The XML output of the map translation may contain additional control characters that enclose the constant value in BizTalk Server 2002 or in BizTalk Server 2000 (901264)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft BizTalk Server 2002
  • Microsoft BizTalk Server 2002 Enterprise Edition
  • Microsoft BizTalk Server 2000


When you use the Destination constant value box to assign a constant value to a destination field value in Microsoft BizTalk Mapper, the XML output of the map translation may contain additional control characters that enclose the constant value. The XML output of the map translation may contain the following additional control characters:
  • Carriage returns (0x0d)
  • Line feeds (0x0a)
  • Tabs (0x09)
Note This problem occurs when you use the map in the BizTalk Messaging Engine in Microsoft BizTalk Server 2002 or in Microsoft BizTalk Server 2000.


This problem occurs because assigning a constant value in the Destination constant value box is designed for testing maps only.


To resolve this problem and to assign a constant value to a destination field value, use a Scripting functoid. In the Scripting functoid, create a constant input parameter of the constant value. Then, link the functoid to the destination field. When the map is run, the XML output does not contain additional control characters that enclose the constant value.


If your application uses the Microsoft XML Parser (MSXML) 3.0 or a later version to consume the XML output, the additional control characters are removed when the XML output is loaded in the XML Document Object Model (XMLDOM).

For more information about how to work with functoids, visit the following Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) Web site:

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:7/22/2005
Keywords:kbtshoot kbprb KB901264 kbAudDeveloper kbAudITPRO