You receive an "Unhandled Exception" error when you deploy a program in Office Live Communications Server 2003 (839519)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Office Live Communications Server 2003


When you deploy a program in Microsoft Office Live Communications Server 2003, you may receive the following error message:
Unhandled Exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: File or assembly name ServerAgent, or one of its dependencies, was not found.


This problem may occur if the ServerAgent.dll file is not installed in the global assembly cache. If your program and the ServerAgent.dll file are not installed in the same folder, the ServerAgent.dll file cannot be found.


To resolve this problem, create a configuration file that points to the ServerAgent.dll file, and put this file in the same folder as your program. To do this, follow these steps:
  1. Create a file that contains the following:
          <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
                <assemblyIdentity name="ServerAgent"
                                  culture="neutral" />
                <codeBase version=""
                    href="LCS installation folder\ServerAgent.dll"/>
    Note For LCS installation folder, use the full path of the ServerAgent.dll file that was installed with the server. For example, if the full path of the ServerAgent.dll file is C:\Program Files\Microsoft LC\Server\ServerAgent.dll, use:

    href="C:\Program Files\Microsoft LC\Server\ServerAgent.dll"

  2. Save the file as filename.extension.config in the same folder as your program.

    For example, if the name of the program file is MyApp.exe, name the file MyApp.exe.config, and save the file in the save folder as MyApp.exe.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:3/31/2004
Keywords:kbprb KB839519 kbAudEndUser