Known issues that occur with public instant messaging after you install Office Live Communications Server Service Pack 1 (897567)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Office Live Communications Server 2005 Enterprise Edition
  • Microsoft Windows Messenger 5.1
  • Microsoft Office Communicator 2005


This article describes the known issues that occur when public instant messaging (IM) connectivity is configured with one of the three available public IM service providers after you install Microsoft Office Live Communications Server Service Pack 1 (SP1). This article also lists the known IP addresses that are used by each public IM service provider.


This article outlines the known issues that can occur when public instant messaging (IM) connectivity is configured with one of the following three available public IM service providers after you install Microsoft Office Live Communications Server Service Pack 1 (SP1):
  • MSN, The Microsoft Network
  • AOL
  • Yahoo!
Note that the issues that are described in this article discuss supported functionality and how the client and data centers function. As client and data center issues are fixed, you are not required to install the software update Microsoft Office Live Communications Server 2005 Service Pack 1 (SP1). When fixes are introduced on the client and data centers, the functionality will automatically work without the need for updating server software.

General issues and functionality overview

You should know about the following issues that apply to all clients:
  • Public IM connectivity supports only the exchange of IM and presence information. File transfers, audio, video, or other sessions are not supported. This applies to all public IM service providers and all clients.
  • When a Microsoft Office Communicator client or a Microsoft Windows Messenger 5.1 user adds an MSN, a Yahoo!, or an AOL contact, no verification is performed against the contact name. Therefore, if a user enters an invalid contact, it is added to the contact list and appears with an "Offline" status.
  • When a Communicator user is in a meeting, their status appears as "Online" to MSN, to AOL, and to Yahoo! contacts. Communicator users must manually set their status to the "Busy" status if they do not want their status to appear as "Online."
  • Multiparty IM (MIM) is not supported. Users within a Microsoft Office Live Communications Server 2005 environment can only have one-to-one communication with users of the public IM service providers.
  • The traffic between the organizations Microsoft Live Communication Server and the public IM service provider is encrypted. IT administrators can set up Transport Layer Security (TLS) to encrypt the data from the enterprise user's client to the Live Communication Server. However, the data from the public IM service providers' server to the public IM client (on the MSN, the Yahoo!, or the AOL network) is not encrypted.
  • If you are using the multiple points of presence (MPOP) feature in Microsoft Office Communicator 2005, presence updates may not appear in the MSN, the AOL, or the Yahoo! client depending on the priority of the presence states on the various endpoints.
  • As with federated users, you can only see presence information of public IM users who are in your contact list. Additionally, these users can see presence information in Microsoft Office programs.
  • Friendly names of MSN, of AOL, or of Yahoo! users will not appear in the Windows Messenger 5.1 SIP client or in Communicator 2005.

Supported clients

Public IM connectivity works with the following clients:
  • AOL client versions: AOL version 5.9.3702
  • MSN clients and versions: MSN Messenger 6.2 and MSN Messenger 7.0
  • Yahoo! client version: Yahoo! Messenger
  • Live Communications Server clients: Windows Messenger 5.1 and Communicator 2005

Supported public IM domains

The following is a list of currently supported public IM domains:
  • AOL
  • MSN
  • Yahoo

Issues with public IM connectivity to MSN

The following is a list of the issues that a user may experience when a public IM is connected to MSN:
  • In the case that the public IM connectivity becomes unavailable, presence information may be invalid for as long as four hours. To resolve this issue, log off and then log back on.
  • The "Be Right Back" status maps to the "Away" status when Communicators users and MSN Messenger users view each other's presence.
  • When an MSN user's status is set to "Out to Lunch," it displays as "Away" on the Communicator client because Communicator does not support the "Out to Lunch" status.
  • When a Communicator user's status is set to "Do Not Disturb," it displays as "Away" on the MSN client because the MSN client does not support the "Do Not Disturb" status.
  • MSN users who have EASI accounts will not be able to use connect with Live Communications Server users. Support for EASI passports is scheduled for September 2005. The following accounts are enabled for public IM connectivity:
    • personal domains
  • MSN friendly names with angle bracket characters (< >) will not be sent to Communicator 2005.
  • Live Communications Server contacts are blocked when an MSN user removes themselves from a contact list.
  • If you already had contact e-mail addresses in your contact list before your switched your contact list from the .NET Messenger Service to Communications Server 2005 with public IM connectivity, these contacts may continuously appear with an "Offline" status. These contacts are currently still associated with the .NET Messenger Service. You must delete and re-add the e-mail address to your contact list to associate the contact with the Live Communications Server service.
  • Friendly names of offline MSN contacts will not appear.

