Description of the Word 2003 post-Service Pack 2 hotfix package: November 10, 2005 (898777)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Office Word 2003


Microsoft has released the Microsoft Office Word 2003 post-Service Pack 2 hotfix package for Microsoft Office Word 2003.

This article describes the following items about the hotfix package:

  • The issues that the hotfix package fixes.
  • The prerequisites for installing the hotfix package.
  • Whether you must restart your computer after you install the hotfix package.
  • Whether the hotfix package is replaced by any other hotfix package.
  • Whether you must make any registry changes.
  • The files that the hotfix package contains.


This article describes the Word 2003 issues that are fixed in the hotfix package that is dated November 10, 2005.

Issues that the hotfix package fixes

This hotfix package fixes the following issues.

875514 The Filename field in a header or a footer is not updated when you use the "Save As" command to save a document in Word 2003

897316 Numbered or bulleted paragraphs may appear with an additional right indent in Word 2003

898610 The icon that represents an inserted object displays the complete path of the object in Word 2003

899909 The task pane is automatically displayed when you open a document that has an attached smart document in Word 2003

899945 Task pane changes are lost when you modify the text that you inserted into a smart document in Word 2003

900927 Format Painter does not work correctly in Word 2003

901114 The XML tags that contain a table are deleted when you delete the table in a protected XML document in Word 2003

903739 You receive a "Word was unable to read this document" error message when you try to open a document from an HTTP or FTP location if the document was created in a version of Word that is earlier than Word 2003

903740 You cannot prevent the "Show Repairs" dialog box from appearing when you open a damaged document in Word 2003

906575 Inaccurately marked changes may appear in a revised XML document when you use the Compare and Merge Documents feature in Word 2003

908720 The OldXmlNode parameter is blank when you use the XMLSelectionChange event in Word 2003

This hotfix package fixes the following issues that were not previously documented in a Microsoft Knowledge Base article:
  • If you use Microsoft Word as your e-mail editor and you open a custom form in Microsoft Office Outlook 2003, the AutoCorrect text that you specified in Word 2003 is not retained.
  • In Word 2003, when you try to open a document that was created in Microsoft Word 2000, the document does not open. Additionally, Word 2003 stops responding.

    This issue may occur after you have tried to repair the document. Or, this issue may occur even after you have applied the hotfix that is described in the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

    889409 You receive a "Word was unable to read this document. It may be corrupt" error message when you open a document in Word 2003

  • You create a smart document template that performs certain actions by using the WindowActivate event in a Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications macro. You also attach the smart document extension pack to the template. If you create a new smart document by using the template, and then you close the document, and then you immediately create another new document that is based on the template, you receive the following error message:
    You are currently viewing this document in multiple windows. To attach an XML extension pack, you must first close all additional windows so that you are viewing the document in only one window.
    However, no other document is open.
  • You open a document that was created in an earlier version of Microsoft Word and that contains numbering. When you save the document in Word 2003, the numbering below level 1 is not retained, and the numbered paragraphs are no longer numbered.
  • If you programmatically delete a node in an XML document by using the XmlAfterInsert event, the XmlAfterInsert event for the next XML node is skipped.
  • When you work in a Word 2003 document that contains columns, the status bar may indicate an incorrect line number and an incorrect column number. This behavior may occur when the following conditions are true:
    • The document is in Page Layout view.
    • The document contains more than one column.
    • The width of the first column is smaller than the width of any other column.
    • The insertion point is in a column other than column 1.
    • The insertion point is in a column that exceeds the width of column 1.
  • If you end the Winword.exe task in Task Manager and then start Outlook 2003, you receive the following error message:
    Microsoft Office Word has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

    To see what data this error report contains, click here.
    When you view the data in the error report, the report contains an error signature that is similar to the following error signature:
    Application nameApplication versionModule nameModule versionOffset
    This issue may occur when the following conditions are true:
    • The AutoRecover feature in Word 2003 has automatically created a document recovery file.
    • You have applied the hotfix that is described in the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

