Description of Project Server 2003 Service Pack 1 (837241)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Office Project Server 2003


Microsoft has released a service pack for Microsoft Office Project Server 2003. The following "Article contents" section describes the information that this article contains about the service pack.


Microsoft Office Project Server 2003 Service Pack 1 (SP1) contains the latest updates to Microsoft Office Project Server 2003. Project Server 2003 SP1 contains significant security enhancements and stability and performance improvements. Some of the updates that are included in Project Server 2003 SP1 were previously released as separate updates. Project Server 2003 SP1 combines the previously-released updates into one update.


Service pack details

List of issues that are fixed in the service pack

Project Server 2003 SP 1 fixes the issues that are described in the following hotfix packages:

830810 Description of the Microsoft Office Project Server 2003 hotfix package: October 24, 2003

830820 Description of the Project Server 2003 hotfix package: November 7, 2003

832872 Description of the Project Server 2003 hotfix package: December 5, 2003

832898 Description of Microsoft Office Project Server 2003 hotfix package: December 12, 2003

833849 Description of Microsoft Office Project 2003 hotfix package: December 22, 2003

834696 Description of Microsoft Office Project Server 2003 hotfix package: January 16, 2004

835217 Description of Microsoft Office Project Server 2003 hotfix package: January 22, 2004

834717 Description of Microsoft Office Project Server 2003 hotfix package: January 14, 2004

835736 Description of the Project Server 2003 hotfix package: February 13, 2004

837248 Description of the Microsoft Office Project Server 2003 hotfix package: February 28, 2004

838881 Description of the Project Server 2003 hotfix package: March 23, 2004

Project Server 2003 SP1 fixes the following issues that were not previously documented in the Microsoft Knowledge Base.

You experience unexpected behavior when you use the Week format

You may experience unexpected behavior if you use the Week format to specify start dates for tasks in your project. For example, you may find that the start date for the task is displayed by using a different date from the date that you specified, or you may receive an error message that is similar to the following:
Invalid date.

This is not a valid date, or it is outside the range for dates, which is January 1, 1984 through December 31, 2049.

Type a date in the correct format: for example, 6/15/00 or June 15, 2000.

The "Server extranet address" box is not empty when you delete its the contents

When you delete the contents of the Server extranet address box on the "Server configuration" page of Microsoft Project Web Access and then click Save Changes, the contents of the Server extranet address box is not empty as expected. The Server extranet address box contains a space character.

You cannot link issues, risks, or documents to tasks in your administrative project

You cannot link an issue, a risk, or a document to a task in your administrative project when you click one of the following options on the "View resource assignments" page of Microsoft Project Web Access:
  • Link Risks
  • Link Issues
  • Link Documents
When you try to do link an issue, a risk, or a document to a task, you receive the following error message:
You cannot link Item to this task for the following reason:
- The task is an administrative time entry.
Note In this error message, Item is either issues, risks, or documents.

You do not experience this issue when you link an issue, a risk, or a document to a task in your administrative project by using the "View my tasks" page or by using the "Project Center" page.

Issues and risks that are assigned to you are not listed on the Home page of Microsoft Project Web Access

When you view the Home page of Microsoft Project Web Access, you may find that although an issue or a risk is assigned to you, you receive the following message under Issues or under Risks: You have no active Item assigned to youNote In this message, Item is either issues or risks.

This issue may occur if you are in a workgroup environment. For example, this issue may occur if Project Server 2003, Microsoft SQL Server, and Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services are located in one workgroup, and Microsoft Office Project Professional 2003 and Microsoft Project Web Access are located in a different workgroup.

The Microsoft Project Web Access navigation bar appears on the "View and Upload Documents" page when you open a project in Project Professional 2003

When you use Project Professional 2003 to open a project that is stored in Project Server 2003, click Documents on the Collaborate menu, click Shared Documents, and then click All Document Libraries, the Microsoft Project Web Access navigation bar appears on the "View and Upload Documents" page.

Additionally, if you click Shared Documents, and then click All Document Libraries again, or if you view a task on the 'View my tasks" page, and then click Go to linked issues, you receive the following error message:
Incorrect Page or Navigation Stopped

Project is unable to use the page URLOfPage to display the Project Guide for this project. You can either open this project using our default Project Guide, or you can retry using the page URLofPage.

"Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'MSP_ASSIGNMENT_BASELINES' with unique index 'I_MSP_ASSIGNMENT_BASELINES'" error message when you save a project

When you save a project to Project Server 2003 that contains baseline information, you may receive the following error message:
[Microsoft]{ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'MSP_ASSIGNMENT_BASELINES' with unique index 'I_MSP_ASSIGNMENT_BASELINES'.
This issue may occur if you save the project immediately after you delete a previously saved project that contains the same baseline information. In this situation, the stored procedure that deletes information from the MSP_ASSIGNMENT_BASELINES table in SQL Server incorrectly processes the delete operation.

