FIX: The CxPort Thread May Use Extreme CPU Cycles and May Affect Other Programs (829607)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Windows CE .NET 4.2


It is not unusual that devices do not perform network communication for a long time. However, after the device resumes network communication, Microsoft Windows CE network drivers use extreme CPU cycles, and the performance of other drivers and programs is decreased.

Diagnostics on the performance of the operating system show that a thread in CxPort is using the extreme CPU cycles.


While network communication is inactive, a timer that controls network tasks is turned off. When network communication starts again, the timer is turned on. However, a counter variable that is used to process the task is not correctly reset, and the counter variable incorrectly counts each millisecond that the timer was turned off.

The thread that performs the tasks is in the CxPort module and typically runs at priority level 132 (this level is higher than most other system thread levels). The thread does not yield. Therefore, the Windows CE scheduler continues to run the thread until the loop terminates.


Hotfix Information

A supported software update is now available from Microsoft as Windows CE 4.2 Core OS QFE 829607. To resolve this problem immediately, click the following article number for information about obtaining Windows CE Platform Builder and core operating system software updates:

837392 How to locate core operating system fixes for Microsoft Windows CE Platform Builder products


This fix is supported only when all previously issued fixes for this product have also been installed.

Restart Requirement

After you install this update, you must perform a clean build of the whole platform. On the Build menu, click Clean. On the Build menu, click Build Platform.

Hotfix Replacement Information

This hotfix does not replace any other hotfixes.

File Information

The English version of this package has the file attributes (or later) that are listed in the following table.
   Date         Time   Version   Size    File name

   09-Oct-2003  19:03  4.21    1,239,680  Wincepb42-031009-kb829607-armv4.exe  
   09-Oct-2003  19:03  4.21    1,239,680  Wincepb42-031009-kb829607-armv4i.exe
   09-Oct-2003  19:03  4.21    1,268,352  Wincepb42-031009-kb829607-mipsii.exe
   09-Oct-2003  19:03  4.21    1,268,352  Wincepb42-031009-kb829607-mipsii_fp.exe
   09-Oct-2003  19:03  4.21    1,280,640  Wincepb42-031009-kb829607-mipsiv.exe
   09-Oct-2003  19:04  4.21    1,280,640  Wincepb42-031009-kb829607-mipsiv_fp.exe
   09-Oct-2003  19:03  4.21    1,198,720  Wincepb42-031009-kb829607-sh3.exe
   09-Oct-2003  19:03  4.21    1,194,624  Wincepb42-031009-kb829607-sh4.exe
   09-Oct-2003  19:03  4.21    1,145,472  Wincepb42-031009-kb829607-x86.exe
The English version of this hotfix has the file attributes (or later) that are listed in the following table. The dates and times for these files are listed in coordinated universal time (UTC). When you view the file information, it is converted to local time. To find the difference between UTC and local time, use the Time Zone tab in the Date and Time tool in Control Panel.
   Date         Time                      Size    File name

   Path: Public\Common\Oak\Lib\Armv4\Debug
   03-Oct-2003  18:08                  1,090,572  Tcp.lib
   03-Oct-2003  18:08                    143,360  Tcp.pdb

   Path: Public\Common\Oak\Lib\Armv4\Retail
   03-Oct-2003  18:08                    803,918  Tcp.lib
   03-Oct-2003  18:08                    143,360  Tcp.pdb

   Path: Public\Common\Oak\Lib\Armv4i\Debug
   03-Oct-2003  18:08                  1,091,876  Tcp.lib
   03-Oct-2003  18:08                    143,360  Tcp.pdb

   Path: Public\Common\Oak\Lib\Armv4i\Retail
   03-Oct-2003  18:08                    805,690  Tcp.lib
   03-Oct-2003  18:08                    143,360  Tcp.pdb

   Path: Public\Common\Oak\Lib\Mipsii\Debug
   03-Oct-2003  18:09                  1,123,160  Tcp.lib
   03-Oct-2003  18:09                    143,360  Tcp.pdb

   Path: Public\Common\Oak\Lib\Mipsii\Retail
   03-Oct-2003  18:09                    810,770  Tcp.lib
   03-Oct-2003  18:09                    143,360  Tcp.pdb

   Path: Public\Common\Oak\Lib\Mipsii_fp\Debug
   03-Oct-2003  18:09                  1,123,340  Tcp.lib
   03-Oct-2003  18:09                    143,360  Tcp.pdb

   Path: Public\Common\Oak\Lib\Mipsii_fp\Retail
   03-Oct-2003  18:09                    810,876  Tcp.lib
   03-Oct-2003  18:09                    143,360  Tcp.pdb

   Path: Public\Common\Oak\Lib\Mipsiv\Debug
   03-Oct-2003  18:09                  1,135,128  Tcp.lib
   03-Oct-2003  18:09                    143,360  Tcp.pdb

   Path: Public\Common\Oak\Lib\Mipsiv\Retail
   03-Oct-2003  18:09                    815,810  Tcp.lib
   03-Oct-2003  18:09                    143,360  Tcp.pdb

   Path: Public\Common\Oak\Lib\Mipsiv_fp\Debug
   03-Oct-2003  18:10                  1,135,308  Tcp.lib
   03-Oct-2003  18:10                    143,360  Tcp.pdb

   Path: Public\Common\Oak\Lib\Mipsiv_fp\Retail
   03-Oct-2003  18:10                    815,914  Tcp.lib
   03-Oct-2003  18:10                    143,360  Tcp.pdb

   Path: Public\Common\Oak\Lib\Sh3\Debug
   03-Oct-2003  18:10                    942,170  Tcp.lib
   03-Oct-2003  18:10                    143,360  Tcp.pdb

   Path: Public\Common\Oak\Lib\Sh3\Retail
   03-Oct-2003  18:10                    735,416  Tcp.lib
   03-Oct-2003  18:10                    143,360  Tcp.pdb

   Path: Public\Common\Oak\Lib\Sh4\Debug
   03-Oct-2003  18:11                    941,724  Tcp.lib
   03-Oct-2003  18:11                    143,360  Tcp.pdb

   Path: Public\Common\Oak\Lib\Sh4\Retail
   03-Oct-2003  18:10                    732,798  Tcp.lib
   03-Oct-2003  18:10                    143,360  Tcp.pdb

   Path: Public\Common\Oak\Lib\X86\Debug
   03-Oct-2003  18:08                    934,766  Tcp.lib
   03-Oct-2003  18:08                    143,360  Tcp.pdb

   Path: Public\Common\Oak\Lib\X86\Retail
   03-Oct-2003  18:07                    697,548  Tcp.lib
   03-Oct-2003  18:07                    135,168  Tcp.pdb


Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed in the "Applies to" section of this article.

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:5/27/2005
Keywords:kbBug kbfix kbQFE KB829607 kbAudOEM