Microsoft Systems Journal: May 1993 (97832)

This article was previously published under Q97832


NOTE: "Microsoft Systems Journal" does not make any representation or warranty, express or implied, with respect to any code or other information herein. "Microsoft Systems Journal" disclaims any liability whatsoever for any use of such code or other information.

This article lists the filenames and Snumbers for files available from online services that contain the source code described in articles published in the May 1993 issue of the "Microsoft Systems Journal."


Item ID   Filename        Description
-------   --------        -----------

S13271    HEAPPEEP.ZIP    The HEAPPEEP.ZIP file is a replacement for
                          HEAPPEEP.ZIP dated 1/28/92, and contains the
                          source code for the article titled "Shed Some
                          Light on Your Windows Application's Default Data
                          Segment with HeapPeep," by Bob Chiverton.

S12970    GENERIC.ZIP     The GENERIC.ZIP file is a replacement for
                          VXD1.ZIP dated 1/5/93, and contains the source
                          code for the article titled "Call VxD Functions
                          and VMM Services Easily Using Our Generic VxD"
                          by Andrew Schulman.

Snumber   RING0.ZIP       The RING0.ZIP file contains the source code for
                          the article named "Run Privileged Code from Your
                          Windows-based Program Using Call Gates" by
                          Matt Pietrek.

                          Matt Pietrek first examines the protection levels
                          in 80x86 CPUs. Then he shows how a Windows-based
                          program can access system-level instructions and
                          information that is supposed to be hidden from
                          applications. His sample code bootstraps itself
                          up to run at Ring 0.

Snumber   WINQA85.ZIP     The WINQA85.ZIP file contains the source code for
                          the "Windows Q & A" column by Fran Finnegan.


You can download any of these self-extracting files from the following services:
  • CompuServe
    GO MSL
    Search for <FILENAME>.EXE or S<NUMBER>
    Display results and download
  • Microsoft Download Service (MSDL)
    Dial (206) 936-6735 to connect to MSDL
    Download <FILENAME>.EXE
  • Internet (anonymous FTP)
    Change to the \SOFTLIB\MSLFILES directory

Modification Type: Minor Last Reviewed: 2/10/2005
Keywords: KB97832