BizDesk does not validate the ProductID setting and the VariantID setting (833555)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Commerce Server 2002 SP2


This article describes a problem that occurs when you incorrectly configure the product identifier (ProductID) and the variant identifier (VariantID) when you create a new catalog in Microsoft Commerce Server 2002. You may receive a 0x8898005F scripting error. This article includes a method to resolve the problem.


When you create a new catalog in Microsoft Commerce Server 2000 Business Desk (BizDesk), you cannot see if the product identifier (ProductID) and the variant identifier (VariantID) contain invalid characters or if they have the same value. Because you cannot see if they contain invalid characters or if they have the same value, problems may occur in the Microsoft Commerce Data Warehouse months after you create the catalog. You may receive the following error message:

Script Error:
Number: 0x8898005F
Description: The Product Identifier you specified contains a Variant Property that is being used as a ProductId for this catalog.
Source: Commerce.CatalogManager


The problems may occur if the ProductID property and the VariantID property contain characters that are not valid or if both properties have the same value.


To resolve this problem, do not use the same value for the ProductID property and the VariantID property. For more information, visit the following MSDN Web site: If you have to use the same value for the ProductID property and the VariantID property, follow these steps:
  1. Create a property to use as the VariantID for the new catalog in BizDesk.

    Note If the datatype of the property is string, make sure that its maxlength is less than or equal to 256. By default, BizDesk creates a property that has a maxlength of 4000. Those properties cannot be used as a VariantID for the catalog.
  2. To change the VariantID for the catalog, run the following script in the catalog database to create the ctlg_ChangeCatalogVariantId procedure. To do this, follow these steps:
    1. Open Microsoft SQL Query Analyzer.
    2. Connect to the computer that is running SQL Server.
    3. In the Current Database list, click the database that contains the catalog (BlankSite_Commerce, for example).
    4. Copy and paste the following code, and then click the green arrow on the toolbar to run the code:
      This script changes the VariantID for the catalog to the specified VariantID property.
      Input Parameters:
      	@CatalogName is the catalog name.
      	@VariantIdProperty is the new VariantID property.
      This script performs the following validations:
      1. The input parameters cannot be blank.
      2. The specified catalog should exist in the catalog system.
      3. The specified variantid property should not be the same as the current ProductID property or the VariantID properties.
      4. The specified variantid property should exist in the catalog system.
      5. The specified variantid property should not be a multilingual property.
      6. The specified variantid property should not have a datatype that is not valid. If the datatype is a string property, its
      maxlength should be less than or equal to 256.
      7. The specified variantid property does not already exist in the catalog.
      This script performs the following actions:
      1. Updates the CatalogGlobal table. 
      2. Adds the VariantID property as a column to the catalog products table.
      3. Updates the ProductID value and the VariantID value in the catalog products table.
      4. Refreshes all the language specific views in the catalog.
      Return Values
      	0 - The operation succeeded
      	1 - The operation failed
      EXEC ctlg_DropCatalogObjectFromDatabase 'ctlg_ChangeCatalogVariantId'
      CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.ctlg_ChangeCatalogVariantId
      	@CatalogName nvarchar(100),
      	@VariantIdProperty nvarchar(100)
      	DECLARE @VariantIdProperty_tmp nvarchar(100)
      	DECLARE @ProductIdProperty_tmp nvarchar(100)
      	DECLARE @CatalogTableName_tmp sysname
      	DECLARE @CatalogView_tmp sysname
      	DECLARE @Query_tmp nvarchar(4000)
      	DECLARE @Languagesensitive_tmp bit
      	DECLARE @VariantIdDataType_tmp smallint
      	DECLARE @VariantIdMaxLength_tmp int
      	SET @CatalogName = LTRIM(RTRIM(@CatalogName))
      	SET @VariantIdProperty = LTRIM(RTRIM(@VariantIdProperty))
      	IF LEN(@CatalogName) <= 0 OR LEN(@VariantIdProperty) <= 0
      		PRINT 'The @CatalogName and @VariantIdProperty should be specified'
      	SELECT @VariantIdProperty_tmp = VariantId,
      	@ProductIdProperty_tmp = ProductId
      	FROM  dbo.CatalogGlobal
      	Where CatalogName = @CatalogName
      	IF @VariantIdProperty_tmp IS NULL
      		PRINT 'CatalogName does not exist'
      		RETURN 1
      	IF @VariantIdProperty_tmp = @VariantIdProperty
      		PRINT 'Specified VariantId property is the same as the current VariantId property of the catalog'
      		RETURN 1
      	IF @ProductIdProperty_tmp = @VariantIdProperty
      		PRINT 'Specified VariantId property is the same as the current productid property of the catalog'
