How to use the Ngthrlog.vbs tool to view gatherer logs in SharePoint Portal Server 2003 (839857)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server 2003


This article describes how to obtain the Ngthrlog.vbs tool and how to use the tool to view information that is contained in the gatherer logs in Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server 2003. The Ngthrlog.vbs tool improves on and replaces the Gthrlog.vbs tool that is included in the Support\Tools folder on the SharePoint Portal Server 2003 CD-ROM.

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How to obtain the Ngthrlog.vbs tool

To obtain the Ngthrlog.vbs tool, contact Microsoft Product Support Services (PSS). For a complete list of Microsoft Product Support Services phone numbers, visit the following Microsoft Web site: Note In special cases, charges that are ordinarily incurred for support calls may be canceled if a Microsoft Support Professional determines that a specific update will resolve your problem. The usual support costs will apply to additional support questions and to issues that do not qualify for the specific update in question.

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Overview of the Ngthrlog.vbs tool

Every time that SharePoint Portal Server 2003 creates or updates an index, SharePoint Portal Server 2003 creates a gatherer log entry in a table in the component settings database for the portal site. Log entries contain data about URLs that are accessed while the index is being created. The log can record successful accesses, indexing warnings, access errors, and accesses that are not permitted by rules.

By default, SharePoint Portal Server 2003 logs index warnings and access errors. If you want to log either successful accesses or accesses that are not permitted by rules, you can configure these options.

You can view the content of gatherer logs on the Gatherer Log Details page of the portal site. You can also use the Ngthrlog.vbs tool to view the information that is contained in the gatherer logs. Ngthrlog.vbs is a Microsoft Visual Basic script file that connects to a database that is stored in Microsoft SQL Server, and this script file retrieves the logging information from the tables in the database.

Ngthrlog.vbs uses the following syntax:

Ngthrlog.vbs /s ServerName /d Database /c CatalogName [{/l LogInID[ /p Password] } | /E][/u URL-filter ] [/t TransactionType] [/q Timeout] [/f OutputFormat] [/r] [/n CrawlNumber] [/v] [/o OutputFormat]

You can use the following command-line parameters with Ngthrlog.vbs:
  • /s ServerName: Use this parameter to specify the name of the database server.
  • /d Database: Use this parameter to specify the name of the database that you want to query.
  • /c CatalogName: Use this parameter to specify the catalog that you want to query. For example, the name of catalog that you want to query may be Portal_Content or Non_Portal_Content.
  • /l LogInID: Use this parameter to specify the logon ID of the user. Logon IDs are case-sensitive.
  • /p Password: Use this parameter to specify the password of the LogInID parameter.
  • /E: Use this parameter to specify a trusted connection instead of requesting a password.
  • URL-filter: Use this parameter to specify a URL string.
  • /t TransactionType: Use this parameter to specify one of the following notification (transaction) types:
    • add
    • delete
    • modify
    Note You can use the add transaction type or the delete transaction type only during a crawl.
  • /q Timeout: Use this parameter to specify the number of seconds before a query operation times out. The default value is 300 seconds.
  • /f OutputFormat: Use this parameter to specify one of the following formats for the gatherer log information:
    • text
    • html
    • csv
    If you do not specify an output format for the file, the default format is text.
  • /r: Use this parameter to sort the output by descending timestamp value.
  • /n CrawlNumber: Use this parameter to specify the crawl number that you want to filter. By default, the crawl number is set to All.
  • /v: Use this parameter to specify the verbose option. When you use this option, all fields for a record are displayed.
  • /o OutputFormat: Use this parameter to write the results to a file in the current folder. The name of the file uses the following format:


    You can specify one of the following output formats for the file:
    • text
    • html
    • csv
    If you do not specify an output format for the file, the default file format is text.
Note To use the Ngthrlog.vbs tool to perform the procedure that this article describes, you must be logged on to SharePoint Portal Server 2003 by using an account that has appropriate permissions to access the SQL Server databases. For example, you must be logged on to SharePoint Portal Server 2003 by using the same account that the CentralAdminAppPool application pool in Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) is configured to use.

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How to use the Ngthrlog.vbs tool to view gatherer logs

To use the Ngthrlog.vbs tool to view gather log information:
  1. Copy the Ngthrlog.vbs file to a folder on the server.
  2. Click Start, and then click Run.
  3. In the Open box, type cmd, and then click OK.
  4. At the command prompt, change to the directory that contains the Ngthrlog.vbs file.
  5. Type the following command, and then press ENTER:

    cscript //h:cscript

  6. Type the Ngthrlog.vbs command line that you want to run, and then press ENTER.
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The following list contains examples of Ngthrlog.vbs command lines:
  • ngthrlog.vbs /s Server1 /d MySite_SERV /c Portal_Content /E
  • ngthrlog.vbs /s Server1 /d MySite_SERV /c Non_Portal_Content /l spsadmin /u Password1 /t add /f csv > NPC.csv
  • ngthrlog.vbs /s Server1 /d MySite_SERV /c Portal_Content /E /u "test" /t modify /f html > PC.html
  • ngthrlog.vbs /s Server1 /d MySite_SERV /c Portal_Content /E /u "test" /t modify /f html /o


For more information about gatherer logs in SharePoint Portal Server 2003, search for "gatherer log" on the Search tab of the Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Administrator's Guide. The Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Administrator's Guide (Administrator's Help.chm) is located in the Docs folder in the root directory of the SharePoint Portal Server 2003 CD-ROM.

For more information about SharePoint Portal Server 2003, visit the following Microsoft Web site: back to the top

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:8/27/2004
Keywords:kbScript kbhowto KB839857 kbAudITPRO