Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services Readme Additions (832976)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2000 (all editions)


This article includes additions to the Readme.txt file that is included with Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services.


This article contains the following additions to the Readme.txt file:
  • Windows 2000 SP4 prerequisite
  • Upgrade from Reporting Services Beta 2 on non-English operating systems is not supported
  • PDF rendering extension font requirements
  • Errors in "Walkthrough - Creating a Basic Report" in Reporting Services Books Online
  • Reinstalling Reporting Services after a computer is renamed
  • SecurityException while running scripts with RS.exe

Windows 2000 SP4 prerequisite

If you are installing Reporting Services on a computer running Windows 2000 that does not have Service Pack 4 (SP4) installed, you may receive an error that the operating system is not a server operating system. To avoid this error, ensure that SP4 is installed before running setup.

Upgrade from Reporting Services Beta 2 on non-English operating systems is not supported

Reporting Services Beta 2 was not localized. Consequently, some features may not function correctly if you upgrade from Beta 2 on a non-English operating system. If you have Reporting Services Beta 2 installed on a non-English operating system, uninstall Beta 2 and then perform a full install of Reporting Services.

PDF rendering extension font requirements

When the report server generates a report in PDF format, it uses the information stored in the font referenced by the report to create character mappings within the PDF file. If the referenced font is not installed on the report server, the resulting PDF file may not contain the correct mappings and thus may not display correctly when viewed. In addition, the computer that you use to view the report must also have the correct font installed. If the font is not installed, the report may not display correctly.

Errors in "Walkthrough - Creating a Basic Report" in Reporting Services Books Online

The following items are corrections to the "Walkthrough - Creating a Basic Report" topic in Reporting Services Books Online:
  • In the Define a Query section, the walkthrough assumes the visual design tool, but the default view is the generic query designer. To use the visual design tool, click the Generic Query Designer toggle button in the query toolbar and then proceed with the steps in this section
  • In the Preview the Report step, to view the report in a separate window, follow these steps:
    1. In the Solution Explorer window, right-click the Tutorial project, and then click Properties.
    2. Click Configuration Manager
    3. In the Configuration Manager dialog, in the Active Solution Configuration list, select DebugLocal
    4. Click Close
    5. In the Tutorial Property Pages dialog, in the StartItem list, select Sales Orders.rdl.
    6. Click OK.
    7. Save the report project. On the File menu, click Save All
    8. Preview the report. On the Debug menu, click Start. The report is displayed in a separate preview window.

Reinstalling Reporting Services after a computer is renamed

When you install Reporting Services, a login for the Reporting Services service account is added to the instance of SQL Server that contains the Report Server database. This service account can contain the name of the computer where Reporting Services is installed (for example, MACHINENAME\ASPNET).

When you uninstall Reporting Services, the service account is not removed from SQL Server. If you later change the name of the computer and then reinstall Reporting Services, Setup cannot create a new login for the a service account and cannot activate Reporting Services.

To correct this, remove the Reporting Services service account login (for example MACHINENAME\ASPNET) from SQL Server before reinstalling Reporting Services

SecurityException while running scripts with RS.exe

You may periodically encounter an unhandled SecurityException while running Reporting Services scripts using RS.exe. This exception is caused by an external issue with the .NET Framework 1.1 and only occurs if the script host is configured to use integrated security. If you receive this exception, you do not need to take any action. The error does not affect the behavior of your script, nor does it affect your script's calls to the Reporting Services Web service.

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:8/30/2005
Keywords:kbPubTypeKC kbDocs kbUpdate kbreadme kbOnlineDocs kbinfo kbdocerr KB832976 kbAudDeveloper