INFO: Windows TrueType Fonts Reading List (88458)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) 3.1

This article was previously published under Q88458
3.10 WINDOWS kbprg


This article contains a list of documents available from Microsoft that discuss TrueType fonts with reference to their use in Microsoft Windows operating system version 3.1.

\ The documents are broadly classified into three categories on the basis of their technical scope. Documents in the "End User" category have information about using TrueType fonts for the Windows 3.1 end user. Documents in the "Application Developer" category discuss the impact of TrueType fonts on Windows-based applications and contain technical details that let application developers use, and take advantage of, TrueType font technology in their applications. Documents in the "Font/Tool/Curious Developer" category contain information useful to developers interested in developing their own TrueType fonts or font-development tools, or interested in knowing about the inner workings of the TrueType font technology.

Each entry contains information to help the reader obtain a copy of the document. Many of the following documents will be available as part of the upcoming Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) CD. For more information about this CD, call the Microsoft Developer Services Team at (800) 227-4679.


End User Oriented Documents

Title: "Fonts in Windows 3.1"

What to expect: This document gives a comprehensive introduction to the font technologies (including TrueType) used in Windows 3.1.

Finding a copy: This document is available as an application note (WW0528); call Microsoft Product Support Services at (206) 637-7098 to request this application note. It is also available in the Microsoft Software Library as document S13367. Similar information can also be found in Chapter 9, "Fonts," of the "Microsoft Windows Resource Kit" manual.

Title: "Microsoft TrueType Font Pack User's Guide"

What to expect: This document contains notes on installing and using TrueType fonts, designing documents with TrueType fonts, and a brief history of the TryeType font technology.

Finding a copy: This document is shipped with the Microsoft TrueType Font Pack for Windows. The font pack is an assortment of 44 TrueType fonts. Call Microsoft Consumer Sales at (800) 426-9400 for purchasing information.

Application Developer Oriented Documents

Title: Chapter 18, "Fonts," in the "Guide to Programming"

What to expect: This document contains a gentle introduction to using fonts in applications. It begins with a discussion of the fundamentals of fonts, introduces the three font technologies used in Windows 3.1 (with an emphasis on TrueType fonts), discusses TrueType font technology in the context of WYSIWYG and document/printer/platform portability, and finally delves into the details of using fonts (with due attention paid to TrueType) in Windows 3.1 applications.

Finding a copy: This manual is shipped with the Windows 3.1 Software Development Kit (SDK). All the information is also available in the SDK 3.1 online documentation (WIN31WH.HLP) under the subject headings "Font Fundamentals," "Fonts in Windows," "TrueType Font Technology," and "Using Fonts in Applications."

Title: "Windows Font Mapping" Author: Ron Gery

What to expect: This document discusses the Windows 3.1 font mapper and how it controls the realization of fonts. Attention is paid to selecting TrueType fonts and the effect of having TrueType fonts on the fonts selected by applications developed for Windows 3.0 (which does not have TrueType fonts).

Finding a copy: This document is available as part of the MSDN CD.

Title: "Using TrueType" Author: Ron Gery

What to expect: This document gives a basic introduction to using TrueType in an application under Windows 3.1. It discusses most of the TrueType functions, enumerating and selecting TrueType fonts, positioning TrueType characters in documents, and page layout.

Finding a copy: This document is available as part of the MSDN CD-ROM.

Title: "TrueType and Microsoft Windows Version 3.1" Authors: David Weise and Dennis Adler

What to expect: This document introduces some font concepts and details the various aspects of using TrueType fonts in applications developed for Windows 3.1.

Finding a copy: This document is available as part of the MSDN CD-ROM.

Font/Tool/Curious Developer Oriented Documents

Title: "Advanced TrueType: GetGlyphOutline" Author: Ron Gery

What to expect: This document presents an explanation of the GetGlyphOutline function. It complements the definition of GetGlyphOutline found in the Windows SDK 3.1 reference manual and extends the definition by providing explanations for those portions of the GetGlyphOutline function that were omitted in the SDK 3.1 manual.

Finding a copy: This document is available as part of the MSDN CD-ROM.

Title: "An Introduction to Digital Typography Using TrueType" Author: George Moore

What to expect: This transcript of a technical talk lists the basic steps that a typical computer system goes through in order to display characters on the output device and details these steps for TrueType fonts in Windows 3.1.

Finding a copy: This document is available as part of the MSDN CD-ROM.

Title: "Linear vs. Nonlinear Scaling" Author: George Moore

What to expect: This transcript of a technical talk describes the importance of being able to nonlinearly scale a font. It discusses how a TrueType font vendor can use nonlinear scaling so that low-resolution devices can display high-quality TrueType fonts.

Finding a copy: This document is available in the Microsoft Software Library as document S13452.

Title: "TrueType Font Files Specification Version 1.0"

What to expect: This specification details how to construct a TrueType font from scratch (or build a tool to do so), the TrueType programming language, and the complete format of each subtable contained in the .ttf file. It also contains illustrations.

Finding a copy: This document is spread over three documents (S13442, S13443, S13444) and is available in the Microsoft Software Library.

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:2/11/2005
Keywords:kb16bitonly kbinfo KB88458