Information about TechNet and how to subscribe (833631)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Customer Service and Support Information
  • Microsoft TechNet


Microsoft TechNet is a resource that helps IT professionals navigate the complex world of information technology by using Microsoft products and technologies. Microsoft strives to give you the resources, the information, and the support that you must have to stay on top of the ever-changing landscape of information technology. Microsoft helps you do so by providing a subscription to a monthly CD-ROM, invitations to local events, and the information that is available on the following Microsoft Web site: A one-year subscription to TechNet delivers the most current information about how to evaluate, how to deploy, and how to support all the Microsoft business products. It is the single best investment that you can make, regardless of whether you are making high level decisions about technology, deploying new systems, or supporting systems on a daily basis.

For details about what is included in the current month's subscription, visit the following Microsoft Web site: You can subscribe online, by phone, or by purchase order form. To subscribe to TechNet or for more information about how to do so, visit the following Microsoft Web site:


About the TechNet Web site

If you evaluate, deploy, or support information technology, you have to become a member of TechNet, the Microsoft Web site for IT professionals. TechNet is your single best source of the important information that you must have to make smart decisions to save your organization time, money, and headaches.

If you become a TechNet member, Microsoft sends you the free biweekly TechNet Flash e-mail newsletter. You also receive the following free resources:
  • Technology information and updates
  • Expert insights
  • Access to vital content from the TechNet CD-ROM
To register for TechNet Flash, visit the following TechNet Web site:

About the TechNet subscription

To learn more about TechNet subscriptions, visit the following Microsoft Web site:

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:12/12/2003
Keywords:kbMSCCSearch kbPubTypeKC kbinfo KB833631