Data is missing from Portfolio Analyzer view after you upgrade Microsoft Project Server 2002 to Project Server 2003

When you view the Portfolio Analyzer view of a project on the "Portfolio Analyzer" page of Microsoft Project Web Access after you upgrade Microsoft Project Server 2002 to Project Server 2003, you may find that certain data that was published before the upgrade operation is missing. This issue occurs if the date and time entries in the AssignmentTimeStart column of the MSP_VIEW_PROJ_ASSN_TP_BY_DAY table in the Microsoft Project Server database are incorrectly processed during the upgrade operation. Data may be missing for projects that contain assignments that occur on the last day of the date range that is specified by the online analytical processing (OLAP) cube.

A Windows SharePoint Services Web site is not created after you publish a project to Project Server 2003

After you publish a project to Project Server 2003, a Windows SharePoint Services Web site is not created for the project, and you experience the following symptoms:
  • When you log on to Microsoft Project Web Access, click Admin, click Manage Windows SharePoint Services, and then click Manage SharePoint sites, the name of the project appears under Project Name but no site address is listed under Site Address.
  • If you click the name of the project, and then click Create Site, you receive the following error message:
    Error occurred when creating site. Site does not seem to exist.
This issue may occur if the name of the project contains an ampersand "&" character (without the quotation marks).

E-mail notifications are not sent if the address in the From address box contains one or more spaces

If the e-mail address that you specify in the From address box of the "Notifications and reminders" page of Microsoft Project Web Access contains one or more spaces, Project Server 2003 does not send the e-mail message. You do not receive an error message when this issue occurs.

Certain values that you specified for tasks in your project are unexpectedly blank when you edit and view your project by using the Project Center page

When you edit your project by using the Project Center page in Microsoft Project Web Access, you may find that certain values that you specified for tasks in your project are unexpectedly blank after you save the changes that you made to the project. For example, if you open your project by using the Project Center page, modify an outline code, and then save your changes, you may find that the Duration box for tasks in your project is empty.

The "Project Web Access Assignment Notes" dialog box for a task does not notify you that you cannot save new information to the Notes history area

When you open a note that is added to a task on the "View my tasks" page in Microsoft Project Web Access, type text in the Notes history area of the Project Web Access Assignment Notes dialog box, and then click OK, the text that you type is not saved to the note. The Project Web Access Assignment Notes dialog box does not contain any information to notify you that the Notes history area is read-only and that new information cannot be saved to this area.

The baseline bar on the View a Project page in Microsoft Project Web Access unexpectedly displays actual work

After you enter the actual work that is performed for tasks in a project, and then publish the updated information to Project Server 2003, the baseline bar may display incorrect information. When you view your project in Tasks Tracking view on the View a Project page of Microsoft Project Web Access, the baseline bar for the project unexpectedly displays the actual work.

Project Server 2003 database is in an inconsistent state after you use the ResourcesAdd method to add two resources that use the same user name in the same request

When you use the ResourcesAdd method to add two resources that use the same user name to the Enterprise Resource Pool in Project Server 2003 in the same request, you do not receive an error message. The operation appears to complete successfully. However, only one of the resources is added. When you view the Project Server 2003 database, two new entries are created in the MSP_RESOURCES table and in the MSP_TEXT_FIELDS table. However, only one new entry is created in the MSP_WEB_RESOURCES table. Therefore, the database is in an inconsistent state. This issue occurs regardless of whether the corresponding user accounts in Microsoft Windows are the same or are different.

Category permissions for the Administrators group are unavailable (appear dimmed) in Microsoft Project Web Access

When you work with categories in Microsoft Project Web Access, and you click Administrators under Users and groups with permissions on the Modify Category page of an existing category or on the Add Category page of a new category, the permissions that are listed in the Permissions table are unavailable (appear dimmed). You cannot edit permissions for the Administrators group in any category.

"Page cannot be found" error message when you use Microsoft Project Web Access to search for content in a document library in the Swedish version of Project Server 2003

You may find that you cannot use Microsoft Project Web Access to search for content in a document library in the Swedish version of Project Server 2003. When you connect to a document library, type a search string in the Search box, and then click Go, you receive the following error message:
Page cannot be found
This issue occurs because a string that is used by the search functionality is localized incorrectly, and an incorrect URL is returned.