      892399 Description of the Word 2003 post-Service Pack 1 hotfix package: January 19, 2005

  • You insert an object into a Word document (.doc file) with the Display as icon option selected in Word 2003. Changes that are made to the embedded OLE object may be lost when you save the Word document.
  • You use a Microsoft ActiveX control to embed a Word document. When you close Print Preview in the Word document, you receive the following error message:
    Microsoft Office Word has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

    To see what data this error report contains, click here.
    When you view the data in the error report, the report contains an error signature that is similar to the following error signature:
    Application nameApplication versionModule nameModule versionOffset
  • You create and then save a custom template in Word 2003 in the Templates folder. You also create a new document that is based on the template in the Templates folder. Then, you save the new document to a subfolder of the Templates folder. You then create a new document that is based on the document that you saved in the subfolder of the Templates folder. Then, you save and close the new document. You then open the new document, and then you click Templates and Add-ins on the Tools menu. When you do this, the document template that is attached to the document is the document that you used to create the new document instead of the template that is located in the Templates folder.

    This issue may occur after you apply the hotfix that is described in the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

    890471 Description of the Word 2003 post-Service Pack 1 hotfix package: November 29, 2004

  • You programmatically add an attribute to the MyElement node in the XML Structure task pane. If you pause the mouse pointer over the MyElement node, Word 2003 unexpectedly quits. Additionally, you receive the following error message:
    Microsoft Office Word has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
    When you view the data in the error report, the report contains an error signature that is similar to the following error signature:
    Application nameApplication versionModule nameModule versionOffset
    Additionally, other program versions, module versions, and offsets are possible.
  • When you type a word that is contained in a SmartTags supplemental list file and then press ENTER, Word 2003 unexpectedly quits. Additionally, you receive the following error message:
    Microsoft Office Word has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
    When you view the data in the error report, the report contains an error signature that is similar to the following error signature:
    Application nameApplication versionModule nameModule versionOffset
    Additionally, other program versions, module versions, and offsets are possible.
  • You create a template that contains a header and a section break. If you create a document that is based on the template and then use the Compare and Merge Documents feature in Word 2003, additions and deletions may show as being reversed. For example, text that was added to the new document may appear as deleted text, and text that was deleted in the new document may appear as added text.
  • You run Word 2003 with a custom program which uses advanced text services. Or, you run Word 2003 on a TabletPC with the advanced text services enabled. When you press BACKSPACE, Word may stop responding.
  • You save a document as a Web page. When you open the Web page in Microsoft Internet Explorer, some images are not displayed. This issue may occur if the following conditions are true:
    • The document contains one or more tables.
    • An image is contained in multiple cells of a table.
  • You save a .dat file as a text file and attach the file to your mail merge main document in Word 2003. When you try to save a mail merge main document or you try to save a merged document, Word 2003 may unexpectedly quit. Additionally, you receive the following error message:
    Microsoft Office Word has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
    When you view the data in the error report, the report contains an error signature that is similar to the following error signature:
    Application nameApplication versionModule nameModule versionOffset
    Additionally, other program versions, module versions, and offsets are possible.
  • When you use the Find and Replace feature in Word 2003 to find text that is formatted in a specific font size, the text is not found if the font size is contained in a style.
  • When you click Accept All Changes in Document or Reject All Changes in Document in a Word 2003 document, all the tracked changes in the document may not be accepted or rejected. You must accept or reject each change separately. This issue occurs if the following conditions are true:
    • The Word 2003 document contains tracked changes in a text box.
    • The last paragraph mark in the text box was included when a formatting change was made.


Hotfix information

A supported hotfix is now available from Microsoft, but it is only intended to correct the problem that is described in this article. Only apply it to systems that are experiencing this specific problem. This hotfix may receive additional testing. Therefore, if you are not severely affected by this problem, we recommend that you wait for the next Microsoft Office 2003 service pack that contains this hotfix.

