How Encrypted Passwords Are Validated from Workstations (97821)

This article was previously published under Q97821


This article explains how passwords are validated during logon from a workstation using an encryption service. Security is preserved because the password never goes out onto the net: all encryption/decryption services are performed on the workstation.


Here is the process for password validation for a user on a workstation with an encryption service:

  1. When a user logs on, workstation software encrypts the plain text password that the user enters with a standard text key. The key is known to both the workstation and the server. The encryption scheme is a Microsoft standard. The standard text used as a key is the same text that was used as a key at the time the user's account was created on that server. If someone knows the standard text and finds the encryption scheme in memory, it still is (for all practical purposes) mathematically impossible to reverse the encryption scheme.

    So far in the logon process, nothing has been sent to the network.
  2. When the workstation tries to establish a session with the server, the server creates a challenge by using the same encryption standard, the same standard text, but server time as the key. That challenge is sent to the workstation. No passwords cross the network.
  3. When the workstation receives the challenge, it uses the same encryption scheme to encrypt the challenge, and uses the encrypted workstation pseudo-password created in step 1 as the key. It sends this encrypted challenge response back to the server. Again no passwords.
  4. The server receives the challenge response. The server expects to get an encrypted version of its original challenge using the server stored encrypted password as the key and of course using the same encryption scheme. If these match, the user must have typed the right plain text password.
No passwords ever cross the network. The most important thing going across the network is the challenge that is created at random using server time as the key. The key to the response is the same if the user types the right text password because the standard text and encryption scheme are the same today as they were when the account was set up. No passwords need to cross the network.

Modification Type: Major Last Reviewed: 7/30/2001
Keywords: KB97821