Cursors in Project Server 2003 do not use the fast forward-only read-only cursor feature

Cursors in Project Server 2003 use the default cursor declaration and are not optimized to use the fast forward-only, read-only cursor feature.

The Users page in the Japanese version of Project Server 2003 contains incomplete information

Incomplete information appears on the Users page of Microsoft Project Web Access in the Japanese version of Project Server 2003. When you log on to Microsoft Project Web Access, click Admin, and then click Manage users and groups, the sentence that appears under the following buttons is incomplete:
  • Add User
  • Modify User
  • Deactivate User
  • Merge User Accounts
The sentence is incorrectly localized and does not read as follows: Select a user to view the user's properties, or to add, modify, delete, or merge users.

Outline levels of a project are not displayed on the Updates page in Microsoft Project Web Access

The Updates page in Microsoft Project Web Access does not display the outline levels of a project. Because only the top-level summary tasks and specific tasks are displayed on the Updates page, you cannot distinguish between tasks that use the same names that are contained in different outline levels.

"An error occurred while exporting the grid to Excel." error message when you click "Export Grid to Excel" in Microsoft Project Web Access

When you click Export Grid to Excel on the Project Center page in Microsoft Project Web Access to export the project grid to Microsoft Excel, you may receive an error message that is similar to the following:
An error occurred while exporting the grid data to Excel. Because of this error, you can only copy XML data to the Clipboard.

Do you want to continue?
This issue occurs if the project contains more than eight outline levels.

The "View my tasks" page for a resource contains incorrect assignments after you update your project in Microsoft Project Web Access

After you click Update on the Updates page in Microsoft Project Web Access to update your project with new assignments, resources may not be assigned to the correct tasks when a resource views their assignments on the "View my tasks" page. This issue may occur if the following conditions are true:
  • A resource uses Microsoft Project Web Access to assign him or her self to a task, and then updates the timesheet on the "View my tasks" page.
  • The task has an existing assignment.
In this situation, the tasks that are listed for the resource on the "View my tasks" page may be incorrect.

Project Server 2003 takes a longer time than expected to process views

In certain situations, Project Server 2003 may take a longer time than expected to generate views for a project. The performance of the Project Server Views Processing Service service may be slow.

Grouping of tasks is not restored to use the previous setting when you click Revert on the View a Project page in Microsoft Project Web Access

When you view a project on the View a Project page in Microsoft Project Web Access, click Group by to organize the tasks into a group by using the options that you want, and then click Revert, you may find that the grouping of the tasks is not restored to the previous setting.

For example, if the tasks in the project are listed in numeric order, and you click Task Name in the Group by box to organize the tasks by task name, and then you click Revert, the tasks are not listed in numeric order as expected.

Resources are not leveled after you synchronize the Enterprise Resource Pool with Active Directory

After you synchronize the Enterprise Resource Pool with an Active Directory group in Microsoft Project Web Access, resources in your project are not leveled as expected. When you click Level Resources on the Tools menu in Project Professional 2003, and then click Level Now, tasks that are assigned to the resources are not rescheduled. This issue occurs because a leveling setting is not set correctly for resources that are added to the Enterprise Resource Pool by the synchronization operation.

"You cannot hide this task for one of the following reasons" error message when a resource tries to hide a task in Microsoft Project Web Access

When a manager removes a resource from a task in an administrative project, a black "X" appears next to the task as expected when the resource logs on to Microsoft Project Web Access, and then views the "View my tasks" page. However, the resource cannot hide the task. If the resource clicks the task, and then clicks Hide, the resource receives the following error message:
You cannot hide this task for one of the following reasons:
  • It is a delegated task that you are a lead for
  • It is a summary task with existing tasks
  • It is a nonproject time task defined by the server administrator
  • It is a task transferred from Outlook

There is no option to add a ResourceNames field to the Timesheet view in Microsoft Project Web Access

When you modify the Timesheet view on the Modify Timesheet View page of Microsoft Project Web Access, there is no option to add a field to the view that can display the names of all the resources that are assigned to tasks in a project. Microsoft Project Server 2002 included a ResourceNames field. The ResourceNames field is not listed as an option in the Available fields list in Project Server 2003.

Tasks that are pending approval are unexpectedly listed on the "View my tasks" Web page when you click the URL in a progress request e-mail message

When a team member opens a progress request e-mail message, and then clicks the URL in the e-mail message to view the tasks that require a progress update, only tasks that appear in the Tasks pending manager's approval list are displayed on the "View my tasks" page in Microsoft Project Web Access. This issue occurs because Project Server 2003 uses an incorrect filter to list the tasks that require a progress update. The filter that is used lists the tasks that are pending approval from the manager and does not list the tasks that require a progress update.

