Issues that are fixed in Visio 2003 by Visio 2003 Service Pack 2 (906427)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Office Visio Professional 2003
  • Microsoft Office Visio Standard 2003


Microsoft has released a service pack for Microsoft Office Visio 2003 that contains fixes for Microsoft Office Visio 2003.


Microsoft Office Visio 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2) provides the latest updates to Microsoft Office Visio 2003. Visio 2003 SP2 contains security enhancements, stability improvements, and performance improvements. Some of the fixes that are included with Visio 2003 SP2 were previously released in Visio 2003 Service Pack 1 (SP1) or in separate updates. Visio 2003 SP2 combines the previously released fixes into one update.

For more information about Visio 2003 Service Pack 2, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

887622 Description of Visio 2003 Service Pack 2


Downloadable list of issues that the service pack fixes

A Microsoft Excel workbook is available that contains a list of the Visio 2003 post-Service Pack 1 issues that are fixed by Visio 2003 SP2.

Note The workbook is in the English language. The workbook will not be translated into any other languages.

The following file is available for download from the Microsoft Download Center:

DownloadDownload the Office2003System_SP2Changes.exe package now.

Release Date: September 27, 2005

For more information about how to download Microsoft support files, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

119591 How to obtain Microsoft support files from online services

Microsoft scanned this file for viruses. Microsoft used the most current virus-detection software that was available on the date that the file was posted. The file is stored on security-enhanced servers that help prevent any unauthorized changes to the file.

List of issues that the service pack fixes

Issues that were previously documented in the Microsoft Knowledge Base

Visio 2003 SP2 fixes the Visio 2003 issues that are described in the following hotfix packages:

839079 Decreased performance when you add or move shapes that are contained in a Visio 2003 drawing that is hosted in the Visio 2003 ActiveX Control

884592 Description of the Visio 2003 post-Service Pack 1 hotfix package: October 21, 2004

Note Microsoft Knowledge Base article 884592 discusses several issues that are fixed by Visio 2003 SP2. One of the issues that is discussed in Microsoft Knowledge Base article 884592 is documented in detail in Microsoft Knowledge Base article 839079. Microsoft Knowledge Base article 839079 contains important information that developers must read when developers are installing Visio 2003 SP2 and want to use the fix that is described in Microsoft Knowledge Base article 839079.

890933 Description of the Visio 2003 post-Service Pack 1 hotfix package: December 21, 2004

891432 Description of the Visio 2003 post-Service Pack 1 hotfix package: February 8, 2005

891578 Description of the Visio 2003 post-Service Pack 1 hotfix package: January 9, 2005

893103 Description of the Visio 2003 post-Service Pack 1 hotfix package: January 26, 2005

896730 Description of the Visio 2003 post-Service Pack 1 hotfix package: May 9, 2005

898607 Description of the Visio 2003 post-Service Pack 1 hotfix package: May 10, 2005

Visio 2003 SP2 fixes the following Visio 2003 issues that were previously documented in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

906520 When you release a connector's endpoint on top of a connection point, the connector and the connection point are not glued together in Visio 2003

906521 Changes to the functionality of the My Shapes folder in Visio 2003 after Visio 2003 Service Pack 2 is installed

830198 Text is positioned incorrectly in an AutoCAD drawing when you rotate and align text in Visio 2003

Issues that were not previously documented in the Microsoft Knowledge Base

Visio 2003 SP2 also fixes the following Visio 2003 issues that were not previously documented in the Microsoft Knowledge Base.

You receive a "The page cannot be displayed" error message when you click a hyperlink to open a Visio 2003 XML drawing in Microsoft Internet Explorer
When you click a hyperlink on a Web page in Internet Explorer to open a Visio 2003 XML drawing (.vdx), the drawing does not open. Additionally, you receive the following error message:
The page cannot be displayed.

The whole print job is stapled together when you print multiple copies of a multiple-page drawing
You print multiple copies of a multiple-page drawing in Visio 2003. If the printer supports collating and stapling, the staple may not be inserted in the right location. Instead of the printer stapling each copy, the printer staples the whole print job together.

All pages of a Visio 2003 drawing are printed in the same orientation
You print a Visio 2003 drawing that contains multiple pages in different orientations. For example, the first page of the drawing is in portrait orientation, and the second page of the drawing is in landscape orientation. If you change the printer properties before you print the drawing, all pages of the drawing are printed in the same orientation as the first page of the drawing.

The alignment of text in a rotated shape significantly changes when a drawing is opened in AutoCAD
In a new Visio 2003 drawing, you do the following tasks:
  • You draw a rectangle, and then you add some text to the shape.
  • You rotate the shape 90 degrees.
  • You left align or right align the text in the rectangle.
  • You save the drawing as a .dwg file.
When you open the .dwg file in a supported AutoCAD version, the position of the left-aligned or right-aligned text significantly changes.

Opening a drawing that contains a shape that contains text and that was created in Visio 2003 SP1 takes longer than expected
You open a Visio 2003 drawing that was created in Visio 2003 SP1. If the drawing contains a shape that contains text, the drawing may take longer than expected to open. Additionally, when Visio 2003 is opening the drawing, Visio 2003 may appear to stop responding (hang).

The custom properties and formatting are lost when you open a drawing that contains space shapes in Visio 2003
In Visio 2003, you open a drawing that was created in Visio 2002. This drawing contains space shapes. If the drawing contains custom properties and formatting, the custom properties and formatting are lost.

Error signature details

When you use Visio 2003, you may receive an error message that is similar to the following:
Microsoft Office Visio has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience. To see what data this error report contains, click here.
When you view the data in the error report, the error report contains an error signature that is similar to one of the following error signatures.
Application nameApplication versionModule nameModule versionOffset
Additionally, other program versions, module versions, and offsets are possible.

The third-party products that this article discusses are manufactured by companies that are independent of Microsoft. Microsoft makes no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding the performance or reliability of these products.

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:10/24/2005
Keywords:kbtshoot kbUpdate kbfix KB906427 kbAudEndUser kbAudITPRO