How to add a link to a particular item in the "Groove Virtual Office User's Guide" to a Discussion tool entry (916446)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Groove Virtual Office 3.0 File Sharing Edition
  • Groove Virtual Office 3.0 Professional Edition
  • Groove Virtual Office 3.0 Project Edition
  • Groove Virtual Office 3.0 Trial Edition
  • Groove Virtual Office 3.1 File Sharing Edition
  • Groove Virtual Office 3.1 Professional Edition
  • Groove Virtual Office 3.1 Project Edition
  • Groove Virtual Office 3.1 Trial Edition
  • Groove Workspace 2.5 Preview Edition
  • Groove Workspace 2.5 Professional Edition
  • Groove Workspace 2.5 Project Edition
  • Groove Workspace 2.5 Standard Edition


This article describes how to add a link to a particular item in the Groove Virtual Office User's Guide to a Discussion tool entry.


The Groove Help file displays the Groove Virtual Office User's Guide by using frames. When you search or browse for a Help topic in the usual way, the URL that is displayed in your browser is the URL to the frame. That is, the URL links to the index, the table of contents, the glossary, or the search page, not to the topic. To add a link to the topic, follow these steps:
  1. Obtain the URL for a topic. To do this, use one of the following methods:
    • Right-click the link to the topic, and then click Open in New Window.
    • Right-click the link to the topic, and then click Properties.
  2. Select the URL. Make sure to include the .htm extension. Right-click the URL, and then click Copy.
  3. In the Hyperlink dialog box, paste the URL into the Address field, add link text, and then click OK.
The link in the Discussion tool entry now points to a local file. This link will work for users who have Groove installed in the same drive location that you do. Users who have Groove installed in a different location, or Groove Workspace users who have not downloaded the Help files, will not be able to use the link. The link will point these users to the wrong location.

To work around this issue for users who have Groove installed in a different location, create links to the Groove Virtual Office User's Guide. To do this, visit the following Microsoft Web site:

To work around this issue for Groove Workspace users who have not downloaded the Help files, instruct the users to download the Help files by visiting the following Microsoft Web site:

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:3/29/2006
Keywords:kbinfo kbExpertiseInter kbtshoot KB916446 kbAudDeveloper kbAudKnowledgeWorker