ACC: New Label Controls Inherit Form Wizards' Label Text Align (89604)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Access 1.0
  • Microsoft Access 1.1
  • Microsoft Access 2.0

This article was previously published under Q89604
Novice: Requires knowledge of the user interface on single-user computers.


If you create a form with the Single-Column or Main/Subform Form Wizards, the TextAlign properties of new label controls added to the new form will have different defaults than they do if you use the Tabular or Graph Form Wizards, or if you create a new form without using a Form Wizard at all.


In Microsoft Access, controls added to a form created with Form Wizards default to the same properties as the Wizard-created controls.

For example, when you create a blank form (by not using a Form Wizard), a label control's TextAlign property normally defaults to General. With the Single-Column and Main/Subform Form Wizards, however, label controls placed on the new form default to Right alignment. As a result, all subsequent new labels added to that form will also default to Right alignment. This is, however, only a default value that you can change.

NOTE: Tabular and Graph Form Wizard labels, as well as labels on forms created without Form Wizards, default to General text alignment.


This behavior no longer occurs in Microsoft Access version 7.0.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:5/9/2003
Keywords:kbprb kbusage KB89604