To resolve this problem immediately, contact Microsoft Product Support Services to obtain the hotfix. For a complete list of Microsoft Product Support Services telephone numbers and information about support costs, visit the following Microsoft Web site:Note In special cases, charges that are ordinarily incurred for support calls may be canceled if a Microsoft Support Professional determines that a specific update will resolve your problem. The usual support costs will apply to additional support questions and issues that do not qualify for the specific update in question.


The following list contains prerequisites for the hotfix package:
  • The optimized version of this hotfix is a post-Microsoft Office 2003 Service Pack 2 hotfix. To install the hotfix, you must have Office 2003 Service Pack 2 installed. For more information about Office 2003 Service Pack 2, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

    887616 Description of Office 2003 Service Pack 2

  • The full-file version of this hotfix is also the administrative version of this hotfix. You can install this version of the hotfix on a computer that is running Office 2003 with Service Pack 2 installed or Office 2003 with Service Pack 1 installed. However, we have tested this hotfix more extensively on Office 2003 with Service Pack 2 than we have on Office 2003 with Service Pack 1. If you install this hotfix on a computer that is running Office 2003 with Service Pack 1, some file conflicts might occur. We support this configuration, but we do not recommend this configuration.

Restart information

You do not have to restart your computer after you apply this hotfix.

Hotfix replacement information

This hotfix is not replaced by any later hotfix.

Registry information

You must create a registry key or modify a registry key to use one of the hotfixes that this package contains. For more information about the registry keys, click the following article numbers to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

875514 The Filename field in a header or a footer is not updated when you use the "Save As" command to save a document in Word 2003

897316 Numbered or bulleted paragraphs may appear with an additional right indent in Word 2003

898610 The icon that represents an inserted object displays the complete path of the object in Word 2003

899909 The task pane is automatically displayed when you open a document that has an attached smart document in Word 2003

899945 Task pane changes are lost when you modify the text that you inserted into a smart document in Word 2003

900927 Format Painter does not work correctly in Word 2003

901114 The XML tags that contain a table are deleted when you delete the table in a protected XML document in Word 2003

903739 You receive a "Word was unable to read this document" error message when you try to open a document from an HTTP or FTP location if the document was created in a version of Word that is earlier than Word 2003

903740 You cannot prevent the "Show Repairs" dialog box from appearing when you open a damaged document in Word 2003

908720 The OldXmlNode parameter is blank when you use the XMLSelectionChange event in Word 2003

Hotfix file information

This hotfix may not contain all the files that you must have to fully update a product to the latest build. This hotfix contains only the files that you must have to correct the issues that this article lists.

The global version of this hotfix uses a Microsoft Windows Installer package to install the hotfix. The dates and times for these files are listed in coordinated universal time (UTC) in the following table. When you view the file information, the date is converted to local time. To find the difference between UTC and local time, use the Time Zone tab in the Date and Time tool in Control Panel.Download information
File nameFile versionFile sizeDateTime
Microsoft Windows Installer .msp file information
File nameFile sizeDateTime

After the hotfix package is installed, the global version of this hotfix package has the file attributes, or later file attributes, that are listed in the following table.
File nameFile versionFile sizeDateTime

Additional notes:
  • For more information about how to install this hotfix, see the Readme.txt file that is included in the hotfix package.
  • For more information about the differences between the two .msp files, see the "Strategies for Updating Office 2003 Installations" topic. To see this topic, visit the following Microsoft Web site:
For more information about the terminology that Microsoft uses when Microsoft corrects software after it is released, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

824684 Description of the standard terminology that is used to describe Microsoft software updates

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:3/23/2006
Keywords:kberrmsg kbExpertiseInter kbfix kbQFE kbHotfixRollup kbOffice2003preSP3fix kbHotfixServer KB898777 kbAudITPRO kbAudEndUser