Client specific issues

Issues with public IM connectivity to Microsoft Office Communicator 2005

  • If a MSN Messenger user opens a conversation window with a Communicator user for any reason, a toast or a conversation window will open in for the Communicator user. This issue occurs regardless of whether the MSN Messenger user types or uses the conversation window or session.

Issues with public IM connectivity to MSN Messenger

  • If a MSN client initiates a file transfer, other sessions, such as Audio and Webcam, will not be cancelled as expected by the public IM connectivity service. The MSN user must manually cancel the request.
  • In MSN Messenger 6.x and MSN Messenger 7.0 Beta clients, the Communicator client will receive the following message from the MSN Messenger client if there any unsupported features are started: <User> invited you to view his or her webcam, which requires the latest version of MSN Messenger. You can download the latest version at of unsupported features are a file transfer, an audio and video sessions transfer, or an A/V. Ignore this message when you receive it.

Issues with public IM connectivity to AOL

  • When an AOL user sends a Communicator user a URL, the URL that is received by the Communicator is modified. For example, if an AOL user sends the URL, the Communicator user receives the following URL:

    _http://www.contoso.com_ (http://

Issues with public IM connectivity to Yahoo!

  • If a Communicator user tries to establish a video session with a Yahoo! user and then cancels the session, the Communicator user is disconnected from the IM session.
  • When a Yahoo! user specifies that his or her presence should always appear offline or unavailable to a Communicator client, the Communicator client continues to see the Yahoo! user's true presence.
  • When a Communicator user adds a Yahoo! user to his or her contact list, the Yahoo user clicks Allow to add the Communicator user to the Yahoo user's contact list. When the Communicator user is added, the user's status appears as offline until the Communicator user changes his or her status.
  • During an IM session between a Communicator user and a Yahoo! user, the Communicator user is not notified and can continue to send messages after the Yahoo! user closes the session window.
  • The Yahoo! client does not support MPOP. If you connect to more than one device, all other devices show a status of "Unavailable" or of "Offline" to the Yahoo! client.
  • Yahoo! clients only support instant message invitations. However, if a Communicator client sends a file transfer, an A/V invitation, or another invitation that is not supported for public IM connectivity, the Yahoo! client returns a 200 OK response that indicates acceptance. This response appears to the Communicator user who is waiting for acceptance from the Yahoo! user. The Yahoo! user is not notified of this request.
  • A Yahoo! client does not accurately maintain presence.


As documented in the Live Communications Server 2005 with SP1 documentation, the recommended firewall configuration when federating with public IM providers is to allow any IP address (*) to connect to port 5061 on the Access Proxy.

However, certain enterprises prefer to enforce stricter firewall rules and restrict incoming connections to specific IP addresses. In this case, the IP addresses that are used by the public IM networks need to be specifically allowed on the enterprise firewall.

This article lists the IP addresses that are used by each public IM service provider. Note that this list may change. If there is a change to this list, a reconfiguration of the enterprise firewall will be required. The following lists contain the IP addresses that are currently used by each service provider.
List of IP addresses that are used by MSN:
List of IP addresses that are used by AOL:
List of IP addresses that are used by Yahoo!
  • 216.155.207.[196-249]

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:8/17/2005
Keywords:kbinfo KB897567