"An error occurred while completing the operation" error message when you click Save Changes on the Modify Category page in Microsoft Project Web Access

When you click Save Changes on the Modify Category page of a category in Microsoft Project Web Access, you may receive the following error message:
An error occurred while completing the operation.
This issue may occur if a user whose account status is set to Inactive is listed in the Users and groups with permissions box of the Modify Category page of a category.

Project Server 2003 incorrectly processes certain error codes for publish operations

Project Server 2003 incorrectly processes the error codes for certain errors that may occur during publish operations. When this issue occurs, the error codes are not returned to Project Professional 2003 when you publish a project to Project Server 2003.

You cannot use the ProjectTasksCreate method to add a task to a project if the ID parameter is not specified

When you use the ProjectTasksCreate method to add a task to a project, you may find that the task is not added to the project. This issue occurs if you do not specify an ID parameter for the task.

New task assignments are unexpectedly listed on the "View my tasks" Web page when you click the URL in a canceled task notification e-mail message

When a manager deletes a task from a project, and then publishes changed assignments for that project, the URL that appears in the e-mail message that the team members receive contains an incorrect URL. When the team member clicks the URL in the e-mail message, the "View my tasks" page in Microsoft Project Web Access does not list the tasks that were deleted from the project as expected. This issue occurs because the URL in the e-mail message contains an incorrect filter. The filter that is used lists the new tasks that are assigned to the team member and does not listed the tasks that were deleted by the manager.

Text is missing from notes that are pending approval on the "View task changes submitted by resources" page after you become the new manager for the project

When you republish the assignments for a project by using the Become a manager for these assignments option, and then you view tasks that are pending approval on the "View task changes submitted by resources" page in Microsoft Project Web Access, you may find that text that was added to a note in a task before you became manager of the project is missing from the note. You cannot approve the text in the note because the text no longer appears in the note.

Changes that you make to a resource calendar are not saved

When you change the calendar of an enterprise resource more than one time, any additional changes that you make to the calendar are not saved. You may find that changes that you make to calendars of other enterprise resources are not saved. For example, this issue may occur in the following situation:
  1. You check out an enterprise resource, change the working time for certain dates on the calendar, and then save and close the resource.
  2. You check out the same enterprise resource, change the working time for the same dates on the calendar that you made changes to in step 1, and then save and close the resource.

Additional improvements that the service pack includes

For more information about the differences in Project Server 2003 after you install Project Server 2003 SP1, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

875304 Notification and reminder e-mail message codes that are supported by Project Server 2003 Service Pack 1

Known issues

Known issues that may occur during installation of the service pack

The Setup program may not display any messages on the screen during certain parts of the upgrade operation

When you upgrade Project Server 2003 to Project Server 2003 SP1, and the Project Server 2003 database is large, the Setup program may not display any messages during certain parts of the upgrade operation to notify you that the upgrade operation is running. The upgrade operation may appear to stop responding (hang). However, although no messages appear on the screen, the upgrade operation is still running. Depending on the size of the database, the upgrade operation may take several hours to complete. For example, the Setup program may take two hours to upgrade a database that is 5 gigabytes (GB). During this time, the Setup program may not display any messages on the screen.

Known issues that may occur after the service pack is installed

You cannot connect to the server if you are running Project Server 2003 SP1 and the original release version of Microsoft Office Project Professional 2003 on the same server

After you install Project Server 2003 SP1 on the server, you may find that you cannot connect to the server by using Project Professional 2003. This issue occurs if the following conditions are true:
  • Project Server 2003 SP1 and Project Professional 2003 are installed on the same server.
  • You upgrade the installation of Project Server 2003 on the server to Project Server 2003 SP1 but you do not upgrade the installation of Project Professional 2003 on the server to Project Professional 2003 Service Pack 1 (SP1).
To connect to the server, both Project Server 2003 and Project Professional 2003 must be running the same version of Microsoft Office Project 2003. For example, Project Server 2003 SP1 and Project Professional 2003 SP1 must be installed on the server.