      		RETURN 1
      	SELECT @Languagesensitive_tmp = LanguageSensitive,
      	@VariantIdDataType_tmp = DataType,
      	@VariantIdMaxLength_tmp = ISNULL(MaxLength, 4000)
      	FROM   dbo.CatalogAttributes
      	WHERE  PropertyName =  @VariantIdProperty
      	IF @@rowcount=0
      		PRINT 'The specified VariantId property does not exist in the catalog system. You must first create the property.'
      		RETURN 1
      	SET @CatalogTableName_tmp = N'dbo.['+@CatalogName+N'_CatalogProducts]'
      	IF EXISTS (Select '*'
      	From syscolumns
      	Where id = object_id(@CatalogTableName_tmp)
      	AND name = @VariantIdProperty)
      		PRINT 'The VariantId property already exists in the catalog. Please choose another property.'
      		RETURN 1
      	IF @Languagesensitive_tmp = 1
      		-- VariantID cannot be language sensitive
      		PRINT 'The VariantId property cannot be language sensitive'
      		RETURN 1
      	IF (@VariantIdDataType_tmp <> 0) 
      	    AND (@VariantIdDataType_tmp <> 1) 
      	    AND (@VariantIdDataType_tmp <> 3)
      	    AND (@VariantIdDataType_tmp <> 5) 
      		-- Invalid  datatype for VariantID
      		PRINT 'The property cannot be used as a Variantid because its data type is not one of int, bigint, string or float. '
      		RETURN 1
      	IF (@VariantIdDataType_tmp = 5 AND @VariantIdMaxLength_tmp > 256)
      		-- Invalid  maxlength for VariantID
      		PRINT 'The property cannot be used as a Variantid because it is a string property and its max length exceeds 256 characters. '
      		RETURN 1
      	-- Update the VariantID column in the CatalogGlobal table.
      	UPDATE dbo.CatalogGlobal 
      	SET VariantId = @VariantIdProperty
      	Where CatalogName = @CatalogName
      	-- Add the VariantID property as a column to the CatalogProducts table.
      	SET @Query_tmp = N'ALTER TABLE '+@CatalogTableName_tmp+N' ADD  ['+@VariantIdProperty+N'] ' 
      	+dbo.GetSQLDataType(@VariantIdDataType_tmp,@VariantIdMaxLength_tmp)+' NULL'
      	EXEC (@Query_tmp)	
      	IF @@error <> 0
      		RETURN 1
      	-- Update the ProductID value and the VariantID value in the CatalogProducts table.
      	SET @Query_tmp  = N' UPDATE '+@CatalogTableName_tmp+N' SET ['+@VariantIdProperty+N'] = VariantId,['
      	+@ProductIdProperty_tmp+N'] = ProductId '
      	EXEC (@Query_tmp)	
      	IF @@error <> 0
      		RETURN 1
      	-- Update all the language views for the catalog because a new column has been added to the CatalogProducts table.
      	DECLARE @CatalogLanguages TABLE
      		language nvarchar(11)
      	INSERT @CatalogLanguages(language)
      	INSERT @CatalogLanguages(language)
      	Select Language
      	From CatalogLanguage
      	Where CatalogName = @CatalogName
      	SET @Query_tmp = N''
      	SELECT @Query_tmp = @Query_tmp+N' EXEC sp_refreshview ['+@CatalogName+N'_'+language+N']'
      	FROM @CatalogLanguages
      	EXEC (@Query_tmp)
      	IF @@error <> 0
      		RETURN 1
      	-- Return success
      	RETURN 0
  3. To run the following code, follow these steps:
    1. Open SQL Query Analyzer.
    2. Connect to the computer that is running SQL Server.
    3. In the Current Database list, click the database that contains the catalog (BlankSite_Commerce, for example).
    4. Copy and paste the following code, and then click the green arrow on the toolbar to run the code:
      DECLARE @CatalogName nvarchar(100)
      DECLARE @VariantIdProperty nvarchar(100)
      DECLARE @ReturnValue smallint
      -- Set the correct values for the two input parameters.
      SET @CatalogName = N' Your catalog name '
      SET @VariantIdProperty = N' The new VariantID property for the catalog '
      -- Execute the procedure as a part of a transaction.
      EXEC @ReturnValue = dbo.ctlg_ChangeCatalogVariantId @CatalogName, @VariantIdProperty
      -- If the operation failed, rollback the transaction.
      IF @ReturnValue <> 0 
      	Print 'The operation failed'
      ELSE -- Commit the transaction.
      	Print 'The operation succeeded'
  4. Run the script in the catalog database.

    If the operation is not successful, SQL Query Analyzer displays the reason for the failure.
  5. Repair any problems that occur.
  6. Rebuild all the virtual catalogs from BizDesk.


Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed in the "Applies to" section.


Steps to reproduce the problem

  1. Unpup the retail site.
  2. Create a new base catalog in BizDesk.
  3. Set the values for the following fields:
    • Name: Test
    • Currency: US Dollar
    • Product unique ID: ISBN
    • Product variant unique ID: ISBN
  4. Click Save, and then click Back.
  5. Click Open.
  6. Click New.
  7. Click Product Definition: Book, and then click OK.
  8. Set the values for the following fields:
    • ISBN: 1234567890
    • Name: My book
  9. Click Save.
Note You may receive the error message that is mentioned in the "Symptoms" section. However, you may not receive the error message if you did not populate the catalog by using BizDesk.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:6/24/2004
Keywords:kbprb KB833555 kbAudDeveloper