Synchronization exceptions in a Groove File Sharing workspace (916345)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Groove Virtual Office 3.0 File Sharing Edition
  • Groove Virtual Office 3.0 Professional Edition
  • Groove Virtual Office 3.0 Project Edition
  • Groove Virtual Office 3.0 Trial Edition
  • Groove Virtual Office 3.1 File Sharing Edition
  • Groove Virtual Office 3.1 Professional Edition
  • Groove Virtual Office 3.1 Project Edition
  • Groove Virtual Office 3.1 Trial Edition


This article describes synchronization exceptions in a Groove File Sharing (GFS) workspace.


If files in a GFS synchronized folder do not synchronize among members or among computers, follow these steps.

Step 1: Verify the folder's download settings

When the folder is set to Manual Download, only requested files will synchronize. When the folder is set to Limited Automatic Download, files that are larger than the given size must also be requested to synchronize.

Step 2: Verify the file name extension

GFS workspaces do not synchronize any file that has a name that starts with a tilde (~) or that has one of the following file name extensions:
  • .gfs
  • .tmp
  • .bak
  • .sav
  • .lnk

Step 3: Verify the file attributes

The GFS workspace will not synchronize files that have the following attributes:
  • Hidden
  • System
  • Temporary
  • Offline
The only attribute that you can change by using the Properties dialog box in Microsoft Windows is the Hidden attribute.

The Temporary attribute is usually used only for temporary files. However, software that is distributed with some cameras sets this attribute for its regular files programmatically.

You can obtain third-party software utilities that will enable you to change these file attributes. However, none of these third-party software utilities are evaluated by Groove Networks.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:6/22/2006
Keywords:kbExpertiseInter kbtshoot KB916345 kbAudKnowledgeWorker