OLAP cube generation may not work correctly if the Project Server Scheduled Process Service service is running on all offloaded servers in a configuration that uses multiple views processing servers

In a configuration of Project Server 2003 that uses the Project Server Views Notification Service service, where the Project Server Views Notification Service service is offloaded to more than one server, only one of the offloaded servers can run the Project Server Scheduled Process Service service. If all offloaded servers are running the Project Server Scheduled Process Service service, OLAP cube generation may not work correctly, and you may experience the following symptoms:
  • An OLAP cube is not built after you specify the update schedule for OLAP cube generation on the "Update resource tables and OLAP cube" page in Microsoft Project Web Access.
  • An event that is similar to the following is logged in the application event log on the computer that is processing the OLAP cube: Source: Microsoft Project Server
    Category: None
    Type: Error
    Event ID: 2
    User: NT Authority\Local Service

    The description for Event ID ( 2 ) in Source ( Microsoft Project Server Tracing Eventlog Provider ) cannot be found. The local computer may not have the necessary registry information or message DLL files to display messages from a remote computer. You may be able to use the /AUXSOURCE= flag to retrieve this description; see Help and Support for details. The following information is part of the event:
    Component: MSP Resource Availability Refresh and OLAP Cube Creation
    Component (ProjOLAP)
    File: PROJOLAPProcess
    Line: 1
    Description: <Description><![CDATA[DSO.Server.Connect failed with error message 'Cannot connect to the Analysis server on computer 'psapps'.
    Connection to the server is lost' Error Number : '-2147221387]]>

Installation details

Obtain and install the service pack

You can find the following information at the Microsoft Download Center:
  • Project Server 2003 SP1
  • Installation instructions for Project Server 2003 SP1
  • Deployment strategies for Project Server 2003 SP1
To download this service pack from the Microsoft Download Center, visit the following Microsoft Web site:

Determine whether the service pack is installed

The ProjectServer2003-KB837241-FullFile-ENU.msp file contains updated versions of the following files:
File name      Version
   Atlconv.dll     11.1.2004.1707
   Owc11.exe       11.0.6362.0
   Pcsviews.dll    11.2004.0.1707
   Pds.dll         11.2004.0.1707
   Pj11od11.dll    11.1.2004.1707
   Pj11tm11.dll    11.1.2004.1707
   Pjbusobj.dll    11.1.2004.1707
   Pjintl.dll      11.1.2004.1707
   Pjintlc.dll     11.1.2004.1707
   Pjintlw.dll     11.1.2004.1707
   Pjmsghlr.dll    11.1.2004.1707
   Pjnpe.dll       11.1.2004.1707
   Pjoledb.dll     11.1.2004.1707
   Pjsvrsecurity.dll 11.2004.0.1707
   Pjsvrsec.dll    11.1.2004.1707
   Pjsvrutl.dll    11.1.2004.1707

You do not have to install this service pack if you have a later version of the files that are listed in the tables.

To determine the version and the build number of Project Server 2003 that is installed on the server, log on to Microsoft Project Web Access, and then position the pointer over Help. The build number of Project Server 2003 is displayed in the ScreenTip that appears.

For more information how to determine the version of an Office 2003 product that is installed on your computer, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

821549 How to check the version of Office 2003 products

Note The ProjectServer2003-KB837241-SQLFile-ENU.msp file contains the following files:

Information for administrators about .msp files

The service pack is made up of a full-file Microsoft Windows Installer patch file (.msp file) that is packaged in an executable file. The .msp files that are listed in the following table are distributed in this service pack:

Name of .msp fileDescription
ProjectServer2003-KB837241-FullFile-Language.msp Applies to Project Server 2003
ProjectServer2003-KB837241-SQLFile-Language.msp Applies to Microsoft SQL Server 2000
ProjectServer2003-KB837241-WSSFile-Language.msp Applies to Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services

Note In the table, Language is the three-letter language abbreviation for your language version of Project Server 2003.

Project Server 2003 Service Pack 1 for Multilingual User Interface Pack details

The Project Server 2003 Service Pack 1 for Multilingual User Interface Pack provides the latest updates to the Microsoft Office Project Server 2003 Multilingual User Interface Pack. The Project Server 2003 Service Pack 1 for Multilingual User Interface Pack makes sure that Project Server 2003 performs with complete functionality when you use a Project Server 2003 Multilingual User Interface Pack.

For additional information, visit the following Microsoft Web site:

Error signature details

You may receive an error message that is similar to the following when you use Project Server 2003 SP1:
Microsoft Project Server 2003 has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience. To see what data this error report contains, click here.
When you view the data in the error report, the report contains an error signature that is similar to one of the following error signatures. These error signatures are fixed by the service pack.
 Application name  Application version  Module name  Module version  Offset
Vwnotify.exe      11.0.2003.816        Msvbvm60.dll       000250e3
Pjschsvc.exe      11.0.2003.816        Pjnpe.dll    11.0.2003.816   00004fb9
Additionally, other program versions, module versions, and offsets are possible.

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:9/7/2005
Keywords:kbmui kbservicepack ATdownload kbDownload kbfix kbUpdate KB837241 kbAudEndUser kbAudITPRO