"Summarize Software Metering File Usage Data " Task Counts Users Inaccurately (829846)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Systems Management Server 2003


When you use the Summarize Software Metering File Usage Data task in Systems Management Server 2003 (SMS 2003) to track applications that users open and close, the total concurrent users in the Software Metering reports may not be accurate.


This problem occurs when both of the following conditions are true:
  • The Software Metering data collection interval is set too low (15 minutes is the minimum).
  • After the interval is set, users frequently open and close applications while the data collection process is run.


To work around this problem, you must set the data collection interval to a higher value. By default, the data collection schedule for the Software Metering Client Agent is every seven days. As a best practice, do not change this default setting in your production environment. If you configure data collection for a shorter time period, you can reduce the accuracy of software metering reporting. Also, setting this interval for a shorter time period reduces the SMS 2003 site server's ability to process data for many clients.


File usage summary data contains information about the total number of distinct users for a particular software program during a specified time interval in an SMS 2003 site. This summary data is an approximation of the total number of concurrent users for the particular program being monitored. The shorter you set the recurrence interval for the data collection schedule, the less accurate this number is in approximating the number of concurrent users.

The Summarize Software Metering File Usage Data task condenses software metering file usage data from multiple records into one general record. This record provides information about the program name, version, language, and number of distinct users over intervals of 15 minutes and one hour. By default, the Summarize Software Metering File Usage Data task runs daily. For every one-hour interval and for every 15-minute interval within the hour, the task calculates the total number of distinct user and computer combinations that run the matching program. In the 15-minute intervals, this approximates the number of concurrent users.
The following examples show how concurrent users are approximated:
  • If the same user uses a software program and is logged on to three different computers at the same time, this counts as three usages.
  • If three users are logged on to a computer that is running Microsoft Windows Terminal Services and all three users are running the same software program, this counts as three usages.
  • If the same user starts and stops the software program on the same computer three separate times during the hour, this counts as one usage for that user.


This behavior is by design.

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:6/13/2005
Keywords:kbprb KB829846 kbAudITPRO