New naming schema for Windows Services for UNIX software update packages (899157)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX 3.5


Microsoft has adopted a standardized naming schema for all software update packages for Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX that are created and are distributed by Microsoft.

Note A software update is an executable (.exe) file that contains one or more files that you can apply to Windows Services for UNIX to correct a specific problem. Microsoft Product Support Services (PSS) distributes software update packages to customers who are severely affected by a specific problem. Publicly available updates are software update packages that we recommend for all customers. You can obtain these updates from the Microsoft Download Center or from other Microsoft Web sites.

Microsoft has adopted the new naming schema for software update packages for the following reasons:
  • The new naming schema creates consistency across Microsoft software update packages.
  • The new naming schema improves the ability to search for software update packages and Microsoft Knowledge Base articles.
  • The new naming schema clearly notes the language of a software update package and the intended program, when the language is applicable.
This article contains additional information about the new standardized naming schema for software update packages.


Windows Services for UNIX software update packages are named by using the following schema:


The following file names are examples of this schema:
  • SFU35-KB888993-XP-X86-ENU.exe
  • SFU35-KB888993-X86-ENU.exe
  • SFU35-KB888993-XP_W2K-X86-ENU.exe
  • SFU35-KB888993-V2-XP-X86-ENU.exe
The following list provides information about each attribute in the new naming schema:
  • ProductName
    This attribute is the abbreviated product name that includes the product version information. For Windows Services for UNIX hotfixes, this attribute will be one of the following strings:
    • SFU35
    • SFU3
    • SFU2
  • KB
    This attribute indicates that an article exists in the Microsoft Knowledge Base that is associated with the software update.
  • ArticleNumber
    This attribute is the ID number of the Microsoft Knowledge Base article that is associated with the software update.
  • V
    This optional attribute indicates that a packaged version exists in the software update.
  • PackageVersion
    This optional attribute indicates the version number of the package in the software update.
  • Option
    This attribute is used to differentiate software update packages that address the same issue but are designed for different processor operating systems. These options include the following:
    • Null (for all processors)
    • XP (for Microsoft Windows XP)
    • W2K (for Microsoft Windows 2000)
    • W2k3 (for Microsoft Windows Server 2003)
    • XP_W2K (for Windows XP and Windows 2000)
  • Language
    This attribute is the standard language name abbreviation that represents the language for which the software update package is intended. For example, this attribute may be ENU (for English), RUS (for Russian), or JPN (for Japanese).

    Note The abbreviation INTL is used when the software update package applies to multiple languages. When the software update package applies to all languages, no standard language name abbreviation is used.

    For a complete list of standard language name abbreviations, visit the following Microsoft Web site:


For more information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

824685 Description of the file names that are used for Microsoft product updates, tools, and add-ins

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:5/27/2005
Keywords:kbtshoot kbinfo KB899157 kbAudDeveloper kbAudITPRO