Description of the location errors that are on the Job Details page on the MapPoint .NET Web Service Customer Services site (883991)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft MapPoint Web Service 3.5
  • MapPoint .NET Developer Web Services 3.0


The Microsoft MapPoint .NET Web Service Customer Services site (CSS) provides an easy-to-use interface for uploading the point-of-interest data in your data source. The Job Details page provides specific information about the status of each upload job and includes a section for location errors. This article describes the location errors that are found on the Job Details page.


Table 1 describes each error type and how to resolve the error.

Table 1
ErrorExplanationUser action
IncorrectFieldCountThe field count does not match the schema.Make sure that each row has the same number of columns as the schema.
ExceedsMaxLengthThe field or record is too long.Remove data to satisfy the limits. For more information, see the CSS Pane Help.
InvalidCharacterThe field contains a character that is not valid for its type.Remove the characters that are not valid. The most frequently used characters that are not valid for a string field are semicolons (";") and left and right angle brackets ("<" and ">").
InvalidValueThe field contains a value that is outside the valid range.Remove or modify the data in the field that contains the data that is out of range.
KeywordTooLongA keyword is greater than the maximum length.Remove or modify the keyword that is too long. A single keyword can contain a maximum of 50 characters.
TooManyKeywordsA keyword field contains more than the maximum number of keywords.Remove the additional keywords from the field. A keyword field can contain a maximum of 350 keywords.
ExceedsCellCountThe limit on searchable non-Boolean cells has been exceeded. Remove data to satisfy the limits. The maximum is 8.75 million cells. For more information, see the CSS Pane Help.
ExceedsStorageLimitThe combined size of your data sources is greater than the maximum.Remove data to satisfy the limits. The maximum is 2 GB. For more information, see the CSS Pane Help.
Table 2 lists error resolution values and their meanings.

Table 2
FieldTruncatedThe referenced field was truncated to the maximum size.
FieldClearedThe field value was replaced by an empty string.
KeywordDeletedOne or more keywords were deleted from a field.
RecordDiscardedThe record was not uploaded.
JobFailedProcessing stopped and the job failed.


For more information, visit the following Microsoft Web site:

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:8/17/2004
Keywords:kbhowto kbWebServices kbinfo KB883991 kbAudDeveloper