Start the Course If you are editing a WordPad document when you start the course, Microsoft Windows 95 Starts Here will close WordPad and will not save your document. 5. Shortcuts Getting Help If you're not sure what something on the screen is used for, try right-clicking that item to display a popup menu and choose What's This. How to Find Out Where You Are If you're watching a movie, or are in the middle of a step by step example, and you're not sure where you are within the course, click the right mouse button and choose Topics Browser from the popup menu. The Topics Browser dialog box will appear, and the topic you are working with will be highlighted. Interrupting Demos and Do-Its You can stop a demo or Do-it by pressing Ctrl + Esc. Don't Press Alt + Tab During Demos or Step by Steps Pressing Alt + Tab during demos or step by step exercises may cause the system to lock up. Pressing the Esc key will usually unlock your system, but in some cases you may need to restart your computer. If You Get Stuck If you ever get stuck, press the Esc key to take you back to the Contents Screen. 6. Uninstalling To uninstall Microsoft Windows 95 Starts Here: 1. Click Start 2. Point to Settings 3. Click Control Panel 4. Double-click Add/Remove Programs 5. In the Add/Remove Programs dialog box, click Microsoft Windows 95 Starts Here, then click the Add/Remove button. 6. When asked to confirm, click Yes. Do not be concerned if a message appears stating that not all of the components were removed, or if Microsoft Windows 95 Starts Here still appears in the list of programs to be removed. If you close and then reopen the Add/Remove Programs dialog box, Microsoft Windows 95 Starts Here will no longer appear in the list. 7. Sending Suggestions and Comments If you have comments about Microsoft Windows 95 Starts Here or suggestions for features you would like to see in future releases of Microsoft Press Interactive products, please send them to: Program Manager, Interactive Products Microsoft Press Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399 Label Number 097-0001491 KBCategory: kbreadme kbref KBSubcategory: Additional reference words: 1995 multi media multimedia multi-media mmtitles Ms-press interactive press ====================================================================== Keywords : kbmm kbreadme kbref Platform : WINDOWS ============================================================================= THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THE MICROSOFT KNOWLEDGE BASE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. MICROSOFT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES SO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY. Copyright Microsoft Corporation 1998.