Heuristics Don't Disable MS-DOS Workstation Write-Behind (98417)

This article was previously published under Q98417


There is no effective way to disable MS-DOS workstation write-behind using heuristics.

  • Heuristic 0 sets the write-through bit on write SMBs telling the server not to return until the data is written, but does not disable the redir write-behind.
  • Heuristic 1 applies only to write&X when X is submitted by the user application (as in CLOSE).
  • Heuristic 4 does not, as documented, apply to writes: only to READs.
  • Heuristic 10 applies only to FLUSH--COMMIT: not writes.
New heuristic (16) in LAN Manager 2.1a allows you to disable write-behind, but only on files opened in compatible mode, not in deny-none mode.

Modification Type: Major Last Reviewed: 7/30/2001
Keywords: KB98417